What if? Lillian Potter And the Philosophers' Stone

Summery: What if Harry had been a girl? What if, instead of Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger as best friends, she had the Weasley Twins? How about I answer all of these questions where they actually happened, in a Alternate Universe. What if?

AN(For those of you that don't know what this means its authors notes): This is my first attempt at both a genderbend and trying to actually do a story and finish it. Every other story I've tried to finish has either ended up forgotten or erased in some fashion. Because of this I'm asking you to review as much as you can and give me ideas as well as persistent asking of when the next chapter is going to be. I'm very bad at procrastinating so please push me.
I want to actually finish this story at some times so but I need my readers help to do so. So, again, please review.
I'm going to read and watch the Harry Potter series again which means I'll be trying to follow the original story as closely as I can. I, however, have a few things that need drastic changing. You'll find out what later but, as a hint, I'll tell you that it involved our wonderful Padfoot in all his glory.
New post's will vary due to my school work and the fact that my Grandmother had recently broken her leg so I'm having to help out at the house more. Less free time.
Sorry for boring you but I'm finally done. Hopefully the next post will be soon.
TTFN- NotJustASidekick7

Book I: Chapter One

In a certain suburb in the Surry the Dursley's were known by all, as a very normal and lovely family. They lived on Number 4, Privet Drive and, if asked, would reply with the answer that everyone on Privet Drive already knew. They were a normal family.

The truth of the matter though, was that they had a niece in their possession. And Lillian Potter was, anything, but normal. Weird things flew around or were broken when she felt angry and, once when she was seven, her hair had grown back after it had been shaven off by her uncle.
Because she was so abnormal, her only other family the Dursley s, absolutely loathed her.
Her family hated her so much she was raised with no better conditions than a slave from the sixteenth century. She had thought her name to be Freak or Girl when she was little until the Dursley s had been forced to let her go to school.

It was there she had learned her real name; Lillian Potter.

After that she found a bit of freedom. Gaining friends had been dashed by her cousin Dudley but, the truth of the matter was, she preferred books over people. This was no surprise. Would you like people much if you had been raised like she had?

However, because of her love of books, she found most school work she had to go through, easy.

But, when she began getting A's in her classes and Dudley was found to be barely passing, Lillian quit trying in school. She didn't want to get extra chores or more beatings.

Currently one Lillian Potter was trying her best to ignore her fat whale or a cousin who was hitting the glass cage of a Brazilian Python.

She was more interested in the little baby panthers that were tackling each other playfully in a cage a good few feet away from the other side of the street in the zoo she was currently on.

The sudden yelling Dudley gave made her turn around to see what had made her cousin begin having his royal fit of the day.

The snake wasn't moving. The only reason he was throwing a fit was because he wanted the Python to do something instead of just sleep like he was.

Rolling her hazel eyes, Lillian walked up to her cousin and spoke in her boyish voice.

"That's not going to make it move."

Dudley turned and sneered at her.

"Like you would know, freak!"

Scowling, Lillian was about to say that she did, indeed, know, but was interrupted by a forceful shove against her back.

The cry of surprise and pain came out of her lips before she could stop it when she landed and skinned her hands and knees badly on the gravel.

Turning around, pain resounding through her new wounds, Lillian couldn't help but be really really angry.

The next events were a blur for her and before Lillian knew it she was being thrown back in her cupboard and being told she wasn't to be having any food for two days and that she would be stuck in her cupboard for the next week.

This was only after her 'freakishness' had been punished in a rather harsh beating by Vernon.

With a whimper, Lillian drew her knees up to her flat chest and wished that the pain would go away.

When her eyes began to prickle uncomfortably Lillian wiped at them and told herself over and over again that she wasn't going to cry. Not for Vernon, not for anyone.

She wasn't going to give anyone the privilege of seeing her act so weak. Plus she had promised herself she wouldn't cry again after the incident with the dog leash.

She still shuddered and held her neck delicately from the memory. The pain, the crying, the begging, and Vernon's only reaction had been smiling and laughing at her as he yanked harder on the leash to make her come closer so he could hit her repeatedly and yell about beating the freakishness out of her.

Two days later, when she thought the hunger would kill her, her cupboard was opened and a tray with a piece of bread and an apple was slid toward her before the door was closed and she was enveloped in darkness once again.

When her week was finally up, Lillian had been dragged out of her cupboard at an ungodly hour of the morning to begin doing a amount of chores that a normal person would never be able to do in a week much less the day that her aunt told her to do them or she would suffer the punishments.

