Hello fellow Fringe friends! Even though our beloved show ended, I am glad we all have fan fiction to keep it alive and well.

Thanks to everyone who has reviewed this story. It means a lot; I appreciate it more than you know. Thanks to all my followers who have been patiently waiting for this update. I hope it was worth the wait.

Again and always this chapter is rated M…smut is always a must in my stories! Some violence will be a part of this chapter as well.

I own nothing Fringe related. That pleasure has never been mine! All other characters are of my own creation.

There is a line from a previous episode (the name of which escapes me!).

This chapter is dedicated to Lyn ( runpaceyrun)…she was my 100th review! Hope you like it my friend!

This is un-betaed, so all mistakes are mine.

A/N: Italics mean inner thoughts


As the sound of the ocean wafted into the dimly lit room, Peter awoke to a warm sensation. At first he thought it was the sun trying to barge into the room through the curtains, but then he realized what it was. That warmth was a body, not just any body, but Olivia's naked, tanned, gorgeous, sensuous body. He smiled to himself as he remembered the amazing night they had and was content and relieved that it wasn't a dream. Slowly removing her arm that was draped across his stomach, Peter sat up and stretched. His body a little sore from the vigorous act he so happily participated in the night before.

He watched as Olivia turned in her sleep mumbling something that he could have sworn was the word "love" on her lips. Smirking to himself, he headed to the curtains and finally gave permission to the sun to enter the room.

Drinking in the sunlight that had illuminated the dimly lit room, Peter smiled contently he knew that it would be a beautiful day, in more ways than one. He allowed the sun to acquaint itself with his naked body, feeling the amazing rays caress his heated flesh. He turned and watched Olivia's reaction to the sunlight streaming into the room with a turn of her head away from it. Chuckling to himself, he made his way back to their shared bed as he picked up the phone and dialed room service.

"Good Morning, this is Room 225, I'd like to order the deluxe breakfast, please" Peter announced as his stomach faintly growled.

"Oh and can you add a large plate of strawberries, with whipped cream and a bottle of Champagne as well?" he asked, hoping that it would be too much to ask.

As he listened to his order being read back to him, he smiled a devilish grin, knowing that the strawberries and whipped cream will come in handy this morning.

"Thanks, how long will that be? 25 minutes, great, Mahalo," Peter said as he hung up the phone.

Olivia stirred again, this time she spread her arms out across the bed as if she were waiting for an invisible embrace. Peter looked down at her and frowned as the red scratches Jake inflicted on her were still very much present. It made Peter angry to know that she was hurt and he couldn't stop it from happening. Even though Peter was unable to stop the incident last night, he'd be damned if he didn't teach Jake a lesson for hurting the woman he loved.

Peter leaned over her, kissed her bare shoulder and her cheek taking in the reaction her body had to his kiss. A smile gracing her face even though her eyes remained closed.

"Livia, I ordered us some breakfast, it should be here in 25 minutes. I have to take care of something, I'll be back soon, okay," he whispered loud enough for her to hear.

"Okay," Olivia mumbled "hurry back," her sleep addled voice commanded.

"I will be back before you know it," Peter reassured her dutifully.

Getting up to get some clothes on, Olivia spied on Peter in all his naked glory. Her one open eye indulged in the delicious sight of Peter Bishop's naked body, toned and tanned. His naked body that was sweat soaked and gyrating on top of her last night. That gorgeous, tight, taut ass that she so lovingly, albeit a little roughly, dug her nails into last night as she came around him. A little smirk danced on her face as she giggled faintly into the pillow upon remembering what transpired.

"See something you like, Dunham?" Peter said as he pulled on a pair of sweats and a T-shirt.

"Just something I have wanted for a long time and finally have," she answered him, curling up in the bed sheets.

"Well, just so you know, you can have this anytime, anywhere," Peter said as he gestured to his body, with an amused look on his face.

"Don't think I won't take you up on that offer, Bishop," Olivia replied with conviction in her voice.

"I hope you do, many, many, many times!" Peter insisted.

Olivia giggled again as she stretched her resplendent body, the sheet that was covering her falling away and revealing her enticing breasts. It took all the self-control Peter had not to consume them again. He had a task that he needed to take care of and he didn't want any distractions.

"I'll be back in about in about 15 minutes okay?" Peter said to her while he put his shoes on.

"Okay, I'll be waiting," Olivia said as she pulled the rest of the sheet away thus exposing her entire naked body to him.

Peter's self-control was holding on by a thread as he strode toward the door, not looking back at the goddess he left on the bed in all her intoxicating glory. As he closed the hotel door behind him, he shook off the feelings that were rising in his body. He needed to be in another kind of head space, not one of lustful, wanton feelings. Heading down the hall, Peter psyched himself up to face Jake.


Pounding on Jake's door Peter's blood was racing through him, his heart beating fiercely within his chest. His breathing became shallow as he heard the door unbolt and open in front of him.

"What the hell?" Jake questioned as Peter intruded into his room slamming him against the wall.

