A/N: This was just a little plot bunny that wouldn't leave me alone ... Enjoy! Oh, and if you don't know what Sod/Murphy's Law is, you should look it up - it's funny.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Doctor or Rose Tyler.

Sod's Law, Doctor Style

The Doctor and Rose Tyler lay on the floor of the TARDIS, laughing. Their departure from the vortex had been especially rough today and had caused them to be flung to the ground. Being the Doctor and Rose, they thought this absolutely hilarious, hence the laughing. They each calmed down several times but were set off again just by looking at each other. Eleven minutes and twenty-seven seconds later, they finally calmed down completely and found themselves nose to nose. Rose and the Doctor stared into each other's eyes and some how, their hands became intertwined. What would have happened next, however, no one will ever know, for at that moment, the telephone rang. The moment lost, Rose nevertheless continued to stare into the Doctor's eyes, but with amusement now instead of love.

"Your phone's ringn'," she said.

The Doctor raised an eyebrow. "I noticed."

"The TARDIS phone never rings," she declared.

"Almost never," he corrected.

"Sod's law," Rose laughed, "declares that it would choose now to ring for the first time in forever. You should probably answer it. That ring is so incredibly annoying."

"Your wish is my command, Rose Tyler," the Doctor said as he quickly jumped up and ran to the phone. "Hello?" he said and then listened for about three seconds before he slammed the phone down and ran his hand though his hair, looking distraught.

Rose got up and went to him. "Doctor, what's wrong? What is it?"

"You know, Sod's law is also known as Murphy's law. O'Toole wrote a commentary on Murphy's law. Know what he said? 'Murphy was an optimist.' Brilliant fellow – he was so right. Although, come to think of it, I'm actually brilliant because I said it first and he heard me. But then his memory got wiped of all things alien, so he thought he'd said it himself and-" The Doctor paused and looked at Rose, whose face was becoming steadily more adorably confused, "-well, anyway, that statement is very true. Not only did that phone call come at the most inconvenient time, it was from my greatest enemy! You think you've gotten rid of something, think you've out smarted a great evil, but it always comes back, no matter how many times you try to destroy it. It's not fair!" He shouted the last sentence to no one in particular.

"Doctor, who was it? Not the Daleks!" Rose quailed at the thought of them.

"No." The Doctor began to run around the TARDIS consul, flipping switches and pumping levers.


"No." He hit the console with a mallet.


"No." The TARDIS began to hum.

"Then who? And where are we going?" Rose asked, exasperated.

The Doctor paused to glower at her. "It's not a who – it's an industry – the most evil- well, yeah! The most evil industry in the universe. And we're going back to it's beginning to stop it from even being created."

"Fine, Doctor, but what industry is it? What could possibly be so evil that it could put you in this mood?" A little more insistently, "What industry?"

He spat the answer out like a swear word and then watched thunderstruck as Rose fell back onto the floor, laughing hysterically.

What was the industry that brought out the worst in the Doctor and made the faithful Rose Tyler laugh at her best friend, you ask?


A/N: Please review!