I can't do this
I can't do this
I can't do this
The words pounded in my head the next morning. I was a freak; a genetic accident. Nobody wanted me to happen, so why should I even try?
I felt like I was reliving a nightmare as I ran from the school. I could still hear those girls' words in my head. The encounter made me want to throw up.
As I was walking to the C wing earlier that day for Biology, all I could think about was the human mind. So far that day, I had been tripped, mocked, made fun of, and somebody even threw a stapler at my head. Why did people act that way? Was because of fear of the unknown; or because of the need to feel power? Society was obviously against mutants, but what I couldn't figure out was why.
But, as I was working this entire thing out in my head, I heard them.
"Hey, you the new Xavier kid?"
The voice was rough, yet feminine. I stopped walking; listening to the sounds of multiple pairs of feet pound against the sidewalk. Clutching my books closer to me, I responded, without turning around.
"Yeah, what's it to you." Definitely not how I normally operate, but I was not in the mood for games.
The girls formed a circle around me. Every single one of them was twice my size, and glared at me with nothing less but pure malice. One spoke up. "So, got any special talents you wanna throw at us?" The girls snickered. "Come on, throw some fire at me. Or can you shoot me with anything."
My eyes stayed glued to the ground. "I don't want any trouble. Just let me go to my class."
Somebody pushed me roughly to the ground. My books were kicked on the pavement and onto the damp grass. Still I refused to look at them. "Hey, I said throw something at me!" Somebody grabbed my hair and pulled my head up, so I was looking at my attacker dead in the eye. Her face was cold and vicious. "What? Don't think I could take it?" I was kicked, hard, in the side. It brought tears to my eyes.
My voice was choked up, but I refused to back down. "Leave me alone, please?" It came out like a whimper.
"Aw, is the little freak gonna cry now?" They laughed. She was right, I was pathetic. "Looks like we're gonna have to toughen you up."
They let go of my hair, and my head hung. I was bruised, battered, and on the verge of tears. But the threats kept coming.
The girl went to hit me. My hand stopped her.
"Don't touch me."
I was gripping her wrist hard. Impulsively, I moved to me feet and threw her on the ground. Then, the scene changed. The girl I threw down was begging for mercy, and her group was moved behind her.
"Please, don't hurt me. I'll do anything." She cried.
Pathetic. They were all pathetic. And so was I.
Slowly, I picked up my books, and walked away. Not towards the building, but to the parking lot. The walk turned into a run. That's why people hated us. They were afraid, pitiful creatures that ran off of their own self absorbed qualities. We were no better. I was a power crazed person with a short temper. If I had lost my cool, then everyone would've paid.
I was done. That was it. Done.