"Wheeee! I'm superman!" I yelled as I walked down the street. I had lost track of how many drinks I had had. Probably way too many. My friends were equally drunk, except for my new bestie, Lauren. She could barely stand, she sure was a lightweight. I would be lying if I said that it didn't surprise me. Lauren and Jess flagged down a cab and got into the back seat. Angela was waiting for her parents to come over and pick her up. "Bells do you-do you need a ride?" she slurred. "Naw my new beau is picking me up." Her parents came and gave me the same offer. I waved them off politely. I had quickly figured out that I was a horny drunk and that I needed to see Rosalie, now.

I pulled out my cell phone to call Rose. Charlie knew that I was staying over at the Cullen's for the weekend saving me from having to explain my current intoxication to him. When did the buttons on my phone get so small? A short giggle left my lips. I have no clue as to why that was funny to me, but no matter. I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking and soon found myself in a sketchy alleyway. Something triggered my intuition and my mind became sober instantly. I was never afraid of dangerous situations so when I actually was, I knew that I should listen to my bodies warning.

I looked around trying to see anything, the darkness shrouding the alleys items. I tripped over something and sprawled onto the cold pavement. A rat ran by my head. My knees and palms were scraped and the wind had been knocked out of me, but other than that I felt like I was okay. Until I saw the boot in my face that is.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here boys?" "Aren't you a pretty looking thing? Awfully late for a tiny creature like you to be out alone." I looked up and saw three men looking down at me. My vision was blurred from alcohol and a slight amount of tears. My mind was racing; all I could think of was Rosalie. Wait that was it! All I needed to do was stall long enough for her to reach me. My distress should have alerted her by now. "I'm not alone." I whispered meekly. "Or really now? And if I may ask, just who is with you?" "My boyfriend he's just paying the check" I lied weakly. "Well I guess that we'd better make this fast." The man I assumed to be the leader of the group said. He grabbed me by my hair and forced me to my feet, before throwing me into the wall.

Gasping, I struggled to breathe and remain standing. My world spun around, the tequila making itself known once more. The men stepped closer surrounding me, and blocking all possible chances for escape. I started to hyperventilate. The first man reached forward and grabbed at my chest, I tried to fight, but soon found myself restrained by the other two men. I screamed as the man started to grope me. I felt horrible, I fought but it was to no avail. Where was Rosalie? I started to scream louder. "ROSALIE! HELP ME! ANYONE PLEASE HELP M-" my sentence was cut short but a blow to my face. "Fuck, this bitch won't shut-up!" "Whatever grab her purse John." The man I now knew as John listened to his orders and took the small clutch from me.

The leader then pulled my ID. "Well Isabella, it's really too bad that you didn't want to party. We'd have shown you a real good time." He smiled and chills traveled throughout my body. "And as you understand, we can't have any loose ends." He reached into his jacket and pulled out a small gun. The sound of a bullet firing pierced the silence.


I kept running in the direction that the mating pull had been directing me earlier. I had no other thought except to find Bella. I heard the family following behind me, but they were smart enough to know that they should not pass me. I raced as fast as my body would allow, probably more so since my feral side was now in full force. Then I smelt it. My beautiful mates' blood was staining the street somewhere. I pushed harder and soon arrived on the scene. Bella lay in the alley bleeding from a hole in her chest. The blood stained her dress and filled the air with an intoxicating aroma. Three men stood by running away with her purse. I felt conflicted, I wanted to murder those men, but my mate needed me. Jasper and Emmet solved my problem by going to the men and disposing of them for me.

I raced to Bella's side. "Bella sweetie, open your eyes." Warm chocolate brown pools greeted me. "R-Rose, you came." "Yeah, yeah I did honey. Don't worry; you're going to be okay, you're going to be just fine. I'm sorry." I whispered the last part, before leaning down and sinking my teeth into her left jugular. Her delicious blood filled my mouth a few times before I pumped my venom into her. I went down to her wrist to cover James mark, and then bit her at all of her major arteries. I wanted this horrible change to go as quickly as possible.

Just as I finished, Fuckward came crashing through the bush. "NO!" he roared in fury, before charging at me. Without even thinking about it, I ripped his head off. I wouldn't throw him in the pyre, yet. I didn't have the time or energy to deal with his melodramatic ass. I did rip off his hands though, and placed them in my pockets. I would be keeping those for a while.

Bella had started to scream and thrash around. I scooped her up and started running back home. A screaming teenaged girl was bound to attract attention. I ran into Alice's small form on the way back. "Go Rose, we'll stage her death." I threw the door to our house open, hearing it splinter as it hit the now damaged wall. I cradled her body as she continued to shriek in agony. I wished that I could take away her pain somehow, knowing that there was nothing that I could do I placed her in my- well our- room, laying her on our bed.

