A/N: I figured it's about time someone poked fun at all these (horrible) Truth Or Dare fics, so here it is!

We find ourselves zooming in on a young women, who oddly appears to have no visible physical flaws whatsoever.

"Hello I'm (Insert name that is weirdly close to the authors real name) and this is (insert horribly generic show name here)! We're going to be asking the smashers some tough questions, and forcing them to do some horribly generic dares that mainly revolve around them kissing the characters I pair them with, in a completely obvious attempt to be a review whore!"

Link:"At least she's honest"

Samus:"Can't argue with her logic, either."

Host(ess?):"Glad you think so! Marth, You're up first!"

Marth(sweatdrops, slightly put-off by her overly cheery attitude) "Erm, I believe I shall choose Truth."

Host(ess?):"What is there between you and Ike?"

Marth:"I value him as one of my closer friends in the Mansion."

Host(ess?):"Please, we all know you're in love!

Marth:"You are hopelessly misinformed, as there is nothing between us, as I am engaged to the beautiful Sheeda"

Host(ess?)(Eye twitches): "NEXT! Link, what about you and Pit? Or Zelda? Or Ganon? Or Young you? Or Toon you? Or-

Samus twitches visibly, the Hylian shooting her a worried glance.

Link:"I'm dating Samus"

Host(ess?):"Samus? But she's dating Snake and/or Captain Falcon and is secretly a man!

Samus takes Link's knife and leaps at the Host(ess?). The screen fades to black.

A/N: This story will be dedicated to parodying the cliches of fanfiction, particularly those plauging (sp?) the smash bros. fandom. Review and vote on the new poll in my profile if you want to make me a very happy man.