Summary: Tsukiyomi Ikuto had only one reason to go back to elementary school, even when he was already twenty-six years old; to pick up his sister's kid. Though, the hot, young teacher seems to tell his hormones otherwise.
I AM A DESPICABLE PERSON. Ohmygod, I haven't updated for centuries and words can't explain how sorry I actually am! I love you guys, I really do! Hopefully this chapter is a good enough apology, you guys are the absolute best. (I just realized that Amu doesn't take her husband's last name… Haha, never mind that) Thank you to everyone who reviewed the fifth chapter and now here is the sixth chapter. So enjoy, read and review!
What happened in the last chapter: "A pervert for women as sexy as you, with curves like yours…" He paused, and added in as an afterthought, "your pervert."
She opened her mouth like she was going to say something, and when the words came out, it wasn't exactly from her mouth. In fact, it was a man's voice that spoke.
… A man's voice that sounded like a girl's, in Ikuto's opinion.
Teach Me – Chapter Six (Normal P.O.V)
So this was the… man (if he could even call him that!) Ikuto had competition with? He raised an eyebrow as he looked over his male competitor, not quite believing that Amu had actually chosen him. In Ikuto's eyes, Amu's husband wasn't even that great. He was short, he was as thin as a stick, blonde and quite frankly, more feminine than his sister. How could Amu choose that… That "man" over him? He didn't want to sound cocky, but Ikuto had so more many desirable qualities. Ikuto was tall, well built, sexily dark haired, had a face carved by God himself, good with the ladies and he was even funny. He was the equivalent to a sex god! And then there was this blonde kid didn't even have anything worth drooling over! He just couldn't comprehend why Amu would fall in love with him – why Amu wasn't divorcing him and all over Ikuto already! Seriously, was this blondie really all that great? Ikuto doubted it greatly.
"T-Tadase-kun!" Amu blurted out, moving away from Ikuto and closer to her man. Ikuto felt his hands ball into fists as she stumbled towards Tadase with a loving gaze. She was all heart eyes and ugh; it was sickening. That should've been him, smiling down at her! That should've been him, loving her like she deserved to be loved! He felt a growl rumbling low in his throat and he forced it down.
"You must be… Tsukiyomi Ikuto," Tadase said, smiling with all the watts in a light bulb. Ikuto furrowed his eyebrows, confusion clear as day in his eyes. How did the blonde twat know his name?
Tadase noticed the puzzled look on Ikuto's face and said, "You're probably wondering why I know your name."
"What any sane person would wonder if a stranger knew their name," Ikuto scoffed.
"Amu," Tadase started, gesturing to his beet red wife, "has mentioned you once or twice. She says you're mean to kids, but I think she's misunderstood. You seem like a good guy."
"No!" Amu stammered, giving her husband a light shove. "I don't talk about you at all! He's lying! He, I, uh…"
Ikuto felt the pride rise faster than you could call him arrogant. He felt like he was going to explode with all the giddy feelings rushing through his veins and there was that stupid indescribable asdfghjkl feeling but nonetheless – Amu had been talking about him! That was an achievement in itself! He shot a smug look at Amu, whose ears went red almost immediately.
"You talk about me at home, do you, Amu?" Ikuto winked.
"Me? Talk about you? What?! No, that's absurd," Amu rambled in a flustered way, hiding her face behind Tadase's skinny back. Tadase laughed, pulling his wife out from behind him and put his arm around her shoulder, squeezing her shoulder reassuringly.
There was something about the way he looked at her, Ikuto couldn't put his finger on it, it was… It wasn't the same way Amu looked at Tadase. She looked at him like he was everything she'd ever wanted in her life, like she could look at him – and only him – for the rest of her life. And the way he looked at her… It just wasn't the same. It was purely just an opinionated thought, but his gaze didn't even have half of the amount of affection hers did.
And it kind of made Ikuto's heart sink.
"You, uh, Tadase," Ikuto coughed awkwardly. "Let's go have a… chat."
Tadase looked confused for the briefest moment before nodding. He let go of Amu and followed Ikuto into the classroom, and took a seat in one of the small chairs. Ikuto shut the door, just in case there would be any yelling and/or punching of blonde people's faces. He wouldn't want Amu to be worried.
"So, about Amu," the dark haired man started, a little bit of an unsure tone in his voice. He leaned slightly on the teacher's desk.
"Oh yeah, Amu-chan. Gorgeous, isn't she?" Tadase smiled, eyes crinkling up at the corners.
"Very," Ikuto agreed.
"She's wonderful, and she's really nice to kids and all," the ruby-eyed man said, just listing all these good qualities about her, and really, Ikuto already knew all this. God, he just met the damn guy and he was already pissing Ikuto off with his smile. It was like he had all these sparkles all around him and Ikuto could just see him running through a meadow full of flowers with some kittens and god knows what else. Just happy things in general.
"You and your stupid happiness,"Ikuto muttered under his breath.
Tadase stopped his talking and looked up at Ikuto. "Hm?"
"Oh, uh, nothing."
