AN: So, I guess I gotta a lot of explaining to do. To be honest, I kinda gave up with this story for a good long time. I didn't see where I could go with it after what I had done already and I just….gave up. So to all the readers who favorite this, followed this story, I am SO sorry I disappointed you like that. But recently I went back and read this story and, I had wanted to finish it. So after reading chapter 7 that I had published I had an idea on doing this next chapter in Jin's POV (though still third person) I hope I didn't do too bad and let me know what you think. I still don't know if I will finish this but I have high hopes that I will. Also, in my last chapter I used google translate for Xian to call Purna darling, at the time Qīn'ài de came up, now its something else, so for any one who speaks chinese or knows the actual word, please let me know so I dont insult anyone.

Disclaimer: I do not own Dead Island.

Chapter 8

The excursion into the city of Moresby was a success. Purna, Xian, Jin and Logan, along with the survivors of several holed settlements had ransacked multiple homes for food and water supplies. They returned to Banoi resort hotel in high spirits.

Jin was helping the survivors unload more food and water when out of the corner of her eye she saw Xian and Purna. Purna was standing really close to the Chinese woman, lips attached to the woman's neck. Xian, for her part, was smiling with her arms around the taller woman, running her hands through the thick mane of black hair. Even from here, Jin could see the red glow behind Purna's black eye patch. What did Xian tell her? That was Dark Purna? What did that all mean? Was the virus, circling Purna's system, really a good thing? It turned almost everyone into flesh eating zombies. But not Purna. She was something more than human now. But was that a good thing? Or was Purna just a time bomb ready to blow at a moments notice? Jin tried not to think about it. She liked Purna. The woman was nice to her, protected her and everyone else.

Purna looked up and caught Jin staring at her and Xian. She grinned and threw her a wink, or was that a blink? Before kissing Xian one more time. The two women left then, helping with supplies and Jin could only blush at being caught staring at such an intimate moment.

Jin stood in awe at the penthouse suite. It was massive and luxurious. Completely untouched by the zombie infestation, except for a smashed in window with dried blood around it. Jin looked at it curiosity. Why was everything else untouched but that window? She was here with Purna, Xian, Logan and a man named John Sinamoi. At first was a little scary looking but he turned out to be a nice guy. She sat next to Xian as the four others conversed. "The venture was a success then?" Asked Sinamoi.

"You got it. Saved a lot of people, more than I thought we would. Lots of food and water to go around." Purna replied. Jin couldn't help but giggle at her cocky attitude, accented by her dirty boot covered feet propped up on the table. She was lounged back, completely at ease.

She decided to throw in her two cents. "Yeah, Purna was amazing! She kept everyone safe to and from each place. Its like nothing scares her." Jin exclaimed with stars in her eyes as she gazed at Purna.

The bodyguard shifted in embarrassment but couldn't help but grin at her new friend. "Its not like i did everything though. Tone down the hero worship, kiddo. Gonna give my ego a serious stroking."

Jin blushed as the group laughed at her, with no real malice. As the group talked about what they were going to do now, Jin couldn't help but look at the window again. Curious, she leaned over and whispered to Xian, who just listening to the three others converse. "Hey, Xian?"

The asian woman leaned over to listen. "Yes, Jin?"

"What happened to the window? Everything else is left untouched but that." Jin pointed at the window and Xian followed her line of sight and saw the window Purna had kicked Sam B. out of.

Xian bit the inside of her cheek, wondering if she should answer. She looked at Purna, all smiles and that dim red glow. Sometimes Xian was concerned that Purna's new rage would be harmful to the group. But so far everything seemed fine. With a small smile she stood up and took Jin's hand, announcing to the group. "You seem to have everything in hand. Jin and I are going to get something to eat."

The group nodded at the two as they left and went back to talking. Xian led the girl to the elevator and it descended to the main floor. Thanks to her short job here she easily knew her way around. They arrived at the dining hall, other survivors were there, eating as well. The hotel was beginning to look normal again, as if zombies didn't run rampant on the island.

Jin and Xian sat at table away from prying ears. Jin was confused. While she didn't mind eating, she didn't understand why they had to leave. "Xian?"

Xian sighed. "Remember what I told you? About Purna's red glow?" Jin nodded. Xian gathered her thoughts and began. "I...first want to say that, Purna is a kind woman. You know that right?" Again another nod. "There was a man with our little group, named Sam. He was arrogant, angry and confrontational. Not to mention calling me a few choice names that Purna was not happy with."

Jin felt the hairs on the back her neck raise in a chill as Xian described what had happened. "Purna snapped, she was on him before anyone could blink, and I mean that literally. She next to me one second, then the next she was on him. She...crushed him. He couldn't even put up a fight. She threw him at the window and it almost shattered. Then she...kicked him through it. He fell...all the way to the ground floor."

Jin felt sick. Did Purna really do that? It wasn't like Xian to lie so she had to have done it. She could understand getting angry at being called names but being driven to murder? Even if it was to protect someone it was still wrong...right?

Xian notices the change in Jin and laid a comforting hand over the girls. She smiled reassuringly. "I don't like what she did, but I know she didn't do it without reason. It was the first time Sam almost got is killed because of his arrogance. She told him, she would destroy anyway who was a threat to those she loved. In that particular case, it was me. Jin, Purna isn't monster. Please, I told you this so you could see what shes capable of and the lengths she will go to keep you safe. Trust in her, sweetie."

How Jin wished Purna was with her now, so she could be protected and safe again. She shied away from the group of looters and thugs in the police station. They hadn't done anything to her, yet, when she came to them offering food and shelter at the hotel.

