Ok, so I was bored, since I didn't go to school. I know I usually do my song shuffle, but I'm doing' this. Don't worry; I will continue my other stories… this I may not be sure about x if you review I'll continue ;). Here is what you do: Pick elimination; pick couples; Pick challenges (Duncan and Gwen are decided). And sit back and enjoy xxx

Chris Mclean: *He was standing at the dock of shame*. Hello watchers around the world. Thanks to your ratings, we were able to wheel all of our campers back. And of course, yours truly still has a career. We brought you all the campers back, other then Ezekiel and Blainley; who will be hosting the aftermath show. God bless the eliminated campers! Speaking of campers, here are all your favorites! This is Total Drama Back to Wawanakwa

Chris McLean: Owen, my man! *A large sixteen year old teen, came out of the boat*.

Owen: Chris! So nice to see you!

Chris: You too buddy now go stand over there, and wait for your friends* He did as told and stood there smiling*.

Chris: Duncan! *A teen with a Mohawk, got off the boat. He ignored Chris completely and stood beside Owen, smirking.*

Duncan: (to Owen) Hey big guy.

Chris: Izzy! *A fiery redhead, jumped off the boat, cartwheeling to where Owen was*.

Izzy: Hi Duncan, Hi Owen, Hi Duncan, Hi Owen…

Chris: Beth *A girl with, glasses, stepped out*.

Beth: Hi Chris, Good to be here!

Chris: (stiffly) Great to have you.

Chris: Nex-

Duncan: Speed it up! C'mon!

Chris: To whom? Your girlfriend? *Duncan grimaced and looked away.*

Chris: Let's put Duncan, into more misery! Because next up, is Courtney! *A brunet stepped out of a boat*.* Duncan gulped, as she approached, and hid behind Owen*.

Chris: Trent! *A teen with jet black hair, and guitar stepped out*. *He walked away, fist touching Chris*. *He glared at Duncan, as he went to stand beside Owen*.

Chris: Sierra! *A shrieking girl stepped out. "Sorry sierra, Cody isn't here yet!" She went to stand beside Courtney*.

Chris: Cody! * A geeky looking teen stepped off the boat, and went straight to Duncan*.

Cody: This time, I'm only here for Gwen! I've been working out, and I tried shoplifting. at this the punk teen, burst out laughing! This time Gwen will like me! Duncan laughed harder. Cody frowned.

Duncan: Gwen? Like you! *Duncan laughed* As if!

?: Duncan?

Someone said behind them. They all turned around.

Duncan: (lightning up like a Christmas tree) Gwen!

Gwen slowly walked over to Duncan. She was wrapped in a black blanket. Her nose was red, her hair messy and her eyes had black circles.

Duncan: Gwen! What's wrong?

Gwen: *Sneeze!* I'm sick!

This didn't stop Duncan though. He leaned in for a kiss, ignoring Gwen's attempts to stop him

Gwen: No, no not now! *sneeze all over Duncan!"

All the campers including Courtney laugh.

Now, during Duncan and Gwen's encounter, Chris had introduced; Bridgette, Geoff, Leshawna, Heather, Al, Katie and Sadie.

Chris: Please welcome the last of our contestants: Justin, Lindsay, Tyler, DJ, Noah and Eva!

Gwen: (whispering to Duncan) When they said everyone, they really meant everyone!

Duncan nodded

Eva: What did you say, Goth Girl!

Gwen: N-nothing

At Bonfire

Chris: Ok Campers, first things first. Gwen will not be competing today, due to her being sick. But if her team loses, you can't vote her out, unfairly. Now teams.

Screaming Blossoms:





*Phone rings* Hello… Uh-Hu Uh-huh … OK









Killer Mosses











Apparently Ezekiel


Hope wasn't to boring, next chapter will be interesting…. I promise R&R

Here are the pairings I thought of:

Gwen x Duncan

Cody x Sierra

Geoff x Bridgette

Leshawna x DJ

Lindsay x Tyler

Courtney x Justin

(If you don't like tell me… if you don't I'm going with these)

And Challenges:

Gross eating;

Trust excercise

Truth or Dare

Or whatever you want!