There was a moment of silence between the two men, tension so thick it could strangle someone. What was there to say? Ikuto didn't even know why he had wanted to talk to Tadase alone. He had the intention of knowing more about the beauty's husband, what was so great about him and how he and Amu had met, etc. Mostly, why didn't he seem to love her as much as she loved him?
"You like her, don't you?"
Ikuto's head snapped up at the question. He felt his mouth go dry and all the snarky remarks and just being able to speak disappeared from his head instantaneously. He just didn't know how to reply to such a blunt question – asked by Tadase himself.
He choked on how thick his tongue felt. "W-what?"
"Do you like Amu-chan? I mean, I know sometimes she can be stubborn and all, but she's a really nice person once you get to know her," Tadase explained, fiddling with an abandoned pencil one of the students had dropped on the ground.
Of course he meant "do you like her" in a friend way, of course he did, the darker-haired man thought, rolling his eyes at Tadase's childlike meaning. Ikuto's attraction to Amu wasn't just merely in a "friend" way. From the minute he had seen her, he had instantly wanted her. There was no process of being friends for a long time and having an epiphany that he had feelings for her (like some typical, sappy love story) – it was just straight up Damn, I want that girl to be mine. No sappy build up. No kissing in the rain. Just instant desire.
"Listen, blondie," Ikuto began, a smug look gracing his features, "I don't just like her. Oh, no, it's not that simple."
Tadase furrowed his thin, blonde eyebrows, confused. "What are you trying to say?"
Ikuto leaned further back, crossing his arms over his chest in a way that suggested he was the king and Tadase was nothing but a peasant. "I want her. She's got curves, a body that could satisfy a man's needs, if you know what I mean. I think she'd make a good wife, too. You'd know, wouldn't you?"
Tadase abruptly jumped up in his seat, ruby eyes suddenly ablaze. "Don't you dare talk about Amu-chan like that!"
Ikuto felt himself inwardly clutching his sides from laughing so hard. He had gotten the twat all fired up and had no intention of backing down any time soon. He was enjoying it way too much.
"Amu's thirst for excitement needs to be quenched, too, you know. She needs a man who will dominate, a man who knows how to please her the right way and fulfil her desires. Do you know who that man is?"
Tadase's teeth grinding together could almost be heard from a mile away. Ikuto's haughty parade of words didn't stop there. He dragged his short nails across the blackboard. The blonde man cringed in response. Ikuto slammed his hands on the table Tadase sat behind, his dark eyes piercing irate, cherry coloured orbs.
"Someone. That. Isn't. You."
Tadase stormed out of his chair, standing a good meter or two away from his – now – competitor. Even though he had already won, already married his Amu-chan, he couldn't help but feel… challenged. It was almost like he was insecure. As though he was paranoid because he was agreeing that Ikuto was the more suitable man. Though he was a lover more than a fighter, he couldn't lose his wife to this perverted freak.
"Tsukiyomi!" Tadase shouted, accusingly pointing a feminine finger at the other man.
Ikuto quirked an eyebrow at his last name being called, almost teasingly, and he waited, but all Tadase did was keep his finger up. At a loss for insults, he spat out, "I was wrong to think you were a good guy!" When he realized that he had nothing else to retort with, he angrily exited the room, leaving the door to swing back forcefully into the wall. Ikuto watched as he left and then only when he was out of sight, felt his whole body shake with uncontrollable laughter.
"Priceless," Ikuto chuckled to himself, mentally patting himself on the back. He straightened up, fixing his shirt before gracefully strolling out of the classroom. Tadase and Amu murmured in hushed voices a few meters away from the door and instantly stopped when they saw Ikuto leaning against the frame of the door. His infamous smirk was plastered across his face.
"Amu-chan, we're leaving now," Tadase announced, trying to smile. His arm hovered for a moment near Amu's shoulders, but with a dirty look thrown at Ikuto, he lowered it and wrapped it around her waist.
Startled, she gave a squeal and jumped out of his reach. Tadase frowned and turned red out of the embarrassment of being rejected. Ikuto, still watching from the door, smothered his enjoyment of the situation into his hand. This is just precious, he mentally snickered.
"S-sorry, Tadase-kun!" Amu apologized, bowing several times to show how guilty she felt for jumping away. "That was just so unexpected of you!"
Tadase's smile in reply was forced. "It's okay, Amu-chan. I'm sorry, too."
Ikuto's jaw was legitimately starting to hurt from laughing so much. He really couldn't take this blonde twat seriously. If this little boy was his competition, then he could easily win over the girl – married or not married (unless she was actually very committed but he doubted it). He'd never been the type to be a home-wrecker and take what is already someone else's, but this was something – someone – different.
In the sexiest way he could possible, Ikuto purred, "I'll see you soon, Amu-koi."
He could see that Amu stiffened as she walked away and Tadase, beside her, turned around to shoot blunt daggers (that couldn't have hurt even if they were physical daggers) from his eyes.
Ikuto threw his head back and laughed because for once, his life was actually getting interesting. He was finally motivated to do something with his life and that something, was to win a pink haired goddess by the name of Amu over.
And win Amu over, he would.
So that's the end of chapter six. I really hope that makes up for an apology! I love you guys so much. Sorry about the six month wait, again. Hope you guys liked it, tell me what you think in the reviews!
Thank you for reading!