Damon POV

Damon was sitting on the couch in his big hotel room. The room was dark except for a line of light that crossed the room from the crack where the two curtains did not meet. It had been a month since he left Mystic Falls. He didn't think it would be this hard trying to say away, but every day he missed her. He was depressed and kept wondering if not being in her life was better then watching her and Stefan. But she still hadn't called and thats was a hint he could not ignore. If she wanted him there, she would have called. She knew it was better for everyone if he was out of the picture. Love triangles never really work out the way you want them too.

There was a knock on the door that surprised Damon. No one knew where he was. Maybe it was the wrong room? He walked to the door and when he opened it, he tried to slam it back closed but she stopped it.

"Is that any way to treat an old friend?" Katherine asked, forcing herself into the room.

"What do you want Katherine?" He asked as he sat back down on the couch, picking up the bourbon glass on the table in front of him.

"Awwwwww…poor Damon, all depressing and pathetic over Elena." Katherine said with a smirk.

"We both know your just jealous Stefan and I moved on. Now you're all alone. Now what the hell do you want? I don't feel like dealing with your crap today."

"Fine. I just wanted to check on you. I was surprised you left with Klaus still out and about after Elena." She sad down on the bed.

"Thats why I didn't go very far. Plus Klaus is on the run. He won't be back for a while."

"You really think running away is going to help?" Katherine asked.

"Oh wait, I get it now. You want me to go back. You want me to be in the middle so you can sneak in and take Stefan for yourself." Her smile dropped and she looked away.

"So, then we could both have what we want."

"Yes, but I'm not going to do that to my brother or Elena, regardless of how happy it would make me." Damon said. The sadness in him voice was heart breaking.

"Whatever. You know things will only get worse the more time you're aways from her." She stood up and left.

Damon knew she was right but at this point. What other options did he have?

Elena POV

In the past month, things between Stefan and her had gotten much better. They were actually getting back to the way things were before. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't stop thinking about Damon. She missed him. She tried to keep him out of her thoughts be he always managed to find a way back in. She had a lot of memories linked to Damon, and thats not really something a person can just forget.

"Elena?" Stefan called from the shower. He was still getting ready for school when she got there. Seems he woke up late.

"Yeah?" She responded.

"Can you bring me some cloths?"

"Oh sure!"

She walked over to his dresser and pulled out a pair of pants and shirt. She was walking towards the bathroom when she remembered he would need underwear as well or he'd be going commando. She quickly grabbed a pair but stopped when she saw a letter with her name on it, she could tell the hand writing belonged to Damon. He was the only one she knew who wrote E's that way. But why would Stefan have a letter with her name from Damon? She set down the cloths in her hand and pulled out the letter. It was unopened thankfully. After opening it herself she began to read.


I wanted to said goodbye to you in person but I don't think I could have left if I had. It's no secret how I feel

about you. And over this summer, searching for Stefan, those feels have only grown. Every time I see you

the world stops. I know how corny and stupid that sounds but it's true. And every time I see you with Stefan a

part of me breaks. I love my brother and all I want is for you both to be happy and I know I just keep getting in

the way of that. You told me it would always be Stefan, so I think the best thing to do is leave. I know, and you

should too, that I will never stop loving you. Just know that I am always here for you, when you need me just call.

Love always,


A tear fell from Elena's eye. He hadn't just left. He left for her, because he didn't want to be in a the way. He left because he loved her. Why did Stefan have this?

"Elena?" Stefan called walking into the room. He looked at the letter in her hand.

"Why?" She asked. "Why do you have this?"

"I….I….." Stefan really didn't know how to answer.

"This letter is mine but you kept it from me. You made me think he left because he didn't want to be around me anymore. But he left because he loves us both. He left because he did not want to be in the middle any more." Her voice was full of anger. Stefan had lied to her.

"I…..I couldn't lose you." He finally answered. "When I came back, things between us were not the same, and I could tell you and Damon had gotten closer. So when he left, I wanted you to hate him a little." He finally admitted.

"You had no right to keep this from me. He left so he was not in the way of us but he wasn't the one who broke us up, you are. You lied to me and thats not something I can just look past. I never would have guessed you would hurt me like this Stefan." She grabbed her bag and stormed out of the room. Now she knew who really loved her. Damon was willing to give up his own happiness for her and Stefan to be happy. That was the kind of person he was, and that was why she loved him. Once she got back home she pulled out her phone to call Damon.

Stefan POV

Stefan sat on his bed, half naked. What had he done? He was so worried about Damon breaking up him and Elena, but he was the one he ruined it all.


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