Title: Confession

Pairing: Jeff Hardy/Phil Brooks (CM Punk) [Junk]

Rating: T

Content Warning: Language, Angst, tease of M/M relationship.

Summery: While Jeff Hardy is serving his 10 day sentence, he gets an unexpected visitor the person he least expected to come see him, a blast from his past.

Disclaimer: I sadly do not own these gorgeous men…

A/N: Been awhile since I wrote my favorite Pairing. Only wrote them once before this actually… I KNOW! I've been WAYYY behind but I'm trying to fix it. This could become a two shot/three shot deal. Or just a one-shot, who knows?

Jeff hardy sighed as he thought of how far he'd truly fallen from grace. He'd hit rock bottom, it couldn't get any worse than it already was. True he had gotten a slap on the back of the wrist, even though, he never knew what was in the package that he accepted, he'd suck it up, and not bitch or complain. He should've known better than to accept it to begin with.

The next thing he knew, he was being served with a warrant and his house raided, the police found the drugs, and he was arrested. One bad incident on a TNA pay per view and he nearly loses his job, Beth leaves him and takes Ruby away as well, refusing to continue to support a man who continues to fail. Yet now he stands in front of Moore County Detention Center ready to suck it up, and get his 10 day incarceration over with and put it behind him.

They booked him in, as he attempted to hold back the flood of tears while they snapped another mug shot for his file, and a pair of dark green pants, a matching shirt with his inmate number on it and a plain white t-shirt were being handed to him by the correctional officer who booked him in. "Here you are Mr. Hardy, step in front of me, and I'll take you to your cell. You're currently by yourself so…" he grunted as Jeff heeded the command. They walked down a long corridor lined with rooms, the walls all plain white, dark grey doors with a tiny window on each.

"Right up ahead" The Officer muttered. "Step back please." Jeff did, as the C.O. unlocked the cell allowing Jeff to walk in. "Change into those and put all your other clothes in this bag as well as your shoes, there's a pair of boots up there to the left, knock on the window when you're done, and I'll see to it they get put with the rest of your belongings. Okay?" He asked as he handed Jeff a clear plastic bag.

"Yes sir." Jeff whispered as he heard the door slam shut. He removed his shoes, shirt, and jeans, tossing them all into the clear bag. He grabbed the jail clothes, and quickly pulled them on as well as the boots that were a size to big. Jeff sucked in a breath as he bid goodbye to the clothes that made him an individual, looking down at the clothes that he knew without a shadow of a doubt matched every other inmate in the jail, the number aside.

He tapped the window, stepping back as the C.O. entered his living quarters, Jeff holding out the bag for him to take. "Okay. I'll put this with your stuff Mr. Hardy." He promised as he looked back at Jeff. "The door is open, you're not locked in here, you are able to come and go as you please. When chow is ready, you're cell fed… so. Be in your cell, but don't worry we make sure you are. We have a weight room, for training… I know your profession… If you don't wanna leave, that's fine as well. I guess that's it." Jeff nodded to show he understood. "Thank you" he whispered as the C.O. gave a slight nod before closing Jeff's door on his way out.

Jeff glanced around what would be his home for 10 days. It was small as expected, but had the essentials. There was a bed; there was a toilet, a sink, a small desk and something that resembled a cubby whole for clothes and such. There was some paper and envelopes (for writing letters to family or friends, Jeff assumed), there were pens and pencils, and a small bag containing disposable razors (Jeff shuddered missing his own razor), shaving cream, after shave, a tooth brush, tooth paste, a small bottle of mouth wash, a small bottle of shampoo, and a bar of soap.

Jeff sat down on his bed, releasing a sigh as he tried to think back to when his addictions started but found that it was so far back, he didn't know when. All he remembered was that there was so much pain, both physical and emotional. He laid back closing his eyes as he tried to sleep most of his time away.

Four days passed as Jeff sat in his room where he mostly stayed since last time he left he was almost in a altercation with another inmate who wanted to beat up a wrestler to show off to the other inmates, but the Officers hauled the provoking inmate back to his cell for the rest of the day and Jeff willingly returned to his own. Jeff was almost asleep when-

"Mr. Hardy… you have a visitor." A C.O poked his head in the door. Jeff blinked in surprise, he'd been counting down the days till he'd be released and almost 5 days in, he'd not had a single visitor, because Matt was currently attending mandatory rehab, Reby was always working, and he'd told Shannon, Shane and his own father not to visit him as he didn't want them to see him like this and they swore they wouldn't; so it baffled him on who came to see him.

