My first Hetalia fanfic! Yay! I know I'm really getting into a fandom when I start getting ideas for fanfiction. The idea for this fanfic came to me while I was watching some scenes of the anime of Germany and Italy. I started wondering how Germany would react if Italy put the maid outfit on again. This is the result. Hope you enjoy!

The Maid Effect

Chapter 1: Hungary's Secret Plan

Germany sat back in his chair and rubbed his temples. The world's conference yet again proved to be a fruitless endeavor. He could tell even though it was only a little way through. When England and France started exchanging blows, Germany had slammed his fist on the table and demanded that the meeting be adjourned for a short recess so that everyone could calm their nerves. It was agreed.

He sighed as he watched most of the other countries leave the spacious meeting room. At least he could get a few moments' peace. Even though Italy had remained in his seat beside Germany, he was contentedly drawing on a piece of paper from Germany's notepad.

"Italy," a soft voice said. Germany looked over to see Hungary leaning over Italy's shoulder.

"Miss Hungary!" Italy exclaimed, jumping out of his seat and hugging her. "I haven't seen you in a while! When did you get here? You weren't at the meeting."

"Austria forgot some of his notes at home so I brought them for him," she replied. She pet Italy on the head. "I also have a surprise for you."

Italy gasped and beamed up at her. "Eh? What is it Miss Hungary?"

She held out an old pink box and winked. "I found some of your old clothes in my attic. I think they still fit you. Let's surprise everyone when they come back!"

"That sounds like fun!" he exclaimed, bouncing towards the door with a huge grin on his face. Hungary gave Germany a mysterious look before trotting behind him.

Germany raised his eyebrow in curiosity. Hungary had a weird habit of giving him that look whenever he was with Italy, but today she seemed a little more mischievous. He wondered what Italy's old clothes looked like. He vaguely recalled Italy telling him he used to be Austria's servant with Hungary a few hundred years ago, so maybe they were old Austrian-style servant clothes. Why was Hungary so interested seeing Italy in clothes like that? It might lighten the mood of the meeting, however, so Germany let the matter pass.

Ten minutes later, the meeting was about to continue when Italy burst into the room followed closely behind by Hungary, who was beaming from ear to ear.

"Look everyone!" Italy called out, twirling around. "It's my old clothes from when Mr. Austria thought I was a girl!"

"Well, I—" Austria stammered while the other countries snickered, half at Italy and half at Austria.

Germany felt an ache grow in his chest as he stared at Italy. A maid's outfit? He should be raising his eyebrow at Italy's strange attire, but instead he found his cheeks reddening and his heartbeat thumping. Was he becoming ill?

"You're so cute, my little Italy!" Hungary exclaimed, clapping her hands together. Italy blushed as the other countries laughed.

Germany clutched his head as a sharp pain shot through his brain. He had heard Hungary say that before…. He tried to focus on what was happening, but when he looked at Italy again, he began breathing heavier and heavier. What was happening to him?

"Hey, Germany! What do you think?" Italy asked, hopping towards him.

"I…" His vision was blurring. "I—" As he tried to get up from his chair, his legs collapsed from under him.

"Germa—!" he heard Italy scream before he hit the floor and everything faded to black.

"What's the matter with Germany?" Italy cried as Spain and England carried his friend's unconscious form to a nearby lounge chair.

"Don't worry about it, Italy," France tried to reassure him. "Germany is probably just not feeling well."

"But Germany is never sick!" Italy wailed. Austria came up in front of him and crossed his arms. "Germany will be fine. Why don't you change out of those clothes now?"

"Yes sir, Mr. Austria," Italy obeyed, walking gloomily out of the room.

As soon as he left, Austria turned to Hungary. "Why did you bring that outfit with you?"

"I just thought that Italy would enjoy wearing it one more time. I didn't know it would stir that much of a reaction from Germany."

"No, I know what you were doing," Austria scolded, wagging a finger at her. "You thought that if Germany saw Italy in that dress again it would make him remember something. Maybe you didn't mean to make him faint, but you certainly caused quite a reaction from him."

"Do you suppose he'll remember something when he wakes up?" France asked, looking back at Germany.

"We'll just have to wait and see," Austria said, furrowing his brow with concern as he placed his hand on his chin.

Italy placed the maid outfit on the bed next to the pink box and started to put on his military uniform. Even though he was worried about Germany, he couldn't help smiling at the green dress. Looking at it brought back so many memories. After buttoning his suit, he carefully folded the old cloth and put it back in the box. He wondered if Hungary would let him keep it. It was the only thing left that reminded him of those days at Mr. Austria's house with Holy Roman Empire. He squeezed the box slightly. Holy Rome…

He was shaken from his thoughts when a soft knock came from the door.

