Pairing: Phil Brooks/Jeff Hardy

Chapter 4: After math

Warnings: Slash, Fluff, Language, Angst, sex.

Rating: Mature

Summery: The after math of chapter 3.

A/N: Just a little something to let you know I have not forgotten this fic.


Phil grumbled as Jeff forced him up out of bed. Phil didn't want to get out of bed; he just wanted to cuddle with Jeff. "Baby… first of all we need a shower, and secondly I need to make sure I didn't tear you up too bad. I don't want you getting an infection or anything like that." Jeff murmured, gently running his fingers through Phil's short locks. The short locks that, not three hours earlier, Jeff was pulling while he fucked Phil's pretty ass. The thought made Jeff smirk, almost cockily.

"Hardy! I wanna sleep and cuddle with you…" Phil grumbled as Jeff's smirk widened. "Wonder what the WWE Universe would think if they saw big bad ass CM Punk as a whiney cuddlier…" Jeff murmured as Phil huffed, crossing his arms. "I'm not whiney!"

"Are too." Jeff murmured, kissing Phil's forehead lovingly. "Yeah… wonder what the… What the fuck does TNA call their fans again? Ah, who cares? Wonder what those TNA fans would think if they knew sweet loving Jeff Hardy… was really crude, sex crazed and that he threatened to fuck CM Punk in a Wal-Mart bathroom using hand soap as lube…" Phil even shuddered as Jeff burst out laughing.

"Yeah… I think since I've been heel in my company they know I'm no angel. Now… if we're done… you need to get up and shower. We can cuddle later." Jeff replied with a slight smirk grazing his lips. Phil growled, rolling out of bed and attempting to stand. Pain shot through his back and ass making Phil whimper slightly. Jeff wrapped an arm around Phil, helping him walk towards the bathroom.

"Come on, assume the position." Jeff grunted as Phil leaned against the counter, placing his hands on either side of the sink. Jeff stood behind him, hands on Phil's slim hips. "Aright than" Jeff murmured, dropping a kiss on the side of Phil's head before sliding to his knees behind him. He gently placed a hand on each of Phil's checks, kneading them apart as gently as he could. "Philly, hand me the tube of lube." Jeff ordered. Phil huffed, grabbing the lube and handing it back to Jeff.

"What's the lube for?" Phil asked, hearing the cap being popped off followed by the familiar sound of it being squeezed out. Jeff smirked as he lubed up his index finger, setting the tube on the floor beside him. "Well… considering you were a virgin back here, I imagine it would hurt if I just shoved my dry finger up your most likely sore, well fucked ass." Jeff replied with a smirk before he continued. "In all seriousness, I need to check for any cuts or tears you might have."

Phil nodded. "And what if I do have said cuts and or tears? And then what?" Jeff slightly chuckled at the worry in Phil's voice. "Well then… I'll need to rub some antiseptic on them so they don't get infected. It's nothing to be worried over babe. Trust me. You do trust me, don't you?" He asked as Phil nodded in response.

"Yeah I just never had to deal with this stuff before." Phil mumbled, closing his eyes as he felt Jeff's finger massaging his entrance. "This might be a bit uncomfortable, so brace yourself." Jeff murmured softly before gently beginning to push his digit past Phil's entrance.

"Shit!" Phil hissed, immediately beginning to tighten up on Jeff. "Baby loosen up! If you don't relax your body it's gonna hurt more than it should. So relax babe." Jeff murmured while ceasing his movement, rubbing Phil's lower back gently. Phil willed his body to relax, giving Jeff a slight nod to continue. Jeff eased his digit inside as Phil hissed softly. Jeff gently felt around for any serious cut or tears. After a few minutes the only tears Jeff could feel where very minor.

"Good news. You're fine. Aside from minor cuts you're okay. I'm still putting antiseptic on them though, you don't want an infection there." Jeff murmured, pulling his finger out and standing behind Phil. He slid his arms around Phil's waist, and tucked his chin over his shoulder, gazing at their reflection in the mirror.

"We make a hot couple." Jeff murmured absentmindedly as Phil chuckled breathlessly. "Yeah, we do" Phil replied, holding Jeff's gaze in the mirror. "Shower time. Afterwards I gotta get that stuff on your sore ass" Jeff chuckled causing Phil to sneer at him. "Hardy har har…" he muttered as Jeff started their shower.

After a round of hot steamy shower sex Jeff helped dry Phil off, placing kisses on the back of his neck. "Assume the position" Jeff whispered against Phil's neck, voice husky from their encore. Phil bent over the counter, forcing his body to relax as Jeff appeared behind him with the topical cream, a smirk playing on Jeff's lips.

Jeff knelt behind Phil, coating his index finger in the substance. "Ready babe?" he asked as Phil nodded. "Go for it" Phil grumbled, relaxing his body. Jeff pushed his finger in as gently as he could, rubbing the cream on the tears he could feel before pulling his finger out. "All done" Jeff announced with a smirk still on his lips, leaning against Phil as he washed the excess cream off his finger in the sink.

Phil pouted looking at Jeff in the mirror. "What's wrong babe?" Jeff asked, raising his eye brows at Phil. "Will it always be like this? Tears… cuts… topical creams?" Phil asked timidly as Jeff chuckled. "No babe… I'll break you in good so you'll still be nice and tight, but it won't tear or hurt much anymore." He replied as Phil rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, whatever Hardy boy… Come on… fuck getting dressed, you promised me some cuddling!" Phil growled, dragging Jeff to the bed and playfully pushing him onto it. Phil climbed on top of Jeff, resting his head on Jeff's shoulder. Jeff laughed softly as he wrapped his arms around his love. Cuddling? He could handle a little more cuddling.

End of Chapter 4.

Kind of short compared to previous chapters I know; but it's an update. I promise Chapter 5 will be longer.

Again thanks to the lovely Kassie for beta-ing my fics. You're amazing! Much love girlie! :D

R&R. You knows the drill! :D

~ Cal