Disclaimer: I do not claim the Stargate franchise...duh!
Summary: High-school drop out, Rodney 'Rod-man' McKay, joined the armed forces. Not over-confidant in his skills and slightly fitter than a normal McKay, what happens when he's assigned to go to Atlantis? How will everyone re-act to the havoc this one soldier could wreak? More importantly, how will this affect Atlantis?
"So, worm-holes, huh?" McKay questioned one of the scientists.
"Yes, but the physics is far beyond your primal understanding. You armed forces peoples are only good for blowing things up."
Rodney tilted his head, "I do like to blow things up."
The man that McKay had been questioning threw his hands in the air and walked off muttering in Czech.
"I didn't know such an innocent scientist knew such bad words." McKay hollered after him.
A soft chuckle came from next to him, "You harassing the scientist's yet again McKay?"
"What?" He laughed along with the other soldier, "its great fun when you get a rise out of them Ford."
A drone zoomed past them, and they locked eyes. "Ah…shit." McKay muttered.
The Lieutenant's both ran to the chair room to see Carson in the chair.
McKay groaned, "Carson, how many times do we tell you not to mess around with the big boy's toys." Having received Carson's gene therapy treatment both Ford and McKay could use the chair, but since they weren't allowed to use it too kill anything, it was pretty much useless to them.
"T'wasn't my fault. Radek made me do it." Caron defended.
"Just turn it off you big baby." Ford said, encouraging yet forceful.
McKay shook his head in amusement; he couldn't give that sort of encouragement.
"How does 'imagine where you are' turn into 'fire a drone'?" Ford asked.
"I don't know, but I wish I'd done it." McKay replied.
Weir ran in with Dr. Jackson trailing behind, "Carson?"
"In the chair." McKay pointed.
Dr. Jackson seemed to tut in disgust at the casual way that McKay had addressed the chair.
"Come on Carson. Just concentrate and turn it off." Ford was encouraging.
McKay rolled his eyes but the room was silent so he held back his teasing. No matter now much he wanted to say roll-over right now to Carson, he would resist.
A look of relief filled Dr. Beckett's features and McKay knew he'd done it, they all slumped with relief in the hope that no-one was dying.
Rodney patted Ford on the shoulder and asked, "Lunch hall?"
Ford nodded, "Yeah, I'm hungry, and from the fact you're shaking I'm guessing you are too…unless you were scared."
"Tease me again and I'll chuck you out in the snow in your underwear." McKay growled.
Ford stood straight, "Uh huh, to the mess hall."
When the two guys arrived in the hall Rodney noticed it was lemon chicken for lunch, he exchanged a look with Ford who just shrugged and said, "Just get the other option I guess."
In the end he ended up with a salad and steak, then a fruit cup and a cup of coffee, all citrus free of course, because as he had loudly explained to the food chefs one day, he was deathly allergic to citrus.
"So, I hear we're trying to get to Atlantis." Ford tried the small talk while they ate.
McKay raised an eyebrow at him and he sighed, "I know, sorry."
Suddenly two scientists's bustled in and straight over to the coffee machine. McKay, ever the valiant and proud soldier, eavesdropped.
"And he's still in the chair!"
"Major Sheppard, black mark man, has the ancient gene. That's un-heard of. Such an un-canny coincidence."
"I can't believe it!"
"Weir's offered him a place on the mission."
"Yes, and she's even appealing to O'Neil to get him."
"Why she wants' him on this mis-"
And they were gone again.
McKay turned to Ford, "Do you know who Major Sheppard is?"
Ford nodded then with a mouth still full of food said, "Awedom pido' few pas' da dwone." (Awesome pilot flew past the drone.)
"Hmmm…" McKay stood up to leave.
Ford swallowed down his food in a hurry, "Where ya going?" he asked.
"To check something out. I'll be back later."
McKay weaved his way in and out of the corridor's to the chair room in time to see Sheppard making the map of the solar system come up. It never ceased to amaze him, the beautiful solar system. He could name every planet, star, galaxy you ask it, he knew it. Back in high-school McKay had always dreamed of one day travelling the stars, he sure was smart enough too. He knew more than his teachers, but when his mum had gotten sick with cancer, he'd dropped out to look after her and Jeannie. Now, he wished he hadn't. He'd had to go into the army as his only chance of a job, getting put on the Atlantus Outpost had been a dream come true in his eyes. All the chance to ask questions of the scientists, too learn. He sent money to Jeannie every now and again to keep her going with her children, and did almost nothing. If only he had more friends, then his life would be complete. Carson, Ford and a few military pals were the extent of his comrades.
"Whoa…" He muttered.
Radek turned to look at him, "Whoa indeed, this technology seems to re-act to John naturally."
