He hushed his conscience and told it to go back to depths of his soul.

He didn't want to hear what it had to say anymore. He knew that he was a tempted man. How could he not be when something so enticing was constantly around him? He tried to fight it. He went back and forth with himself, his conscience, and had eventually bowed out of the battle. His desires had taken over and won.

However, Toshi was just fine with that. He never considered himself the purest one of his group of men. If anything he thought of himself as the least pure. And yet the more he thought about it the more he knew he had never thought of anyone or anything in such a…provocative fashion.

The object of his desire, Saito Hajime, was often more alluring than he realized. From the graceful yet fierce way Saito used his sword to the quiet and calm way he ate his rice, Toshi indulged in his every movement.

Even when the pretty left handed swordsman wasn't in his sight he was still on his mind. On the nights when he felt the weakest Toshi would think about him and Saito together. He imagined taking Saito for his own, running his hands through his hair, touching all over his body, and eventually exploring deep inside him.

Thankfully Toshi wasn't an impulsive man otherwise on those nights he would have gone straight to Saito's room and done exactly what he dreamed of doing.

Or so he told himself.

In reality he knew he would only admire from afar. He had a deep desire for Saito, though he never acted upon those desires. He didn't want to destroy the trust and security that had taken so much time and patience for Saito to build. Saito was strong…but very fragile. Like a raging fire Saito had the capabilities to destroy and take the life from anything in his path, yet like a flame all it would take was one quick, sudden, and unexpected movement for him to be extinguished forever.

Toshi loved him too much to risk that.

He wondered if Saito could see the love behind his eyes. He wondered if Saito could feel his burning desire flowing out of him. He was never able to tell.

"I adore you." Toshi whispered on one of the nights where his desires took control of him.

He turned on his side and clung to his blankets, imaging they were Saito. He was long past trying to hide how much he wanted him. He used to fight his desires and pretend they weren't there, but he eventually drowned in them. His desires screamed and shouted at him to prove they existed and to show they wouldn't be leaving anytime soon. Toshi had no choice but to accept them, which he did.

Even if he refused to tell Saito how he felt he still couldn't deny his feelings. He continued to think about how badly he wanted to touch Saito and taste him and make him his. His feelings were starting to overwhelm him and he started to question how long he could hide this from Saito. Would it even be worth it to keep hiding from him?

Absolutely not.

A resolution woke in Toshi's heart. He loved Saito. He loved, adored, and desired him in every single way and he didn't want to spend the rest of his life only thinking about Saito and wishing he were his. He wanted to show Saito exactly how he felt. He wanted to fill him with more love and affection than he could handle. Toshi knew of the risks involved. He knew by finally admitting his love he could push Saito right out of the door. Saito could become frightened of him or even possibly despise him, but if there was even one small chance that he would be loved back then Toshi would be willing to put everything on the line. After all...

"I've gone farther for lesser gold."

The resolution in Toshizou's heart has awakened a new Persona!

Kidding. Anyway this was a difficult chapter and it's not that...great...but the next chapter seems to be flowing nicely so hang in there with me!