These people had sent out a fake distress call on the radio for help and Jin foolishly went, wanting to be like Purna and help people in need. Instead they took all that she had brought and kidnapped her. So here she was, scared out of her mind and alone. "Purna...Xian...please help." She whispered to the air, tears streaming down her face as she hugged her legs to her chest.

She snapped her head up at approaching footsteps. It several of the men in the group. They hard cold grins on their faces and Jin felt her heart drop into her stomach. She didn't like the look. "Thanks for the food and water, girl. But I've been wondering. What else can you do for us?" Said the man closest to her. "It was then I noticed. You got a nice body, girl. You wouldn't mind sharing that with everyone would you?" He asked with malicious grin. He reached for her and she knew she was in for a world of pain.

Purna was enraged beyond anything she had felt before. It was powerful and primal in its intensity. She blazed through the police station of Moresby, killing without mercy. Screaming her rage at these humans. Humans! That would dare act like the monster she now slaughtered daily. They were filth and she would rid the world of these scum.

She burst into another room, the door flying off its hinges and colliding with a human monster on the other side shattering his body. The group, or Raskol's gang, in the room snapped their attention to the new occupant, a demon, they surmised in fear. Purna stood in her bodyguard armor glaring with such ferocity that they all instinctively stepped back from the apex killer. Xian strode in right behind the simmering woman and calmly placed a hand on her shoulder. "Keep them there, my bodyguard. Let me find Jin first." She ordered.

"Find her quick, Xian. I need to kill." The group shivered at the voice that came from the woman's mouth. It wasn't just one distinct voice. It was two and they sub vocalized, as if two different people were speaking at the same time.

Xian nodded, for once not caring that these men, these monsters, were going to die. Instead she addressed them coldly. "Where is the girl you took. Her name is Jin and I know she is here." She lifted her sword. "Tell me and I kill you quickly and painlessly. Do not and...well." She tilted her head to her enraged lover. "She kills you slowly and painfully. Believe me, I recommend my way out."

None of them answered, to afraid to do anything but stand there. But it didn't matter, Jin called out from the back as she bolted from her hiding place. Her clothes were in tatters and their bruises on her face, tears in her eyes. "Xian!" She cried. None of the gang stopped her, rooted in fear under Purna's demonic glare.

Xian caught the distraught girl and embraced her, like a mother reunited with a daughter. "Jin, are you okay, sweetie?"

Jin shook her head, crying into Xians chest. "No...they...they..." She couldn't even finish but Xian caught on quickly, having dealt with rape victims before.

"Oh, my sweet girl." She cried, holding her all the tighter. Then she said to Purna, for once, pure malice lacing her voice. "Take care of them, Qīn'ài de. They hurt her in the worst way possible."

Purna absorbed this new information and realization kicked in. The effects were instant she screeched at the ceiling and charged them, knife in one hand, gun in the other. At her first gunshot, that slammed into one man's chest the group snapped out of their stupor and fought for their lives they fired their guns as Purna came at them, and this time, Purna didn't dodged them. She knew she didn't have to.

Xian and Jin watched in horror as the first bullets tore through Purna's body and they shouted their fear for their loved one. The group didn't let up their assault, unloading all of their ammo into the demon, shouting in fear and rage. As their guns clicked empty Purna still stood, her head was bowed, blood dripped from the holes in her body. She was dead on her feet, or so it seemd. Just then her head snapped up and the red glow behind the black eye-patch glowed to a new intensity. Right in front their eyes Purna's body healed itself, pumping the bullets out of the hundreds of holes and clattering to the floor. She grinned and chuckled like that of a demon they saw her as. "Was that all ya got?" She questioned, morbid humor eveident in their voice. "My turn." She declared then snapped into action. She was on the first man and her knife flashed, digging into his neck and slicing it open, blood sprayed onto her face and she licked her lips, tasting the life energy of the man she had bleed out.

She didn't stop her assault and lifted her gun and fired at the terrified man next to him as she moved her body to reach the next man, gutting him and letting his organs out through the seam she created. Each gunshot and knife attack never killed her targets out right. They were alive and in pain as they slowly died from their wounds. Torture of the worst kind. Vengeance of the sweetest kind.

At the end of it all Purna stood stock still in the middle of them, almost bathing in the blood sprays of the lacerations and gunshot wounds. Jin couldn't take her eyes off of her protector, how monstrously she tore into her tormenters. She didn't feel any sympathy for their deaths, not after what they did to her. She was glad they were dying in pain. The words Xian had told her at the hotel came back to her. ""Trust in her, sweetie. She protects those she loves with an undying will."" She knew right then and there that Purna would NEVER hurt her, no matter what she had become now. The so called Dark Purna that allowed her to do what she did also loved her as well. After all, Xian had said they were one in the same. Back then, Jin didn't believe it. Now, Jin would never doubt Xian again.

As Purna looked back at her lover and Jin, almost fearful of the looks they should be giving her she was relived to see the awe and affection on their faces. She would never be a monster to them, no matter what, she believe it now. She was a bodyguard in her normal, now she was bodyguard in her new life as something more than human. She nodded towards the door with a shy smile, and left to take the lead, getting rid of any threats that may creep up.

Jin and Xian watched her go then looked at each other. Xian smiled reassuringly and helped the girl to her feet. "I'm sorry we weren't faster, sweetheart, but after that display, I don't think Purna will let anything happen to you again. Just….no running off on your own this time, okay?"

Jin felt ashamed for doing just that after they had received the distress call, she had only wanted help. But wasn't a fighter like Purna or Xian. It was a foolish thing to do, but innocent. "I understand. Thank you….for coming for me."

"Anytime, Nǚ'ér." Was Xian's reply.

AN: Well there it is. I hope you found it good after such a long time. Again I used google translate for Nǚ'ér, which again tells me it means Daughter. How true that is I dont know but thats what I used.