Rodney felt a gush of envy fill him, "Cool." He muttered, not trusting himself to say anything else.
The major stood up from the chair, "Join us." Weir blurted out.
"Or what? You'll eat me?"
"No, join us in the search for our lost city." Weir was almost pleading.
McKay chuckled.
"Something funny?" O'Neil asked.
McKay straightened, "No sir."
"Are you positive? You seem to be having a lot of fun over there."
"Just thought of a joke sir." McKay replied.
Major Sheppard walked over, "Bet it was a good joke then Lieutenant."
"Yes, sir. Very funny, sir."
"Haha." The Major turned to Jack, "I like this guy." He put his hand out, "Name's John, but you can call me Sheppard."
"McKay. Welcome to the Atlantus Base." He said taking Sheppard's hand.
"No-ones welcomed me yet, but they all seem pretty eager for me to stay. Between you and me, is it worth it?" Sheppard asked.
McKay shrugged, "I think I would have a biased opinion, sir."
"So…yes or no?" Sheppard drawled.
"To be honest, yes. It's crazy here; the scientists are all scatter brained, and then they want you to turn things on to make sure they themselves don't blow up. The food is rubbish. Its cold and you'll be looked down upon for being military in a civilian base. It's absolutely wonderful. Ford explains the feeling better than I do." McKay said.
Sheppard seemed to drink it in, "Well, I'll be thinking about it, but I'm not sure yet." And then he walked off.
The next time McKay saw the Major a lot had happened.
They'd been told they were going to Atlantis for starters, to say goodbye to family and chose one personal item. McKay chose an old physics journal from when he was a teen. One of the presents his mum had given him for Christmas. There had also been a food fight in the mess hall, started by Ford, but no-one was mentioning it.
"Thought you said you weren't sure." McKay said, sneaking up behind Sheppard.
"Flipped a coin." Sheppard shrugged.
McKay nodded. "Heard you're a pilot." He said.
"Yeah," Sheppard confirmed, "I'm a pilot with a shady record."
"Ah, records don't bother me, as long as you get the job done." McKay said.
Sheppard cocked his head slightly, "Well, that's a first." He looked to see Sumner glaring at them, "He doesn't like me much does he?"
"He doesn't like me either, welcome to the club." Both men chuckled then turned to pay attention to the speech Weir was giving.
"What's it feel like?" John asked before they were about to go through the 'gate.
Ford's face went deathly serious, "Hurt's like hell sir."
McKay cracked a smile and shook his head when Ford smiled and jumped through the gate shouting 'WooHoo'. When the Major gave him a puzzled look he shrugged and followed after Ford in a calmer fashion.
Once he had stepped through the 'gate, the sight he saw was too amazing for words so instead of waiting for his brain to catch up he pulled his gun closer and started securing the area like his fellow service men.
"Any alien life-forms?" Someone asked.
McKay shook his head with a snort, this place was evidently un-inhabited. The lights' turning on automatically was obviously because the city sensed the gene carriers and was valiantly trying to come alive for them.
Rodney walked up the stairs to what looked like a control room and watched Radek and Peter setting up their laptops. The Major and Dr. Weir had disappeared to look at something and Ford was making sure Carson didn't kill anyone which left himself to keep the scientists in check.
While Radek walked off to get another laptop, Rodney looked at the one of the other laptops that Radek had placed on a panel and frowned at what he saw. The energy levels scared him but not as much as the underwater threat. He called Grodin over.
"Is the city underwater?" McKay asked.
Peter looked at where Rodney was pointing, "Oh…it would appear we are. How could you tell."
McKay dismissed the question waving his hand, "That doesn't matter." He left the laptop and walked to a large screen towards the centre of the room, "This, in reality, should show us a map of Atlantis right?"
The British man just nodded, "Ummm…yeah…but neither Radek nor I have the gene so-"
The screen sprang to life with a single thought from McKay.
"I don't think that's…Atlantis is huge!" Peter said.
McKay nodded, "And flooded…look at the red bits."
The scientist seemed sceptical, "I'm sure that's not-"
"The shield is falling/failing because we are using too much power…and we are still searching…" He turned to Grodin, "Tell Radek now."
He ran to the laptop and looked to the energy levels, they were falling rapidly and at the rate they were losing energy, it would all be consumed in an hour. He ran a simulation on the laptop, if they stopped searching and withdrew all personal to the 'gate room that would not take the energy too much and they would last a few extra days, but again, the shield was failing.
McKay stood there for a few minutes, continuously thinking over different situations and solutions' when…
"Step away and let the professionals work soldier." Came a drawling voice from his right.
