A/N: Thanks to my beta Azzie for looking this over so quickly! Also, thanks to anyone still reading this story for not giving up on me! :)

Strange Impulses:

Chapter Three: Detention:

The harsh sounds of a teenage boy scrubbing cauldrons filled the room until Severus wanted to rip his ears off. Most students wouldn't believe him if he told them, but he hated detentions. Especially when they involved scrubbing cauldrons. Although it was admittedly better than doing the hateful chore himself, the smell and sounds that accompanied, including the insistent whining and girly perfumes, drove him mad.

"Potter!" he snapped harshly. The sounds stopped, although the acidic smell of the cleaning solution lingered.

"Professor?" came a small voice.

"You're done. Get out of here." The foolish boy just stood there staring at him with his jaw hanging. "Put your face back together and go!" The boy dropped the sponge and bolted. Severus sighed and waved his wand, rearranging the room and dispelling the awful scent.

Not even four hours later, Albus stood in front of the Potions Master's desk. "Are you ill?"



"Then what on Earth happened?"

"I let Potter out of detention early. He was too annoying to handle."

"Severus. I do not appreciate being lied to by my own staff."

"What makes you think I'm lying?"

Albus fell silent. "It's just so unlike you." he finally offered. Severus snorted derisively.

"People change, Albus." he said wearily, surprised by his own words. The headmaster remained silent for a few more minutes, then stood.

"In this case, I am grateful." he said, disappearing through the Floo back to his own quarters.