Yes I never planned to write another one, but y'all just loved it so much and people on the LJ community gave me such good ideas. Plus I've started to write out some of the angstier parts of Fathers and Sons, and writing this makes me not need to slit my own wrists mm'kay?

Title : Teddy, Chapter 2.

Rating: PG

Genre: Sweet Romance and Fluff

Summary : Roxanne comes home early from her business trip. What will she think of her blue boyfriend cuddling up to his new toy?

It was 4am and Roxanne struggled to keep her eyes open as the cab rolled through the familiar streets of Metro City. She had caught less than an hour of sleep on the three hour flight back home and her head kept bobbing as she tried her best to be awake. Just for a moment she questioned her choice to fly back to Metro City instead of spending another night in her four-star hotel in New York City.

But really, she knew she had made the right choice. She couldn't stay another night there knowing there was someplace else she would rather be. And that place wasn't her apartment. In fact, that place that wasn't a specific place actually. She just wanted to be wherever he was.

Roxanne spent a week on the phone and on text playing the part of 'the reasonable one', reassuring her anxious blue boyfriend she would be home soon. But the deep feelings of missing him were definitely mutual. She was a big girl and she had been fine for the first few days, but then she found herself missing the way he curled up next to her and longed to be kissing the back of his big bald head while she spooned him. She missed seeing his eyes twinkle when they teased each other, she missed listening to him explain his latest ideas. She had even snuck one of his capes with her in her suitcase, and wrapped herself up in it at night so she could catch his scent. But it wasn't enough.

She just missed him and she hadn't seen a point in spending another night away.

The taxi driver followed her instructions and let her off her outside an abandoned warehouse. She watched the car speed away, turning to walk through the holographic wall as soon as the cab turned a corner. The clack of her shoes and the rolling noise of her suitcase echoed through the lair as she dragged herself through the cavernous warehouse. There she was approached by a gaggle of bowging brainbots, and she stroked their familiar domes. They clearly wanted to play.

"Shhh guys, Mommy's tired. I'll play with you tomorrow," she whispered to the swarm surrounding her. They looked disappointed, but most of the bots knew better than to be pushy with Mommy. Mommy played nice long games with the wrench, but if you made her unhappy she would not play at all. One of them glided forward and reached for her suitcase handle.

"Oh thank you," she mumbled, and made sure to give that one extra pets on its bright dome while the others looked on jealously. It trailed her as she trudged the rest of the way to her boyfriend's bedroom. She opened the door to his room as quietly as she could and shut it behind her slowly. There he was sleeping soundly, curled up on his side in his adorable biohazard pajamas.

And wrapped in his arms was the little blue teddy bear she had given him.

His cheek was smushed into its cheek and a fluffy blue shoulder brushed against his goatee. His mouth slightly open and his body was curled up and cuddling the little bear. He looked so peaceful as he slept soundly with his toy.

She sighed and smiled at the image before her. There were so many little things like this, things he had never had or never gotten to do. And that was why she had bought the bear for him. He had so little in his life. Even the warden, with his best of intentions, had given him mostly educational or practical gifts as a child. These little things meant so much to him and she loved it every time she got to make something normal and good happen for him.

And she had known Megamind would miss sleeping with her while she was gone, and she wanted something to fill those slender blue arms.

She knew because she had missed sleeping with him too. She had ached to wrap her arms around him as she fell asleep every night missing him. Missing him so much that she had decided at the last minute to catch a red-eye on standby that didn't even touch down until almost three a.m.

Roxanne gestured for the bot to leave her suitcase and walked over to her boyfriend. She had heard all about how much he loved the bear after he found it, but he had neglected to mention that he had slept with it in his arms. Or that he was still sleeping with it almost a week later.

He looked so peaceful, breathing deeply and clearly enjoying having a teddy bear for the first time. She wanted to reach out and stroke his cheek, he was so adorable. But she didn't want to wake him.

The hero thing was tough on him. Still there were people who refused to believe he had changed and thought this was all part of an elaborate plot to trick them. While most people were at least polite to his face, sometimes they looked at him like he was still terrifying. She wished the city could see him the way she did. Not that she would actually want them to see him with a teddy bear; she would never ever do anything to ruin his heroic reputation. But she wished they could know the sweet smart guy with a certain shy boyish charm that would curl up next to her. The guy who was working so hard to make up for the past, so he could be liked and respected for the right reasons.

She didn't bother to unpack, she just grabbed her pajamas from the doorknob where she had left them a week earlier and put them on. Then she turned down the covers on one side and slowly slid into bed alongside her boyfriend and his toy. She snaked her arms around him, spooning him and let herself relax into him as she softly nuzzled the back of his large blue head. Mmmmm. This was what she had been longing for.