"Are you done, Italy?" Hungary called from the door.

"Yeah. You can come in," he said, picking up the box and turning towards the door. Hungary smiled sympathetically as she walked towards him. "The meeting is over. They can't really continue without Germany so they adjourned. Austria volunteered to drive Germany home and look after him until he gets better. "

She reached out her hands for the box. "I'll take this back, I suppose." Italy held the box slightly closer and looked down at it as she reached.

"You want to keep it?" He nodded silently. She seemed taken aback for a moment, and then smiled. "Go ahead. It will make a fun costume if nothing else."

"Thanks, Miss Hungary!" he exclaimed, suddenly cheering up. He started to bounce towards the door. "I'm going to help Germany with Mr. Austria. Germany and I have an alliance, after all!"

Germany walked through the tall grass, enjoying the warm sun on his small face. He wasn't sure how he had gotten here or why he was the size of a child, but somehow that didn't matter right now. He saw a quiet lake as he reached the top of a hill and strolled towards it. He knew he was wearing some sort of black cloak, but he was curious to see what it looked like on him.

He held his breath slightly as he looked down at the placid surface of the water. As he thought, he was in the body of a small child, although he still looked like himself. Same hair, same blue eyes, same serious expression. Perhaps this was what he looked like as a child. He didn't much like the outfit or the hat on his head, but it seemed almost familiar to him.

"Holy Rome?" he heard a soft voice behind him. Turning around, he saw…

"Italy?" His child-like voice surprised him, but not as much as seeing Italy, standing a few feet away with a bucket of water in hand. Italy was a child as well and dressed in that green maid uniform. He seemed almost…pretty. Like an innocent girl. He felt his cheeks blush as Italy came closer.

"Holy Rome, Mr. Austria said to come home. It's time to—ah!" Germany suddenly leapt towards Italy, grabbing the tiny country's other hand.

"Italy…" Germany stared at the feminine face with as much intensity as he could muster. Italy at that moment looked so weak, shy, and defeated. He wanted to protect this country, lead her away from this servitude. "Italy, I—"

"Germany!" Italy suddenly exclaimed, smiling. Germany took a step back in confusion. Not only was Italy calling him by his real name now, but his voice was slightly deeper, more like a boy's. "Germany!" he yelled again. The beautiful landscape around him began to shimmer away to white.

"Germany!" Italy's child-like face faded away, replaced by his slightly more masculine face of the present. Germany blinked wildly, his mind in a daze. He slowly began to register his surroundings, beginning with the fact that Italy was sitting on him, his smiling face only a few inches away from his.

"Yay! You're awake, Germany!"

"Yes," he sighed. "Now would you kindly get off me?"

"Oh, sorry," Italy apologized, sliding off his chest and sitting down in a chair beside the bed. "Austria is here too. He went to make some food so I decided to wake you up. Are you feeling better?"

"My head hurts, but other than that, I seem to be fine." He sat up in bed and rubbed his temples. "I had a very strange dream…"

"What was it about?" Italy asked, suddenly very curious.

"Well, I dreamed I was a child, walking around this beautiful land filled with flowers and tall grass. It was so vivid. And…" He furrowed his brow, trying to remember. "And you were there, Italy, dressed in that maid outfit from the meeting. You called me something different, though. What was it you said? Ho-Holy Rome?"

"Eh?" Italy's face fell and he shot up from the chair. "B-but…" He started trembling. "Holy Roman Empire…he's dead." There was a tense moment of silence as Germany and Italy stared at each other.

Suddenly, Austria came into the room carrying a tray. "Oh, you're awake, Germany. Hav—"

"Mr. Austria!" Italy suddenly yelled, running over to him and bouncing up and down in fright. "Germany said he dreamed that he was Holy Rome! And it was exactly like it was back then! But Holy Rome is gone! What's going on?"

Austria stood speechless for a moment, looking from Italy to Germany with wide, surprised eyes.

"Your face tells me you're hiding something." Germany said, studying Austria. "I'm not sure what it is, but you had better spill the beans." He folded his arms and glared at him.

Austria sighed, closing his eyes for a minute. "Very well," he agreed, opening his eyes again. "I suppose it's time to tell you two the truth." He nodded at Italy. "You might want to sit down," he told him. "This will take a bit of explaining."


Review please! I wanna know what you guys think, this being my first Hetalia fanfic and all. I'm obsessed with keeping things in-character, so if you think I could improve something, let me know. Anyway, Chapter 2 is in the works, but I am a very busy college student at the moment, so it could take a while.