Warnings: cursing

AN: sorry it's so short but it's been on my computer since 2013 and I'm stuck. Feel free to give ideas.

-chapter 5-

Akihito tidies his clothes and appearance and glares at the only exit out of the room. He had taken a peek and there are guards outside. How is he going to get away?

The door opens and Asami says, 'We are leaving.'

Akihito scowls. "I'm not going anywhere with you until you tell me what you want."

"Scared?" Asami smirks.

Akihito ignores the man's provocative jab and says, "I'm not stupid."

"Don't you want to discuss the loan?"

"I didn't even know the money was from you. Otherwise I wouldn't have taken it. How can it be a loan in this case?"

The infuriating man shrugs. "Not my problem."

"You're so unreasonable!" Akihito exclaims and storms out. Asami grips his arm to prevent him from running away. Akihito tugs and winces as the older man's grip tightens. "Let me go!"

Asami pulls Akihito towards him, their bodies press against each other like in an embrace. Akihito struggles but is unable to get out of his firm hold. He stills abruptly when he feels the man getting hard against his belly.

"Hmm don't stop," Asami murmurs against his ear, voice low with heat and amusement.

"You pervert! Let me go!" Akihito hisses lowly, not wanting to draw attention to his embarrassing position.

Asami licks and kisses the side of his neck, sucking and biting softly. Akihito fights against the tiny shiver of arousal and pushes against the man's chest. He lets out a surprised cry of pain when Asami bits harder in warning.

"You can choose to walk out of here or be carried out unconscious. Which will it be?"

"I'll walk," he snaps. He does not want to be unconscious around Asami. Who knows what the man will do to him while he's unconscious.

Asami smiles and releases him from the parody of a hug but not before saying, "If you run, I will tie you up and fuck you until you can't walk."

Akihito flushes red and turns away. 'Damnit! Looks like I'm screwed either way.' Akihito mentally winces at the awful pun.

But as they walk out, Akihito rouses himself from his pessimistic thoughts and fumes. Who the hell does he think he is? Arrogant bastard. There must be some dirt I can dig up on him to get him to leave me alone... as for his threat, he'll have to catch me first.

He glances at Asami who is talking on his handphone and the bodyguards behind and the clear path in front. A middle age woman is walking towards them. He suddenly sprints ahead, pushes the woman to fall across the path and continues running as fast as he can, not looking back at the commotion and thundering footsteps behind him.


"I'm sorry, Asami-sama, but we lost him. I'll send men over to his place to pick him up when he returns home."

Asami exhales a puff of smoke. "No need for that. I've more pressing matters to deal with. The package from Fuji just arrived."

"To the warehouse then?"


Enjoy the break, Akihito. We'll play next time.


When Akihito finally reaches home, he finds a package outside his door. Steak and chocolate cake - takeaway from the restaurant he was at with Asami earlier. And an unsigned note of 'I always keep my promises.'


He rushes inside and bolts the door, clenching his fingers to keep them from trembling in anger and maybe a tiny bit of fear.

Akihito sits in front of his laptop, his fingers hesitating on the keyboard. He really wants to just forget about the whole Asami incident but it seems like the man is not going to leave him alone. And now he has no choice but to reopen an old can of worms.

Damn it.

He sighs deeply and types, fingers flying over the keyboard as codes and search results load on the screen, making sure to cover his cyber tracks by rerouting his IP address through various overseas servers and keeping an eye on alerts that warn him if someone is backtracking his movement.

Information is easy to get; incriminating evidence not so much. Nonetheless, needs must. He is unlikely to escape their next meeting unscathed without some sort of bargaining chip.

Akihito digs further and finds chatter of a meeting tonight in the industrial area. The GPS location of Asami's handphone corresponds. He searches for nearby cameras which are online and hacks into the video feed. The dark streets and low image quality makes it difficult to detect movements by human surveillance so he runs a program to do it, periodically rotating the cameras through their full range of scope to capture a larger area of surveillance. He glances through the images that pop up, dismissing them just as quickly until one caught his attention. He zooms in and brings up the related video feed.


A few minutes later, he frowns. A briefcase for another briefcase. It doesn't mean anything if the contents of the briefcases are not captured. He tracks the two cars to their separate destinations. One briefcase was brought into a club. The other did not leave Asami's car.

Akihito taps his fingers on the table, considering the risks. He bites his lip as he sends an anonymous tip to the police. Even if it gives him nothing to hold over Asami, at least it will cause the bastard some trouble.