Jeff sighed as he sat up, and climbed out of his bed, allowing the C.O. to put the cuffs and chains on him, walking him to the visiting room. "So we're going to a room?" Jeff asked glancing at the Officer. "Yup. Why what'd you expect… glass and a phone?" The officer chuckled dryly as Jeff blinked before nodded.

"S'all I saw on TV…" he mumbled in his defense. The C.O. smirked as he opened the door walking Jeff to an empty table, and sitting him down. "Bring him in." He motioned to the other guard who nodded, going to the door on the opposite side of the room that Jeff came in.

The door's alarm beeped to let them know it was opening as a blast from Jeff's past walked to the table taking a seat facing Jeff. Jeff swallowed hard, feeling anger and hate rising as he eyed the man warily. "Can we have some privacy please… I don't believe this man is a harm to my health or safety, I mean after all, he IS in chains and what not…" The man reasoned as the two guards gave a curt nod.

"When you're done, hit that button, it will buzz and we'll be back to take Mr. Hardy to his cell and walk you out." The older guard muttered before both left the room. Jeff waited until the door shut and foots steps faded off down the hall before he chewed his ass out.

"Punk… what are you doing here? Huh? Here to taunt me some more? Here to continue rubbing shit in my face. I guess it ain't the past anymore since I fucked up again right? No… then you wanna rub the fact that you ended my WWE career in my face dontcha? Or you wanna flaunt that your career is skyrocketing and mine's dying huh? Dammit don't you know when to quit?" Jeff growled through clenched teeth as Phil Brooks, otherwise known as CM Punk shook his head no.

"Jeff… Jeffrey… I'm not here for that shit… I'm not here to taunt you… or rub anything in your face at all. I… I came here…" Phil trailed off still seeing anger and hate blazing in Jeff's emerald eyes, the eyes he'd completely fallen for… the eyes he'd lost himself in nearly six years ago in 2006, when they first became friends. Phil had fallen so hard for Jeff, but buried the feelings for years upon years.

Every time Phil got the chance, the courage to tell Jeff how he truly felt about him, something fucked it up or held him back. First it was when they first became friends and he realized he had these feelings for Jeff, he was afraid of losing Jeff as a friend, then in 08, Jeff was drafted, then there was Beth and Matt always in the back of his mind, his own conscious telling him it would be wrong considering the fact Jeff was spoken for already and Matt probably wouldn't be keen on some sick fag liking his brother.

Then, in 09 when Phil was drafted to Smackdown, he was ecstatic that he'd once again be near Jeff. He almost spilled it to Jeff one night when he gave the drunken Hardy a ride to the hotel, but realized with dread that Jeff was passed out by time he uttered the words 'I love you'. Then him cashing in on Jeff and the rest of they're feud got in his way, before he knew it, by the time Jeff was out of WWE, Jeff hated him and it absolutely killed him inside. Phil closed his eyes willing the tears away as he reopened them.

"Jeff… I'm here to tell you something… I've been holding in since… since 2006… something I should've told you sooner… I first want to defend my reasons before I drop this bombshell on you…" Phil started taking deep breaths to calm his racing heart, finding it extremely difficult with Jeff's gaze trained on him. Jeff looked more curious then hateful now, Phil was kind of thankful for that, but knew as soon as he told Jeff; he'd be disgusted with him. "So start talking Punk… I got dinner soon" Jeff muttered glaring heatedly at Phil to attempt to get him to get it out already. "Spit it out, you never had problems running your mouth before" He grumbled laying his hands on the table.

"Hardy… I'm trying this isn't exactly easy to say." Phil muttered back squeezing his eyes tightly shut before quickly deciding it's now or never, he had Jeff's full attention. "First I wanna say… I was afraid of… losing you as friend… then some other shit got in the way…" Phil trailed off as Jeff quirked his lips. "So… what's changed… why's it still important?" he asked as Phil glanced up meeting his eyes.

"Because you hate me now… I figure that now I have nothing left to lose… I already lost you… Jeff… now or never… Jeff Hardy I have a confession to make... for the past 6 years… I have been helplessly… head over heels in love with you... I love you Jeff Hardy. I really do and I'm sorry for all the shit that went down between us… even though I had no control over it… I was just taking orders… doing what I was told to do from higher up. There I said it… now you can go back to hating my guts… and I'll go back to mourning over what could have been; what ifs and the mourning the one who got away. I probably… disgust you now… huh?" Phil asked dropping his gaze to the table as he felt Jeff's gaze burning through him.