Still sore, and feeling rather depressed, Lillian muttered a low 'Yes Aunt Petunia' and got to work.

Hours later, when the 'normal' people had just started to rise, Lillian was called inside by her aunt.

"Go wash up then come back quickly to help me set up the table and put the food out." she hissed.

A long time ago, Lillian would be the one cooking, but it had become obvious that cooking wasn't one of her talents so that chore had been crossed off her list.

It was just as well, no one would want to eat the monstrosities she cooked. Lillian sweared that one time with the green goop she had made had been moving.

Pushing the memories away, Lillian ran up the stairs and to the bathroom. She was looking forward to making her Aunt angry again by using her hair and body products.

Only twenty minutes later Lillian made her way down the stairs in her cousin Dudley's castoffs.

She was well washed though. That was easy to see.

Making her way up to her aunt, Lillian grinned before she spoke. Hoping to scare the bejesuses out of the woman who helped making her living life hell.

"I'm back Aunt Petunia."

Her aunt jumped before turning and giving the evil eye to her. Lillian just smiled innocently in response.

The shout of surprise and the bang from the bathroom only seconds later was not her fault. Nope. No way.

With a growl of frustration, Petunia forced a smile on her face as a rather confused and stupid looking Dudley came down the stairs, obviously wet.

"Duddikens." She cooed as she shoved the food into Lillian s arms. "Whats wrong luv?"

"Nothing." Dudley said. "Just slipped and fell after I got out of the shower and dressed.

Twitching, but still smiling, Petunia spoke.

"Then how are you wet?"

Blinking with perfect stupid innocence, Dudley replied. "The shower turned on after I slipped and fell into the bathtub."

Lillian was barely holding in her laughter as she finished setting the table and food out for the Dursley s.

Meanwhile, Petunia was frowning.

"Why don't you go change into some dry clothes Duddy." she cooed.

With a absentminded nod, Dudley headed up the stairs. It wasn't until the food was out of sight that he quit looking at it.

Rounding on Lillian, Petunia looked like she wanted to say something particularly nasty, only to find the object of her attention had just finished what she had been set out to do and was now standing in a corner and looking at her with innocent doe like hazel eyes.

Twitching once again, Petunia sent Lillian to get the mail. Another quiet 'Yes Aunt Petunia' and Lillian was gone.

By the time Lillian made it back, she had hidden a letter that was for her instead of her horrible relatives quite well and was ready to have some free time out in the park to read said letter.

After giving her uncle Vernon the rest of the letters, Lillian headed out.

It wasn't until she was seated in her favorite swing a good two blocks away from the Dursley s house that Lillian finally decided to open her letter.

It still excited her that she was actually getting a letter.

Looking at the cover, Lillian was surprised to see that not only was her name and living place on the letter, but also where she slept. That bloody cupboard. Now that she looked closer she could also see that the front was hand written in a pretty green-inked script.

With baited breath, Lillian turned to letter over. On the back was a wax seal and the design the seal had was of four animals with a big H in the center. The animals looked like a bird some kind of cat a snake and maybe a badger

Feeling kind of bad or what she was about to do, Lillian took a deep breath before breaking the wax seal.

When no one came at her screaming for ruining a beautiful piece of art, Lillian opened her eyes, something she hadn t even noticed she had closed.

Hand shaking, Lillian opened up the letter, only to feel horribly disappointed and angry.

How dare those bullies use such as cruel and horrible joke on her. Shaking in rage, Lillian began to take deep breaths so she could calm herself down.

Murder was not the way to go about things, even if it sounded very nice at the moment.

She was about to throw the letter away or rip it to pieces, either way seemed nice, when she noticed something. There. At the bottom of the letter. The McGonagall person was supposed to come to her house to bring her to a place called Diagon Alley to get her supplies.

Lillian hesitated. It would be so nice for it to not be some kind of joke, but if there was one thing she had learned by living with the Dursley s it was that nothing good ever happened to Lillian Ares Potter.

Lips drawn in a thin line, Lillian decided to wait before enacting her judgment. There was only two days to wait before this McGonagall person was to arrive anyway. Two days wasn t to long to wait in her hell hole. She had the seven more years of it to go through. She could wait just two more days.

With a sigh, Lillian put the letter back into its envelope and hit it back in her pants before heading back to the Dursley's home.