Every chapter will be a song I really like/was listening to whilst writing/fits the chap.

Chapter 1- I Don't Care (Song by Fall Out Boy)

The first thing she thought when he walked into the room was 'He's gotten taller'.

A really stupid thought to be precise; he'd been gone two years and that's all she could think of. She was glad he hadn't spoke to her yet, who knows what stupidity would have came out of her mouth. He hadn't noticed her yet, his blue eyes sweeping over his old classmates with a mocking smirk curving his pale lips.

She took the chance to scan her old best friend for any new difference. And boy did she find a lot.

Danny's normally raven hair had a white streak through it like lightening, but was still the same shaggy mess it was before he left. His clothing was no longer the old baggy blue jeans and old t-shirt with a red circle on it. They had been replaced by ripped black jeans, a black and white checkered belt holding them up and an emerald green t-shirt with the words, "I wish I was drunk right now...or at least away from you," printed across the chest. A black leather jacket covered that, the collar flicked up. On any other person it would look remarkably stupid, but on Danny...he looked hot.

He was still incredibly skinny, but was tall enough to be able to pull it off. His face was thinner, but his blue eyes still the same sapphire colour. She suddenly found them focused on her. And she saw the heart breaking hurt locked inside the large eyes. He threw up a wall just as quick, and lined it with a small amount of loathing and disgust. He sneered at her a little as he turned to stare at an open mouthed Lancer, raising an eyebrow before asking in a musical, deeper voice, "Is your class going to keep gaping at me or can I sit down in peace?"

Lancer momentarily recovered, hand clutching at his desk, "Daniel?"

Danny nodded, a sly smirk crossing his face, "Don't look so surprised; it's only been two years," he sighed, shoving up the sleeves of his jacket, "Should I just sit in my old seat?"

Lancer mumbled something and Danny rolled his eyes before sauntering down the lanes to his desk. A lot of eyes followed, not all of them just girls. He flopped, gracefully, into his seat from years ago, only for the bell to ring. His eyes connected with hers again, before he coldly turned to face the front, staring at the board lazily despite his fists being clenched.

"Free period," Lancer told them as Danny opened the messenger bag that had been slung over his shoulder only moments ago. Danny scoffed, kicking his legs up on the desk and revealing bright red sneakers. He leaned back, closing his eyes and linking his hands behind his head.

She couldn't help staring at him; the sinewy muscles in his arms, the length of his legs and the handsomeness his cute face had developed into, the way his tight chest-

"It's rude to stare," his deeper voice made her jump. He opened one eye to glare at her, a little sleepily, "Samantha,"

Sam couldn't keep the scowl off her face, "You know I hate that,"

Danny shrugged, back to closing his eyes. He reached into a pocket and flipped open a pair of sun glasses. Sam easily recognized them as Kalvin Cline. He rested them on his eyes crossing his feet as he released a breathy sigh, "I know a lot of things, Samantha, but some I didn't." she knew she wasn't imagining the bitterness in his words, "Like how your enemies can be good friends, and your best friends can be your enemies,"

Sam opened her mouth to reply before Danny suddenly shot out of his seat and into the hall, leaving his sunglasses on the desk as he zoomed from the room. He poked his head round the door and flashed a brilliant smile at Paulina, "Hey Cutie, if a teacher asks where I am, make up an excuse, M'kay?"

Danny gave her a wink before he disappeared again. Paulina was sitting incredibly still, blushing. Then she whipped her head round to screech about how Danny was 'So freaking hot chico's!" and the class immediately broke out into gossip.

"There's no way that can be Daniel Fenton!"

"Did you see how hot he's gotten? That time abroad did him good!"

"I don't care who he thinks he is, he is not hitting on my girlfriend-"

"Chico, he is going to be one of our boyfriends by the end of the week-"

The voices floated around Sam, who simply stood up and walked out, closing the door behind her before a purple flash glinted under the closed frame.

He was walking down the hall when it happened. Blasting Good Charlotte in his ears, the sounds of 'Riot Girl' clogging his senses to the point where he relied on his feelings and sight.

His sight was clear at the moment, people simply turning to stare at him as he walked past them. Their faces were grey behind his glasses; it was the way he liked it. They couldn't see his eyes, but he could see them.

"Christina, wouldn't wanna meet her!" he smirked along with his song, walking past Paulina who was trying her hardest to get his attention. Cause that wasn't seriously pathetic at all.

Besides, he had eyes for one girl. Who was standing at the end of the corridor and smiling at him (and maybe another).

It was the squeak that distracted him from his music. Well, that and the vibrations from a thud as a body hit the ground. He normally would have just left any idiot that walked into his path, but this freshman was titchy. And kinda reminded him of what he used to act like. Even though he was not a girl.

Of course, it was nothing to do with a certain pair of purple eyes on him either that he crouched down and shuffled the girls books and papers back together. She was absolutely tiny in her red shorts...and blue jumper.

Danny slowly removed his glasses, looking into cerulean blue eyes, "Danielle...?"

She looked back at him, eyes wide as she bit her lip, black hair falling into the start of azure eyes. She opened her small mouth, but looked over Danny's head and paled before she turned and ran. Danny frowned, before realizing a hulking shadow was looming over him.


Danny stood up with a sigh. He had grown a bit in two years, making him and Dash of a similar height. Danny -which wasn't noticed with any glee at all- was slightly taller than his old bully.

As Dash took a slight step back, Danny took of his sunglasses and crossed his arms. His eyes narrowed as he looked at his old bully, the neanderthal look seemed to still be popular for him.

Dash opened his stupid mouth to say something, before Danny snarled, "Picking on little girls now, huh, Dash?"

The blonde was stumped for a minute, then remembering his cronies, he gave Danny a disdaining look, "At least I'm not emo!"

Danny eyes narrowed, "I am not an EMO, Dash. I am Punk,"

Dash blinked, "There's no difference,"

Danny snorted, shaking his head, "On any other day, Dash, I'd so gladly kick your ass, but," he smirked wickedly, "But I don't fight people who have such low self-esteem they *hit* little girls," and with that he turned around and started to walk away. Silently counting to four in his head.

The meaty hand slammed down on his shoulder. Danny spun, the pull from his shoulder guiding the force behind the punch that slammed into the jocks nose. The old bully hit the floor with a thud, red pouring from his nostrils as Danny simply inspected his knuckles for any damage, before saying, "But I do punch idiots who try to punch me," he lowered his pale fist, glaring darkly at the old bully, "My mothers a black belt Dash,"

Dash held his busted nose, staring up in fear at his old punching bag, "What the hell happened to you, Fenton?"

Danny's eyes darkened even further as he relaxed from his fighting stance, slinging his abandoned bag back over his shoulder before he smirked bitterly, slinging his sunglasses back over his haunting eyes, "Actually, it's Daniel Masters now,"

So, what do you guys think of it? More will be explained in the second chapter, which should be up in a wee bit. Review if you want to ;) Oh, every second chapter will be what happened to Danny while he was away. Until I run out of idea's anyway :) Right now I'm watching 'A Very Potter Musical' and eating softmints. I don't know if you American's have them... LETS GO KILL VOLDEMORT!