Victoria walked through the streets of Chicago now, her left arm laden down by bags of clothes, a few new types of perfume and a beautiful sapphire necklace that was from London.

She walked into the hair salon now, smiling at the young man sweeping up the hair walked forwards, setting the broom aside and smiled. "Miss Victoria! How lovely to see you again."

"Thank you Travis. Just a little trim on the ends please." She smiled, handing him the bags that he put safely away, then asked as she sat down in the salon chair. "Did you find your hybrid?"

Victoria chuckled at that, looking in the mirror at the sandy haired man. He had been compelled not to tell anyone in anyway her secrets. "Indeed I did." She told him, and Travis smiled. "That's good. Was he what you expected?"

She pouted now as Travis undid the pin curls on her head, then sighed. "He was... different."

"Did you like him?"

"I suppose I did. After all... he is the only other hybrid in the world. And I've been looking for a thousand years." Victoria closed her eyes now, feeling him brush through her golden hair. She sighed, then continued.

"I suppose I was expecting... something more. I've no idea why, but I guess I just get lonely. It can be so very... dreary being the only one of your kind."

"Indeed it can."

Victoria opened her eyes now, then glanced into the mirror, chuckling when she was faced with the hybrid brushing her hair instead. She chuckled, closing her eyes once more. "Hello Nik."

There was a chuckle from him now, and he just said curiously. "So you are a thousand years old?"

"And looking good, don't you think so?" Victoria smirked, hearing a chuckle, but he just said. "Where were you born? What year?"

"Oh, sometime in the eleventh century. Definitely way before the Battle of Hastings anyway. 1066 if my history is correct."

"You are correct." Klaus just said, and Victoria opened her eyes, watching him part her hair the way she usually had, then step aside as Travis walked back up, silent as he started on her ends.

Klaus was silent, then just told her. "I was born then too. Relatively near to yours too... It wasn't Eastern Europe, next to Germania was it?"

Victoria frowned, then raised her hand, stopping Travis who backed off ass he turned around, frowning. "Yes."

The pair were silent, then Klaus shook his head. "I never encountered you before. How were you made?"

Victoria scoffed, then just smirked. "Made? Well... to be honest, it's all a little hazy. I don't even know."

"Hazy?" Klaus laughed, then walked behind her, putting his hands on her shoulders. "You don't know much, do you?"

Victoria chuckled quietly, then in a flash, had him pinned against the wall by his throat, a smirk on her face once more. "To be honest... I don't care that you're another hybrid. But... it looks like our strength and ages match. So-" she leaned forwards and said softly into his ear. "Don't get on my bad side sweetie."

She let him go now, sitting back down on the chair while he stood there in silence, then Victoria just said as Travis started on her hair. "So you know of no more hybrids?"

Klaus was silent for a moment longer, then shook his head. "No. I thought I was the only one."

"Likewise." Victoria told him, staring at his reflection. Klaus sighed, then walked forwards, picking up the hair curler, running a finger along its silver surface, and just said. "I'm cursed Victoria."

She was silent, then Klaus added, breaking the silence. "My werewolf side was made dormant."

Victoria met his eyes now, then just said quietly. "I'm sorry."

He nodded a little, then Victoria looked away, staring at her own reflection for a moment, then Travis smiled. "All done."

"Thank you." Victoria smiled, getting up and raising a hand to her curled back hair. Lovely. She got her bag now and opened it, pulling out her money, but a hand stopped her now, then-

"Let me."

Victoria scoffed, staring at Klaus as he paid, then just picked up her bags, heading out... Klaus following.

"Stop following me!"

She turned to him now, raising a hand and stopping him dead by pushing against his chest. He did so, but snorted. "Why? You must be as curious as I am to meet another hybrid. And one from my own year."

Victoria scoffed, shaking her head. But now she groaned and nodded. "Yes I am. But... you are such a dick."

"And you're a bitch." He smirked, and she stepped forwards, cocking her head. "And you love it." Victoria smirked, leaning forwards, but before their lips met, she turned away and walked off back up the street, smirking after her-

What an intriguing, beautiful hybrid she was too.

Later that night, Victoria returned to the bar to do her evening singing, humming as she got dressed for it. When she was putting her earrings in, she heard footsteps and chuckled.

"Hello Rebekah."

The blonde headed Original walked forwards now from behind the door, arms folded. "Hello Victoria."

"What can I do for you?" Victoria asked, putting her other earring in, standing up while the other woman growled. "Another hybrid? I don't believe it."

"Want me to bite you again?" Victoria asked matter-of-factly, and Rebekah was silent, making the hybrid herself chuckle. "That's what I thought. Relax- Niklaus... intrigues me. He's the only one I have ever met. Can you blame him for being as interested as me?"

Rebekah watched her walk out now with a low growl in her throat-

Niklaus was falling head over heels for her... all because she was the same kind as him.

Something was going to happen. She didn't trust this female hybrid one bit.

Just who had created her-?

When Victoria had finished her evening singing, Gloria accosted her, pulling her aside.

"You could have mentioned the fact you were a hybrid when I hired you!" She said grumpily, and Victoria chuckled. "I have no intention on harming you if you don't harm me first."

Gloria sighed, then nodded to the door. "How did Niklaus take the news?"

Victoria scoffed at that, then sat down on the behind the bar stool. "He keeps following me around like a lost puppy. It's becoming quite annoying."

The witch snorted at that, then just said. "Well... he did think himself the only one of his kind for a thousand years. Surely you're intrigued as well? "

With a scoff, the hybrid got up, walking over to the door and peering through the crack at the other one, sighing. "I'm very intrigued... but also weary. He's an Original."

