Before Atlantica

1- A New Beginning

Peter Pan was flying over the island, trying to find the mermaids new location. The crocodile was on their tails again. He had just won another battle against Captain Hook; the tall, cruel pirate who pined revenge on the young boy and he needed to tell the mer-folk about it. Peter had successfully cut off Hook's right hand and fed it to the crocodile. After that, Peter watched with complete enthrallment how the crocodile licked his lips and chased Hook back to the main island- rightfully named Never Land.

"Peter!" a voice called out from the waters below.

Peter frantically searched below, wandering who was calling him this time. At last, he found Nita, one of Never Land's mermaids, waving up to him. He swooped done and sat on one of the out-cropping rocks. "Hiya, Nita! What's goin' on?"

"Did you find a way to keep the crocodile from bothering us like you promised? Last time it nearly had Queen Athena's daughter Attina for breakfast!"

"Yep! I cut off Hook's hand today and threw it to the crocodile! He ate it like there was no tomorrow!"

"Really?" Nita said in awe.

"Yeah, you should of seen Hook's face when he tried to swim away! He left a trail of blood too. I don't know what he was more afraid off, the croc or the sight of his blood!"

Nita fell over in the water, laughing. When she caught her breath, she told Peter the news she really wanted to tell badly. "Good! Because Athena's pregnant again, and we think it's a girl!"

"Pregnant?" Peter said, having no idea what the term meant. Last time he was told that though; months later a new child had arrived, but he thought the baby fell out of its crib back on Earth.

"Yep, and King Triton wanted to make sure that Mermaid Lagoon was safe to raise their children."

"Raise? Doesn't that mean they'll grow up?"

Nita soon regretted her choice of words. She knew Peter didn't approve of grown-ups and if he knew that Triton and Athena's daughters and new-born were going to grow up, he wouldn't be as friendly to them. "NO! I mean no, they will live in Never Land, so they won't grow up, no..." she quickly added, holding her breath.

Peter stalled, gathering his thoughts. "Okay," he answered.

Nita exhaled sharply. "Phew," she mumbled to herself, hoping Peter didn't hear. A horn blow across Never Land just then, with both children looking up into the sky-Peter preparing for Hook's attack; Nita hoping that Athena had given birth to a new life.

"I better go Peter. There's a new life upon us. A new life, a new beginning. Bye!" Nita dove back under the waves, swimming sonic-fast back to Mermaid Lagoon.

Peter stood up, scratching his head. What was that about? he thought. Curious, he began to fly after Nita's shadowy figure.

Author's Note

Copyright Infringment not attended.

Inspiration from Miss Hawkins's story Forever.

Characters and some locations belong to Walt Disney.

Story was written for my own amusement on my side on about what happened before the dramatic events occurring in Forever.

Quick Overview- Peter Pan has been living in Neverland among the diverse creatures inhabiting the island for quite awhile now. When he is told about Ariel's birth and he curiosily peeks in on the new-born, things change drastically. With Hook now rising up to the plate as Peter's mortal enemy and Ariel sharing in on almost all of Peter's adventures; how will Peter deal with the fact of losing Ariel to Atlantica?