"Are you shitting me? You fucking with me Punk?" Jeff asked his gaze unreadable as Phil glanced up meeting his gaze. "No Jeff. I love you… I love you to the point that it fucking hurt just being around you. I love you so fucking much… if I could change everything… I would in a heartbeat. Me cashing it because hunter threatened me too… the insults, the bullshit… the cage match everything." Phil murmured looking Jeff in the eye. "Jeff I wouldn't play a prank like this. Please believe me… I…"

"Wait hold up. What do you mean Hunter threatened you?" Jeff asked cutting Phil off. "He… threatened to send me to FCW… that or fire me… said If I didn't prove my worth by cashing in, not only would he get Vince to fire me… but he" Phil glanced down as a single tear broke surface and started to roll down his cheek, before he roughly wiped it away. "I've sat up sometimes all night… crying over you… I finally got the… guts to tell you… and you doubt me. Hunter found out about my secret… that I was in love with you. He threatened to not only get me fired but take you away from me." Phil choked back a sob by biting down into his bottom lip.

"How exactly can he, think that he can dictate whether I am friends with you or not?" Jeff asked still not believing Phil's phony story. "Jeff… He told me about… told me that you'd hate that fact that 'CM Faggot' more than friendly feelings toward you… and at the time I was so scared that I believed him and I asked him what he wanted me to do… and he told me to cash in. Bastard thought it'd be entertaining to see me have to hurt the man I love… I'm so sorry Jeff… I panicked. I never wanted to lose you… but in my fogged choice I lost you anyways…" Phil whimpered as Jeff studied the straight edge superstar, taking in his disheveled appearance, red rimmed eyes, sobs racking his little body.

'Boy's telling the truth' Jeff thought wanting nothing more then to somehow comfort his former friend. Poor boy was a mess and Jeff felt like the biggest jerk in the world for not noticing Phil's feelings toward him.

"Phillip…I apologize for my actions. And no you don't disgust me… if you'd have asked me… you'd have known that I was Bi. But you never asked." Jeff murmured gently as Phil tried to recover. "That and Hunter doesn't control me. He doesn't control who I date, who I fuck… or any shit I do. Vince did. Not him."

"Jeff I just… I know I screwed up big time… I wanna know… if maybe we could try… even being friends again… it would hurt but at least I'd have you in my life somehow." Phil mumbled wiping his face. Jeff thought about it, holding Phil's hopeful gaze. "Trust is hard to rebuild…" Jeff murmured as Phil nodded. "I'll do anything to prove my love for Jeff. Anything whatever you want. It's yours." Phil vowed as Jeff licked lips dry lips.

"Anything?" Jeff asked as Phil nodded frantically. "Whatever I want? Well I have two demands… and the last I'll have think about."

"What you want Jeff" Phil promised as Jeff smirked. "I get out in 6 days… Since Beth and I are no more, I need a ride." He proposed as Phil nodded. "I'll be here." He promised reaching across the table to grab Jeff's hand in a loving manner. "The second one… Is that you never… for these last 6 days, come visit me here again. I don't want anyone, including you to see me like this… think you can handle that Punk?" Jeff asked as Phil sighed before he nodded his head 'yes'. "Good. Now it's actually dinner time for me… but… I'll see you in 6 days… we'll go from there." Jeff murmured as Phil stood nodding his head, walking around the table to stand close to Jeff.

"Can I ask for something Jeff?" Phil asked as Jeff smiled slightly. "Well you technically already did, but sure go ahead." he murmured watching as Phil knelt to his level. "After being away from you for almost 3 years… I need to feel your arms around me… once… so I can sleep tonight. Please Jeff?" Phil asked more tears shining in his eyes as Jeff made a mental note to find Hunter upon his release, seeing what he stole from them. What could've been a beautiful relationship, 'what still can be' Jeff corrected himself.

"Sure" He murmured pulling Phil flush against him, as Phil buried his face in Jeff's neck and breathed in deeply. "I missed this… even though they were short hugs… I missed them." Phil whispered in Jeff's ear, as Jeff pressed a kiss to Phil's temple, loving the way Phil felt in his arms, how it felt so right, and so meant to be. So perfect. "Phillip I gotta go" Jeff murmured as Phil pulled away slowly, nodding his head. Phil dropped a kiss to Jeff's cheek. "Stay strong in here Jeffy… kay… I'll see you in 6 days… I love you" Phil murmured as he pushed the button, the two CO's walking in a few minutes later, leading Jeff away as Phil's tears threatened to spill once again. He left the Jail feeling depressed but yet happy in the same sense. He might still have a chance with Jeff yet.

Jeff sighed as he stared at his dinner, his mind on the conversation with Pun-Phil, feeling ready for these 6 days to pass on by, so he could explore a potential relationship with Phil and see where it takes him.

~ Finished

Part 2? Or no?