McKay's head snapped up to see a senior officer, Major Sheppard standing there, he stepped away reluctantly, "Sorry sir, I just wanted a look-see. I have the curiosity of a cat."
"So, what have you found?" Dr. Weir asked Radek, ignoring McKay and Sheppard's interactions.
"Well the city is submerged. Sea water does cover it. Energy levels drop, shields fail, city flood…we die." Radek replied simply.
From the room of vacant expressions, excusing possibly Sheppard's and defiantly McKay's, Grodin could sense the need for more information so continued, "We have enough energy to last a little while, but in the mean time some of the Ancient tech works with good old fashioned push buttons so, we have discovered this." He pressed a button on the console; a cloudy shield appeared in front of the Stargate, "It is a shield that covers the 'gate, much like the iris at Stargate Command. Anyone controlling the gate doesn't need the gene." The muttered, 'Thank god.' Was only heard by the people not obsessed with the gate, namely McKay and Ford who exchanged a look with a half smile.
McKay hissed after a minute deciding that they had marvelled long enough, "Using power, using power, we are losing power!" He muttered.
Sheppard glared at him, but McKay's sense of self-preservation kept him muttering about power until Grodin got the hint.
"Oh…sorry." He said, turning it off.
"At least we don't have to deal with any unwanted guests." Weir said.
Carson ran in, "I didn't do it, please say I didn't do it! Please tell me it's not my fault."
"You didn't do it; it's not your fault." Rodney deadpanned, then he continued, "Okay, so the only thing that is keeping us alive is that shield, it's holding back the water, but it has already failed in some areas."
"So, give me the bottom line." Sumner said, looking at both Grodin and Zelenka, and slightly surprised when McKay answered.
"From what we've been able to ascertain, the city is powered by three Zero Point Modules. Two are entirely depleted and the third is reaching maximum entropy. When it does, it'll die too and nothing can reverse that. The force field holding back the ocean has collapsed to its minimum sustainable levels. Look, you can see," McKay thought the screen on and pointed to the places he had shown Grodin earlier,
"Here, and here, where the shield's already failed and the city's flooded. It could have happened years ago. This section is likely more protected because of the Stargate."
"What if it fails completely?" Sheppard inquired.
Rodney rolled his eyes, "It's a matter of when not it. But it floods and we die any more stupid questions." Then he seemed to notice who he was talking to and added a hesitant, "…sir."
The scientists and Weir glared at Rodney but Sheppard just smirked at him.
Weir then turned to Radek for confirmation, "Is he correct?"
Radek nodded, "Yes. McKay is good at Science and was helpful on base, I believe him right. But next time, run theory by me or Peter."
"Okay." Weir said turning to Sumner, "You need to call of the searches, stop searching the city immediately."
The Colonel tapped his radio and demanded all security teams stop searching and fall back to the gate room.
"It won't be enough." Both Radek and Rodney said at the same time.
"How long do we have then?" Dr. Weir demanded.
Grodin decided to interject, "Rodney and I had this conversation, at the rate we are using now, an hour. However, if we limit power expenditure we can increase this by a few more hours, possibly even days, but I need to do proper equations to tell for sure."
"What about our own generators? Can't they keep us going?" Beckett asked innocently.
Rodney shook his head as Radek said, "Not yet compatible, need better equations and more time. We do not have time."
"So… it's Zee-P-Ms or nothing then." Weir sighed.
Sumner turned and said to Dr. Weir sarcastically, "Well now, how do we find them if we can't do search the city?"
"Sir, if I can interject, if there were more here we'd be able to detect them because of the amount of energy they make. You don't need to search the city, we need out of the city." McKay mumbled.
"Can we use the Stargate?" Sumner asked.
"Not back to Earth, if that is what you're thinking." Grodin said.
Sheppard shook his head, "No, not back to Earth, to-"
McKay's face lit up, "Brilliant idea Major! Gating to somewhere in this galaxy should be relatively easy. We can access the Stargate control system and a library of known gate addresses in the database."
Weir nodded, "Okay, Colonel, please assemble a team. We need a safe harbour, or another power source. Preferably a power source but an evacuation site would be helpful."
Sumner turned to Ford, "Gather teams one and two, gear up because we're going on a field trip."
Weir looked at Sumner and said, "Take Major Sheppard with you, I want him to go along."
"Yes ma'am." Both The Colonel and the Major said and headed to the gate room.
Dr. Weir turned to look at Radek, "Okay, pick an address and start dialling; I want that team out now."
Radek reached down and pushed one of the glass panels on the D.H.D, the lights all ran as the Stargate circled, the first chevron light up and Radek said, "Chevron one encoded."
