AN: So, since Focus is coming to its end, I thought I'd start posting my new creation.
Please note, that if song fics aren't your thing, you prob won't like my stories much. I use music a lot, and this one will be no different. Also, a lot of characters you're so used to seeing me use, might not make it into this one. OF COURSE this is a MxM fic.. Eventually. ;)
I tend to forget to do this on EVERY chapter, so this is for the ENTIRE STORY!:
Warnings: Rated M for language, sexual situations, alcohol and drug use as a possibility.
Disclaimer: I do not own Death Note, it's characters, or the songs used in this.
I also gave up on giving chapters titles. I suck at it. =D Enjoy.
Chapter 1
Two men were laughing as they had the radio, working on the car that was propped up. They were covered in grease and waiting for their friend, and last member of their band to get there.
"You know she's going to kill us if this song doesn't end before she gets here, right?" the man with short black hair asked, his brown eyes dancing with amusement as his best friend jumped on an unsteady table that was scattered with tools.
"It will be, no worries." He laughed, and went back into the song, pushing back his red locks, and staining them with grease.
I feel the adrenaline moving through my veins (hah, hah, hah) All the eyes on me in the center of the ring
Spotlight on me and I'm ready to break (hah, hah, hah)
I'm like a performer, the dance floor is my stage (hah, hah, hah)
Better be ready, hope that ya feel the same (hah, hah, hah)
Just like a circus (ah, ah, ahaha-hah)
When I crack that whip, everybody gonna trip
Just like a circus (ah, ah, ahaha-hah)
Don't stand there watching me, follow me
Show me what you can do-
"Fuck." The red head muttered as the radio clicked off. He looked up and saw blazing brown eyes, narrowed into threatening slits. "Kiyomi! You're here!" He yelled, jumping down off the table.
"It was Matt's idea!" The red head glared at his friend.
"Hey! Just cause you're plugging my brother, don't think I won't kill you!" Matt pointed with the wrench he was holding.
"Children. Can we just move onto practice? I want to get that bitches voice out of my head, thanks." She rolled her eyes and moved to the other side of the garage where they kept their instruments.
"Hey, you're just mad cause the two of you fought over that Light guy for years, just to find out he way gay and ran off with that Mikami kid." Matt laughed, following her, and wiping his hands with a towel. "I don't see why it matters now. You're gay." Kiyomi rolled her eyes and sat in her swivel stool at her drums.
"I have my reasons." She said, vaguely and started to tap out some basic beats on her drum set.
"Yeah. You want her." Kiyomi threw a drum stick at the third person.
"Shut the fuck up, Givanni! I do not! She's air headed and stupid, and such a little ho!" She reached up and caught the stick with one hand as it was tossed back to her by a smirking Givanni.
"That Misa may be, but you still want her body." He winked. Matt joined him in his laughter as she huffed in annoyance.
"Aw, don't be so mad, Ki. We're just kidding." Matt tried to sooth.
"No you aren't. And I can't wait until one day that you hate someone and I can tell you all the philosophical crap you tell me that falls next to that, 'There's a fine line between love and hate.'" She glared back at the grinning red head.
"Now, you know you're going to be waiting forever. Matt hates no one." Givanni laughed. Kiyomi sighed.
"I know." She looked defeated.
"Hey, Matt, guess what Beyond just told me." In walked his adoptive brother. Well, they were both adopted. Beyond Birthday was a very unconventional man who worked at the university in town as a Philosophy Professor, hence Matt's obsession with the subject.
"What's up, Near?" He asked his brother, amusement sparkling in his eyes as the teen shifted his toy robot to his other hand, to wrap the now free one around Givanni and accept a welcoming kiss.
"L is coming." Near said flatly, though they all knew he was bursting inside. L was Near's idol. The man was retired from the police force, and only 35. Beyond knew him growing up. To say the two got along, would be wrong. They were polite when necessary. "They have been talking, and Beyond mentioned that the university needed more professors in law enforcement, and L applied. Obviously, they'd never turn him away." Near's eyes sparkled.
"Do I need to be worried?" Givanni laughed, and placed a hand over his heart, feigning hurt. Near looked back at him.
"Of course not." He offered a small smile, that Givanni returned times ten.
"Well if you Queens are going to gossip all day, I'll be on my way. I'm a busy person, and obviously we aren't practicing when you two still need to shower." Kiyomi stood.
"Yeah, yeah. Sorry, Ki." Matt smiled and pulled her into a hug.
"Whatever. I'll see you later on some Black Ops." She poked his shoulder and left.
"So, how's B taking it?" Matt ventured into dangerous territory. Near's eyes shifted towards the door to their modest two story house.
"If you go inside, don't look around. Just go right upstairs." He said.
"That bad?" Matt laughed.
"I'm still out here, aren't I?" Near bit back. Matt held his hands up in surrender.
"I get it. Givanni can't be the reason." He laughed as a greasy towel was tossed at him. "Ok, Near. We need to finish something on Yoko here, so make yourself useful and order a pizza." He said, heading back to the car.
"Reno?" Near questioned as he pulled his cell out.
"Yeah. Like Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann." He shrugged. Near looked questioningly at his boyfriend who shrugged as well.
"It's an anime. Yoko's a chick in it. She's pretty bad ass though." He offered.
"But, he's gay." Near said dumbly.
"Cars are chicks. I don't know why. It's how it is." Givanni laughed as Matt turned the volume on the stereo back up.
Matt peaked his head into the house slowly. He felt Near's appear under his own as the checked to see if it was safe. They saw the living room was a disaster, but no sign of the tycoon that was their guardian.
"Ok, let's go." Matt whispered, and they both took off towards the stairs that were right across from them.
"Matt! Near!" Came the booming voice from the kitchen. They both groaned in displeasure, and Matt fell to the stairs.
"Come on, lets go see what he wants." Near tugged at his brother's arm and they both made their way to the kitchen.
"Yes, B?" Matt questioned wearily. When Beyond turned to him, he could see the man was half mad over this L ordeal.
"I'm assuming that Near told you about L?" he asked. Matt nodded. "Right, well, unfortunately, he wants to catch up, so I have to go out tonight. You're on your own for dinner and getting to sleep at a decent time. It's Sunday, and you have school tomorrow." Beyond said, sinking dejectedly into a wooden chair in their little table in the connecting dinning room.
"Ok, no problem. But, I don't understand. Why do you go? You hate the guy." Matt pulled out his own seat, and Near followed.
"He's L. He was like a mentor to me, even though he was only 5 years older. I learned a lot from him. Just cause we argued a lot, didn't mean I hated him, nor that I didn't care for him. I just.. Can't stand being around him." He tried to explain.
"Well, whatever floats your boat. Be an emotional cutter for all I care." Matt winked and stood. "I need to shower though, so have fun, be safe, and all that jazz." He chuckled.
During his shower he contemplated Beyond's words. How can you force yourself to be nice and hang out with someone you hate as much as Beyond hated L? If that was him, he'd flatly refuse to be around his enemy unless it was necessary. What was so hard about staying away from someone you dislike? He sighed and stepped out of the shower, dried off, and pulled on a pair of sweats. Once in his room, he turned on his TV and Xbox 360, making sure Black Ops was in. Might as well wait for Kiyomi. No use thinking about such trivial things when he had head shots to do, and records to break. It was Beyond's problem, not his. Like Kiyomi and Givanni made clear earlier. He hated no one. He was too laid back for that.
A/N: So, any thoughts right now? =D
Song used:
"Circus" by Britney Spears