Disclaimer: If I actually owned them…. There's no telling what would happen ( probably kill Sam with a straw, do fun stuff with Dean, and steal Cas away to be mine forever….). So I do not own them, they belong to Mr. Kripke, and the song quote, as stated belongs to B.O.B

Chapter One- Easier Said Than Done

"You get another hand soon after you fold."


New Paltz, New York

Nothing but the sound of her breath and own heartbeat filled the silence around her. It was early, and Sarah was the only runner in the neighborhood that morning. Turning the corner, the brunette slowed as she reached her apartment complex. Looking up a the building, she waited for her breath and her heart to slow down. What she needed now was a good old shower. With that thought clouding her mind, the woman ran up the steps, pushed open the door and knocked someone else back a few steps.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," she said quietly, one hand reaching out to catch the man if he fell. But he stayed perfectly upright, holding his balance just fine. Smiling kindly, she lowered her hand. "I really am sorry," Sarah repeated, watching the man. She didn't recognized him, but it was as if she had seen the blue eyes before.

"It is alright, Sarah Blake," he replied with a deep, husky voice. His eyes seemed to glow as he kept his steady gaze.

"Oh, well. Alright, then," Sarah said still staring at the man, in the trench coat. "Um, I have to get upstairs, so…. Sorry. Again. I really didn't mean to bump into you, Mr.-"

"Castie- Cas. Cas, uh… Novak."

Sarah giggled at the mans confused expression as he said his own name. Cas Novak.

"Cas," the woman said, nodding her head and stepping around him. She walked backwards, keeping her brown gaze on his face. "Maybe I'll see you again." It wasn't posed as a question, and Sarah didn't wait for an answer as she flashed a smile and jogged up the steps.

Castiel watched her run up them, a strange stirring in his body. His brow furrowed as he lightly touched his stomach.

CAS! Answer your damn phone! Dean's voice rang from his pocket. The angel shook his head, quickly snapping out of the stupor quickly. "I'll kill him for doing this. Or, no, perhaps send him back to hell." Castiel shrugged as he flipped open the prepaid cellular device. "Hello."

"'Bout damn time, Cas. Where are you. We've been calling and praying and all that other shit, and your no where around."

Of course there was no greeting from Dean. Castiel was very tempted to ask him if he had ever learned any manners, but instead he replied. "I'm on my way, Dean."


Okay, so it's short. Boo hoo. They'll get longer. You've met the main character, Sarah Blake. For those of you who are SPN freaks like me, you'll remember her from season 1's episode, Provenance, as the love interest for Sam. I love bringing back old characters, which I'll continue to do, because I believe there's only need for one OC, so yeah. Anyways, review…. The bunny loves it.