He wiggled a bit, backing into her, but didn't wake. And the teddy bear was still clutched tightly in his arms, creating an odd little chain of snuggles. She breathed a sigh of comfort and relief. He was back in her arms where he belonged, him and his teddy.

It was good to be home. And within minutes she was completely asleep.


The realization came in his first moments of wakefulness. Something was holding him down and for a moment he tensed himself against an unknown attack. Then he became aware that something was someone and that someone was holding him in a way that was fulfilling and familiar.

"Roxanne?" His voice was completely sleep-muddled. That was impossible, she was in New York. Still clutching his teddy bear, Megamind rolled over to see his girlfriend sleeping soundly beside him. She was here, in bed with him?

Wait, wasn't he supposed to pick her up from the airport at noon? It was only 7:30? What was she doing here?

And then he didn't really care. He pushed the bear aside and pulled her close. He couldn't hold back the "you're home," from escaping his lips or the happy purr that followed it.

The sound of his voice seemed to wake her and she nuzzled him, lazily reaching out for his waist without even opening her eyes. He leaned his cheek against her small, hair-covered head and grinned like a fool.

Mmmmm. She had surprised him by coming home early. His Roxanne was home now. He pulled her into his shoulder and she greedily glommed onto him, throwing one leg over his and practically sprawling on top of him.

He couldn't resist pressing a little kiss on her tiny forehead and nuzzling her hair. Now it was her turn to make happy little noises.

And then her lips were on his, kissing him sleepily. And oh it felt so good. A week between kisses was too long. He melted, holding her close in his long blue arms and feeling just how much she missed him too.

"Surprise," she said softly when the kiss broke and they snuggled each other.

"I'm glad you're home," his voice was heartfelt and he was waking more. "I missed you."

"Well good thing you had your teddy bear here to snuggle every night," she teased sleepily.

His eyes got wide. Teddy! Could he hide the bear? Or the fact that he had been sleeping with it? No probably not, since she had clearly snuck in here while he was asleep and seen him hugging it as he slumbered.

His cheeks burned with embarrassment. Oh, what she must think of him right now. He was a supposed to be a hero and instead she had seen him snuggling his teddy like a needy child.

He hemmed and hawwed and furrowed his brow. Finally he broke the snuggled silence to ask the question he'd had on his mind the entire time she was gone.

"Roxanne? Is it okay that I slept with my teddy bear?" His voice was so quiet and unsure. She looked at him in sleepy puzzlement

"Oh course. That's why I got him for you. So you would have something to cuddle while I was gone." He gave a big sigh of relief.

"Oh thank god."

"Did you think I would be mad?" She cocked her head.

"I just thought you might think there was something wrong with me," he said sheepishly. "I know I'm too old for toys."

She actually giggled. "Megamind, you play with toys all the time. You build puppy dog brainbots and ray guns and bootwheels of death and robo-dinosaurs." Then she yawned. "Iz one of the things I like best about you."

"So yeah," she continued, "snuggle your bear. That's what teddy bears are for silly boy." She shut her eyes and nuzzled his worried blue face.

"Oh. Good." He breathed a sigh of relief and they went back to kissing.

They were sweet kisses, the kind that said "I missed you so much" without either of them actually uttering the words. And they were drowsy kisses, luring them both into a deep relaxation with each other. When their lips broke apart he pressed his to her short forehead.

If he let her, she would fall asleep like this. He would enjoy it, but he knew he wasn't sleepy anymore. Eventually he would be too wiggly and he would keep her up. He could hear her breath get shallow as she lay alongside him. And she couldn't have gotten much sleep if she flew in after he went to bed.

Instead he rolled her onto her side. Her eyes fluttered open.

"You going?" she whined sleepily.

"You need your sleep," he replied, and gave her one last slow kiss.

"Imma miss you," she mumbled when their lips parted and she pouted at him.

"Well then I have the perfect thing," he responded with a smile. He grabbed his teddy bear from where it lay abandoned on the other side of the bed. He offered it to her and she instinctively wrapped her arms around it. "Now you can have something blue to snuggle while I'm gone."

"mmmmm 's soft," she murmured, nuzzling its blue fur needily with her nose.

"Yes, yes he is very soft," Megamind said with a chuckle at the woman he loved clutching his toy, and then got out of bed.

He thought he heard her mumble something about being nice to share as he dressed. It was nice to share, he realized. It made him feel good when he shared his things with her. Huh. Good. Being good was full of all sorts of interesting revelations.

When he came back she was completely asleep, holding his teddy bear tight against her breasts. Lucky teddy, he thought as he pulled the blanket up to cover her shoulder and petted his bear on its fluffy little head. She looked so cute clutching his toy so fiercely.

Then he leaned in close and whispered, "I love you so much Roxanne."

In her sleep she clutched the teddy tighter and he smiled at the snuggled pair before heading down to investigate breakfast. And start work on some new toys.