Rodney burst out laughing as Weir turned to look at Radek with an eyebrow raised, "Radek,"
Radek blushed, "Oh yes, that routine is not deemed necessary." He continued to push the buttons and the remaining chevrons lit up.
"Okay, send in the M.A.L.P." Rodney said to Grodin.
The M.A.L.P crawled through the gate, "Waiting on telemetry." McKay muttered looking at the laptop, "Radio signal established…telemetry received. Okay so the M.A.L.P reads full visibility and no immediate signs of activity but…its pitch black out there. The teams will need night vision goggles."
"Good, that's good." Weir muttered.
Grodin and Radek ran of to explain to the teams the situations.
McKay turned to Weir, "Excuse me, ma'am. If you do not mind me asking, but why didn't you send me to go on the search teams?"
"Because Rodney, I need you to keep the scientist's in check. I can't send all my best people out on a scavenger hunt without some staying behind." She explained.
"So, with all due respect, wouldn't it be better to keep Sheppard here. He shows an inkling of intelligence. Actually he appears quite smart, quite like yourself…not that I mean anything by that or anything…Dr. Weir."
She laughed, "Perhaps you're right and I should have kept John here, but can he understand more that primary Physics? Does he have an IQ of over 170 and the ability to understand computer coding and the language of the Ancients? Because Rodney, there is a reason I chose who I chose. Self taught military genii don't just end up in top secret government projects by chance." She explained, "Oh, and please, call me Elizabeth! None of this silly Dr Weir or ma'am nonsense please."
McKay nodded and turned back to the computer.
Later, the teams walked in fully geared up, with night vision goggles all plastered to their foreheads.
Elizabeth nodded, "Good luck."
"Let's move out!" Sumner shouted and the teams put their goggles over their eyes and disappeared through the gate.
Sheppard turned and waved before following the other teams.
"So…"McKay said turning to Elizabeth.
"So…to work I guess…" She muttered.
McKay nodded, "Yeah…watching scientists. Did you really mean what you said earlier?"
Elizabeth nodded, "I have no reason to lie to you. I know your record; I know your personal item. I meant what I said."
McKay blushed at the mentioning of his physics journal but beamed at her, "Well, I'll go stop scientists from blowing us up then"
Elizabeth rolled her eyes; she knew the Rodney McKay was capable of so much more than he showed most of the time. She just hoped her compliment didn't go to his head.
McKay spent hours and hours correcting incorrect equations and being an all round genius. Kavanaugh drove him to destructions but scientists like Miko and Grodin gave him reasons to be happy. Zelenka was happy for McKay's help so he continued helping…to the annoyance of a few different scientists that had grown to dislike and hate him in the last few hours.
"Rodney, help me report to Dr. Weir our findings." Peter asked.
McKay nodded, "Sure, but she's not going to like the news."
McKay was right.
"The shield has held back the ocean for centuries!" She said exasperated. "We even stopped searching!"
Grodin was on his last legs so McKay took over, "Yes, it has, and probably would have for many more years; however, because of us being here many dormant systems have been reactivated to keep us alive. Just us being in this room is draining power. The damage was done the minute we walked through that Stargate."
"We need to evacuate when Colonel Sumner reports back that it is safe," Grodin muttered,
"Abandon the city?" Elizabeth was almost hysterical about the poor city.
A groaning noise came from around them and the city rumbled.
McKay nodded, "Yes, the sooner we leave, the longer that shield holds."
The Stargate came to life and McKay hesitantly put on the shield. He tapped his radio, "This is McKay, if that is a friendly, please stat now, over."
"Dear god!! Someone mumbled, "Yeah, this is Ford."
"Heya buddy, any particular reason you're calling. I hear long distance calls are power draining and they want to cut the connection." McKay mumbled to Ford.
Ford laughed, "Yeah, well cut the connection and I can't tell you that we found a possible evacuation site. There are some monsters the people are describing, called Wrath or Wraith or something I don't know. Sumner says it might be what scared the Ancients. Anyway, we're cool here for now."
"Okay, well…umm…going to try and relay my inner Dr. Weir now and say, stay safe? Is that right?"
Ford exaggerated a sigh, "It will do. Bye McKay."
McKay spent ages with the scientists, running around being lackey smart and spreading ideas and also reporting to Weir and surprisingly have other soldiers' come to him about things and with reports. The teams missed there next check in though.
"Dammit." McKay muttered to himself while starring at the gate as if willing the team to come back, "What's gone wrong?"
So yeah, I don't know if this has ever been written before but I felt like writing it. You'll probably get Part 2 of The Rising but it took me a month to write this one chapter so no promises. I'm gonna focus on Oceanus' Curse a PJATO fic and my other Stargate one, The English Canadian WTGIRL? S yeah, review if I should continue.