Her screams had since quieted into small whimpers and moans. I heard Jasper and Emmet return. They tried to come up the stairs, but one growl sent them back. I heard Jasper explaining to Emmet that it was because my mate had been threatened. Logically I understood that they were not enemies, but I was currently running on instinct, and instinct said that my mate had almost died and therefor needed to be protected.

Another scream erupted from Bella. She was in agony and there was nothing that I could do for her. I remember my own change, screaming for hours begging for someone to kill me. It was horrible. I had ripped off her clothes, hoping to at least lower her temperature some. I laid her in my lap and murmured into her ear. I retold every memory I had of her and I together, and I encouraged her to remember her own.

I was falling apart with her; every scream tore at my undead heart. My mate was in agony and there was no other way. My biggest fear is that she would hate me for what I had done. I knew that she wanted to be a vampire for Edward, but would she want to for me? Or would she hate me for cursing her to this life as I had hated Carlisle once. I was selfish in my changing of her; I just couldn't live without her. Not now, not ever.

It had been two days now, and I could make out the sounds of the TV being turned on.

"Good Evening Washington, our broadcast tonight starts off with some sad news. Miss. Isabella Swan, was in a car crash this morning, and was pronounced dead at the scene. It seems that the truck she was driving served out of control, before hitting a tree and bursting into flames. The daughter of Fork's police chief, Charlie Swan, and one of many exceeding students at Forks High, Isabella will be greatly missed."

The TV was turned off after that. Alice had done her job well. I had already over herd Alice saying that they had to stay within the area, otherwise Charlie would become suspicious. I took the time to look at my mates changing body. Her skin had become a few shades lighter, almost imperceptible to human eyes. Her small freckles remained and her hair was the same colour, only longer. Her curves were more pronounced, but no dramatic change had occurred. She remained at the same height and I hoped that there was not going to be too many more changes. To me, she was perfect as a human and needed nothing changed. My view of her was still the same, only intensified.

The third day was the same as the first two. Screaming and thrashing. I soon heard her heart pick up pace and I knew that It was almost over. The other members of the family stood outside of the bedroom, but understood that I didn't want them in here with me. I could smell Jaspers scent as the closest. With his experience, he would be able to restrain Bella if it became nessicary. I stepped back myself, knowing that she could be extremely volatile.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, but was more like minutes, her heart gave its last few beats. Silence filled the house as everyone held their unnesicary breath. Bella opened her eyes, crimson pools now instead of the rich brown I was used to. She jerked out of the bed and scanned the room, looking for something. Her eyes landed on me and a vicious growl filled the air. She tensed her entire body and was ready to attack at any moment. I raised my hands and dropped to a submissive position. She continued to growl.

"Bella, its Rosalie. I'm not going to hurt you, so when you're ready, come over to me." She cocked her head and lost the angry expression. She jerked up and seemed confused. She wasn't used to how her body moved yet. So slowly I could scream she made her way over to me. She took in her surroundings, trying to keep up with her newly racing mind. When she stood over me, her eyes scanned my body and grew black with lust. Before I could say anything, Bella had grabbed me by my shoulders and pulled me up. Her hands gripped my shoulders in such a way that I couldn't stand to my full height and ended up having to look up to her. "MINE" she growled deeply, right before she sank her new teeth into the right side of my neck.

I was hit with a wave of pain, followed by sheer bliss. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as my body went limp. Finally I understood the rants Alice had about marking. I felt completely secure in my bond with Bella and finally I felt whole. As I came out of my haze, I saw Bella look at me with horror on her face. "Rose, I'm so, so sorry, I just thought- and then I did, and now I don't – and I just I-I-I" "Bella stop" I placed a finger on her lips bringing her attention back onto me. "It's alright, its natural. Vampires are supposed to mark their mates. Don't feel bad about it, you did nothing wrong, okay?" she nodded. "Now, do you remember what happened?" another nod. "Do you remember life before becoming a vampire?" She nodded once more.

"Bella, I know that this is a lot for you to try and take in, but do you think that the rest of the family could come in now?" "Yes, I really want to see them" I knocked on the door twice, the signal we had set up earlier to let them in. They came in slowly, all looking down with their hands in front of them, showing her that they weren't a threat. Jasper practically crawled in, knowing that she could now see his numerous scars.

At first Bella tensed up a bit, and really became stiff when she saw Jasper; however, she was quick to relax once her past memories override her new instincts. They are all smiling and she grin's right back. She is a success story, not one of the newborns who have gone insane of reverted back to being three years old.

"Do you want to look at your new self?" Of course Alice would ask something like that. "Yes" I pulled out the mirror I had on the opposite wall. She let her eyes roam over her reflection before walking up to the glass so she could take a closer look. A smile graced her feature. "I'm beautiful now" she whispered. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. "You always were."