Author's Note:

I know I haven't finished James' Time yet and until I finish that I won't post Lily's Flame or What If. Instead, I came up with this idea and I haven't been able to find one like it. So, please enjoy A Rose's Love!

Chapter One: Receiving the News

October 31,1981 2:34 AM

Impossible! Lily and James couldn't be dead! Sirius couldn't betray them! It was highly illogical and stupid to think that! Sirius was practically James' brother and Harry's Uncle! He was he godfather for goodness sakes! He loved Harry more then he loved pranks and that was saying something!

But this is what Dumbledore was saying to me. They weren't holding a trail for him and they weren't going to watch my memories of the Potters switching Secret Keepers. Apparently Sirius could have 'tampered with my memories so I could be a faithful servant to him.' Yeah, and I slow dance with a hippogriff on Saturday nights while Severus plays the piano.

"But what about Harry?" I asked. "You did say he survived?"

"Yes Mrs. Black," the Professor said. "He's being sent to Petunia's so the blood wards can work,"

"Petunia's!" I shrieked. "But she and he husband hate magic!"

"But he has nowhere else to go," he said.

I leaned in close. "I'm also Lily's sister Professor Dumbledore," I said. "I love Harry to death and I will raise him,"

Dumbledore sighed. "Rose, it isn't that simple," he said. "Harry needs to be raised away from the magical world if he is going to be able to face Voldemort again. It's his destiny Rose,"

"Professor Dumbledore," I said. "You're aware that I'm moving to America to start the magical world over there. He won't be expose to as much magic as he would here and I know everyone would treat him like their own child. He'll be far away from You-Know-Who and he won't be able to be tracked by people here. Please Professor, he's my nephew!"

Professor Dumbledore sighed again. "Rose, I know you want Harry," he said. "But I already placed him with Petunia. If you wish, you may go over and ask her is she wants Harry in the morning, but you are forbidden to go until so,"

I gave him a pleading look, but I knew he'd stick to his decision. I rubbed my stomach, knowing that Sirius' baby was in there. Harry would have a little brother or sister to play around with and someone to love and protect. I already knew Petunia didn't want Harry, see absolutely despises him. I remember when I went to the family reunion with Sirius, James, and Lily that Petunia had absolutely refused to hold Harry, but insisted that everyone hold her little Dudley. I liked to call him 'Momma's Baby Pig' because he was huge for a baby.

Professor Dumbledore left me with the adoption papers incase Petunia didn't want Harry and left the house. I cleaned up whatever potion I had spilled when the professor had told me the news and went to bed. I was going to need all the rest I could get before facing my sister.

Later that morning: 10:17 AM

I took a deep breath at Number 4 Privet Drive and knocked on the door. I could hear the screaming of a child inside and it sounded like a man was encouraging the behavior. It sickened me to know that Albus had willingly left Harry here.

Petunia opened the door and gave me the biggest sneer of a lifetime. "You!" she screeched. "What do you want, you freak!"

"Do you want custody of Harry?" I asked, not bothering to use riddles like I used too. "If not, just sign these papers and I'll take Harry,"

She rushed back inside and returned with a pen and a baby in a basket. She quickly signed the papers and thrust them back at me with Harry. "Keep the little freak!" she shouted. "We don't need his freakiness contaminating my little Dudders!" With that said she slammed the door in my face.

I rolled my eyes and sent the papers to the Ministry with a 'pop'. I was definitely going to have to call Molly and see if she could help me with Harry. It was going to be hard to handle my business, now called Frog Tail's Potions, Harry, and an unborn child who was probably due in June. Molly definitely would know what to do, since she has seven children of her own. One should be about Harry's age too.

I quickly ran down the street and rode the Knight Bus back home. Harry was awake by the time we got to the house. "Aunt Roe!"

"Good morning sleepyhead," I said. "You hungry?"

Harry nodded and looked up at me with big green eyes. "Aunt Tunie mean!" he shouted. "No!"

"She doesn't like you?" I asked, pretending to be shocked. "How couldn't she love a little boy like you?"

Harry shrugged and looked around. "Mummy Daddy bye bye," he said.

I just stared at him. He understood his parents were dead and weren't coming back for him. He knew they were dead. Just like that, no explanations, no questions, no anything. He just knew it.

I went into the kitchen and made Harry a small pancake. He ate quietly and kept looking around for something. "Uncle Pa'oot?" he asked.

"Uncle Padfoot is away baby," I said, "He'll be back,"

"Kay," he said.

How was I going to do this without Sirius?

But I was going to do this. If I fail, then my name isn't Rose Olive Black nee Evans!