Me: My will to do this has literally been destroyed...

Plot: Whut?

Me: Mum yelled at me for slacking off...and I wasn't! I was checking to see if the Internet worked!

Plot: But you were slacking off then.

Me: D:

Plot: Cheer up! The peoples wanna read a Disgaea story, not a life story!

Me: Ok. Hopefully, this will be better than my Disgaea oneshot...anyway, Disgaea belongs to Nippon Ichi, not me!

"It's Halloweeeeen!" Keanna said excitedly. Being a sugar addict at birth, of course she would go crazy at Halloween! In fact, what kid wouldn't?

"Calm down. You might trip on your cape if you do..." Plot reminded her. This was the first time that they were able to dress up as something other than princesses, so she did not want to screw it up.

"Relaaaax, FeeFee! Teh awesomeness of the vampires shall give me luck!" Keanna replied.

Plot grumbled a bit about her using that 'humiliating nickname' before going upstairs to change into her werewolf costume.

Me: 0.0 Wow that was case if you were stupid enough not to notice, Keanna's a vampire. Plot is a werewolf.

Plot: Lies. This is not finished yet.

Me: Crud, caught!

"Wow, a full moon. Now what's the chance of that happening?" Keanna said. The said moon was unusually bright, easily illuminating the many kids in their costumes.

"That's funny; I never knew that there were so many kids in our neighborhood..." Plot said.

"Never mind that, let's get some CANDY!" Keanna exclaimed.

The twosome decided on that they should go down the long path first, cause there was one house at the end that gave you some HUGE candy bars. It was sort of like a reward for going that far.

"Let's do this!" Keanna proclaimed, pointing her finger up in the air for dramatic effect.

One GIGANTIC candy bar later...

"Phew!" Plot said. By the end of the night, they had absolutely stuffed their bags with candy. Keanna was going crazy from the sugar, so she decided that it was best to get home before she exploded with sugary happiness.

That is, they were, but some kids dressed as zombies blocked the path to Keanna's house.

"Um….hello? Trying to get to our house before we suffer from the weight of our bags?" Keanna stated.

Plot noted how realistic their costumes were. If she found out their secret, then they would win any costume contest for sure…

"AHH THOSE ARE NOT KIDS!" Keanna suddenly screamed.

"Hmhmhm…we do not know how you figured us out….be we still must kill you regardless…orders from the master…." One of the kids (zombies?) said as they got into a battle position.

"Keanna…what should we do? We're unarmed…" Plot whispered.

"Idk…uh….OOH WHAT'S THAT SHINY THING?" Keanna suddenly shouted. Plot was about to slap her when noticed it too. Maybe it was a hole….no, a portal!

"Quick! Into….wherever this goes!" Plot proclaimed. "Yeah! Maybe we can find some huge-ass swords there!" Keanna said excitedly.

The dodged the zombies' attacks with astounding agility, and dove into the portal.

Me: There. Done. Happy?

Plot: Very.

Me: Oh, and if you're wondering anything, here are Plot's and Keanna's profiles:

Name: Keanna

Gender: Female

Race: Human (?)

Class: If I told you, there would be spoilers.

Weapon (s): Sword, Staff

Personality: The silly one of the pair, Keanna almost never has any worries or cares. Often this has gotten her and Plot into big trouble, but even so she acts as if it was nothing. However, she does have a serious, more intelligent side, but it doesn't really come out at a time of need. She also enjoys playing matchmaker, and has a knack for knowing who likes who.

Name: Plot

Gender: Female

Race: Human (?)

Class: Once again, if I told you, there will be SPOILERS!

Weapon (s): Fist, Axe

Personality: The more serious one of the pair, Plot is usually the one who does the planning. However, she is quite used to Keanna's personality, taking the obstacle as a challenge. She can be somewhat self-centered at first, but once you get to know her, she can be friendly. Sort of.

Other: Keanna likes to call her Feefee to tease her.

Supposed Crush: Fenrich

Me: Wow, creating those were surprisingly easy.

Plot: Forgeting something?

Me: Oh yeah! Since I love letting other people feel involved with the story, I'll accept some OCs..just remember, DON'T MAKE THEM TOO POWERFUL. And please give me a variety of OCs. Here's the format-



Race: (Angel, Demon, or Human.)

Class: (ex. Dragon, Medic, etc. Also, note if your character is a monster or a humanoid.)

Weapon (s): (What your character wields, or what your character can Magicchange into.)

Personality: (please be specific)

Other: (Does your character have any special traits or names?)

Me: If you have any question, PM me.

Plot: And that's it.

Me: Please review! I'll give you a cookie…maybe.