"And you are apparently a thousand years old? Your strengths match." Gloria just said, then groaned. "Two hybrids... one not cursed, one cursed... what is nature doing?"

Now that got Victoria's attention as she remembered Niklaus' words about his werewolf side being made dormant. Gloria nodded, guessing what she was thinking. "Yes. He's not a true hybrid at the moment."

"But I am." Victoria replied in a hard voice, and Gloria sighed. "You are."

The hybrid chuckled, then frowned. "Why did his werewolf side get pushed into dormancy-?"

"The witches." Gloria explained. "What you are at this very moment is... well, you are immortal. You've no weaknesses."

"But a witch could still kill me." Victoria said in a low growl, staring at the one in front of her. Gloria realized now as the girl before hers eyes flashed an angry dark yellow, hastily saying.

"I won't touch you. I swear."

Victoria stared, then nodded, saying curtly. "Good. I don't want to threaten you... but if anything out of the ordinary happens, I'll burn down this place with everyone still in it."

Gloria knew she was being deadly serious and did all she could do- nod. The hybrid left now, and Gloria sighed, closing her eyes a little.

This girl was dangerous... as dangerous as Niklaus.

Klaus' eyes were sweeping the speakeasy for the other hybrid now, hoping she hadn't left. That curiousity had gotten the better of her, and she'd stayed.

He was in luck as he spotted her down on the dancefloor with a young man leading her around it, dancing together. Klaus got up now, and Rebekahs head snapped up, then looked over to the dancefloor, rolling her eyes when she saw the honey blonde head that meant it was the other hybrid.

She shook her head a little as her brother walked down-

He was going to end up getting his head knocked off if he carried on like this.

Victoria could tell he was coming, and smirked as he did, suddenly turning with the young man, elbowing him in the chest, knocking the wind out of him.

"Clumsy hybrid." She smirked as he rubbed his chest, then he scowled, stepping forwards and grabbed the man she was with, throwing his aside so he could take up the vacant dance position.

"You just threw my dance partner away." She said accusingly as he started up the dancing. Klaus nodded. "Indeed I did. Now... what do you spend a thousand years doing?"

Victoria looked thoughtful for a moment, then just said the truth. "Looking for another hybrid."

"Well you found one." He smirked, leaning forwards, their lips brushing when Victoria smirked, pushing him hard backwards, making him smash loudly into the bar, the people screaming, jumping out the way as he raised a hand, rubbing the back of his head. Victoria felt a rush of anger shoot through her now- arrogant bastard.

She stalked over now, picking him up by the front of his suit and slamming him down onto the bar, hissing, noses nearly touching. "Try that again I dare you."

Klaus felt his heart hammering harder than it had in years, staring into the other hybrids eyes... and they were a furious. beautiful gold. Her fangs were bared, and she just asked in a dark voice. "Now I want an apology."

He was silent, and she slammed him into the wood harder, making him snap. "Sorry!"

"Good. Get some manners hybrid. You're not the only one anymore." Victoria smirked, kissing his cheek.

"Ok, break it up here now!"

Victoria looked up now as Gloria stormed over, eyes blazing. "Victoria, off him now. Klaus... you should know better."

She didn't budge.

"Victoria. Now."

The girl let him go now, turning around and making the watching crowd part as she walked forwards, almost scared of what she might do if she spotted them staring.

Rebekah walked down the stairs now, done watching from the top of them. She walked over to Klaus who was still lying on the top of the wooden bar, heart still racing.

"I told you so." She said smugly, grabbing his hand and pulling him up into a sitting position. Gloria was silent, then looked to the still staring crowd and hissed.

"Shows over! Leave now, or get busy."

The music started up once more, and they hastily dispersed back to their tables or the dancefloor.

Klaus got to his feet now, walking back to the booth they had vacated, eyes scanning the crowd once more... but she was gone.

Why the hell had she flipped out so very badly when he'd tried to kiss her-?

Outside, Victoria had her forehead against the wall, tears streaming down her face as she fought against the urge to lose her temper once more.

Every single bloody time... Why couldn't she at least try and force herself to try and love someone-? Why did she have to go so mad everytime a man went to kiss her-?

She sighed now, sitting down, back of her head against the wall as she stared at the crescent moon above her.


There was silence now, then she scoffed. "Come to get your ass kicked again?"

The footsteps grew closer now, and the figure walked forwards, stopping before her. Victoria looked up now, tears still slowly but surely rolling down her face. "What now?"

Klaus sighed, then sat down next to her, raising a hand and running it through his head. "I've pissed you off, haven't I?"

Victoria was silent, then chuckled. "Mmhmm."

He nodded, then sighed, staring at the moon too. "It's just... I've never met another hybrid. To be honest... I really don't know what to say to you."

Victoria looked to him now, then nodded. "Me too. Can I even trust you?"

Klaus was silent, then said, never lying one bit. "Yes you can." This was another hybrid. A full blooded, uncursed one. She could make more if she wanted to... if she knew that of course. She could do what he couldn't...

What if they could work together-?

Victoria was quiet, then chuckled a little. "We started out- I mean, we didn't... urgh." The words escaped her, and Klaus nodded. "We didn't have a good first meeting kind of thing?"

"Mmhmm. Why don't we have a clean slate? Forget that we're both hybrids for now?" Victoria suggested, looking to him. Klaus paused, thinking about it for a second... then nodded. "That sounds good to me."

She smiled now, holding out her hand. "I'm Victoria."

Klaus chuckled, then took it. "Niklaus."

Maybe they could at least try to be friends before tackling that hybrid 'problem' again.

And the next:) thanks for the lovely comments! I'm glad you like it^_^ anyway- Klaus getting his ass kicked. Now that is something that would be epic to see:') next up soon enough!

Please be nice and review!
