My Love

By Alexis

My heart turns violently in my chest

He calls my name in such longing

This is wrong, my mind screamed

I try to shake off the feeling

Resenting him would make it worse

My soul cries for him to touch, caress

Red eyes scanned my body

I want to shout and protest

But something powerful stops me

A strong emotion behind the cold

Spring forth in its splendor, love

I froze like prey, trapped by the predator

Confusion sweeps through

He has killed, maim and destroy

Is he capable of affection?

What made me so special?

These questions circled around my head

Slamming with much force

Soft lips found mine

Sending fire through my heart

Shivering with pleasure

As hands entangled themselves in my hair

Soon the contact broke

I knew exactly what he needed, wanted

Me, a bond finally formed

Completing us together