"You fucking piece of shit! How dare you hurt Olivia like that?" Peter screamed at him, his hand firmly clamped around Jake's neck.

Jake struggled against Peter's grip, trying to get him to release his hold on him. Peter's eyes were on fire, the hatred he had for this man almost burned right through him. Jake finally was able to get Peter to release him as he pushed him away from him. Peter fell backwards, but quickly regained his footing and lunged after Jake again.

Jake swung at Peter, to no avail; Peter blocked his swing and countered it with one of his own. The fight continued, with Jake in a weakened state, still very much hung over from the night before. Peter punched him a few more times until Jake was a crumpled mess on the floor and Peter's hand was throbbing from the contact of flesh on flesh.

"You touch her again and I will kill you," Peter warned, malevolence dripping from his mouth, inches from Jake's bruised body.

Jake could feel the disgust Peter had for him coming off of him in waves and flinched when Peter issued his warning. Watching Peter exit his room, Jake coughed and wheezed as he let out a painful sob, knowing that he deserved every punch that Peter inflicted on him.

Peter's body was on an adrenaline high and he needed to stop the throbbing in his hand. He made his way to where the ice machine was, opened it and plunged his hand into the biting cold to stop the pain. As the pain was beginning to subside, he thought about Olivia and how she would not have approved of what he did, but he didn't care. He needed to do this as much for her as well as for himself. Whether or not she liked what he did was beside the point, he did it and had no regrets.

Calming himself down, Peter headed down stairs to the gift shop where he grabbed a morning paper. Smiling at the older lady at the register, he headed back up to his room, his task completed for the time being. He wanted nothing more than to take a shower and get the scum that Jake left from contact with him off his body as soon as possible.

As Peter rode back up to his room in the elevator, his mind started flashing images of Olivia's glorious naked body waiting for him again. He smiled to himself and thought how did I get so lucky? She is mine now! Don't fuck it up Bishop! He warned himself as he made his way back to the awaiting arms of his newly found lover.


When Peter entered the room again, the bed was empty, but the balcony door was open. Peter stopped himself for a moment before he went to join her, remembering the last time he saw her on the balcony and what she was doing. A hunger entered Peter's body as the thoughts dashed through his sex soaked brain. Finally getting a grip on his lust, he joined Olivia on the balcony.

Pulling back the curtains, Peter slipped onto the balcony and wrapped his arms around Olivia's silken robe clad body. Inhaling her essence, he kissed her neck in several places, before finally resting his chin on her shoulder.

"It's a beautiful day, isn't it?" Olivia asked as she felt Peter tighten his grip around her.

"More beautiful than I have ever seen any morning, especially today," Peter answered.

"Why today?" Olivia asked a little clueless.

"Because, I finally have the woman I love here with me in my arms. What more could I want?" Peter said as Olivia leaned into him a little more.

"I can't believe it took me so long to finally realize it," she said, a little shame in her voice.

"Hey, that's the past. What matters now is the future…our future, okay" Peter said with an understanding tone in his voice, as he turned her around in his arms.

Olivia smiled at him, knowing exactly what he meant. She hoped that he was right, that there would be a future for them once they got back to Boston. She had hoped that this relationship wouldn't be the same as the one she had with John or Lucas. She hoped that Peter was the one that she was destined to be with. She just wanted happiness in her life, for once.

Peter hugged her and kissed her forehead "As much as I'd love to stay out here on the balcony, I need a shower," he said as he released Olivia from his arms.

Peter headed back into the room and to the bathroom with Olivia not far behind.

"I'll be out soon. Hopefully by that time breakfast will be here," he informed her as he shut the bathroom door behind him.

Olivia heard the shower turn on and giggled, she knew that as soon as breakfast came, she would join him in the shower. The thought of Peter all wet and clean made her body dizzy with pleasure. The thoughts of the naughty things she would do to him and he to her in the shower crept up on her and made her blush. Olivia surprised herself, she had never had carnal thoughts about her boyfriend's ever, and Peter was the first man to bring those out in her.

Peter was the first man to let Olivia be who she really is, to not judge her and just love her and all her faults. It made Olivia happy that she had found a man who not only understood perfectly her damaged past, but had one similar to her own. Peter knew what Olivia went through in her life, he was damaged as well and he knew the pain and loss that she had lived through.

A knock came to startle Olivia out of her introspection that she jumped a little. Laughing at the little jump, she headed to the door and welcomed the amazing breakfast into the room. The cart that the youngish bell boy wheeled in was spectacular. Everything she wanted and more was arranged attractively on the massive cart. She thought of Walter and how he would be over the moon with all this delectable food at his fingertips. She chuckled at the thought of Walter consuming every last morsel like a fiend.

"Good Morning, miss, breakfast as you ordered," the bell boy chimed.

"Thanks so much! It looks amazing!" Olivia answered with a giddy tone.

Olivia noticed that the young bell boy was eyeing her. He had a look of a teenager that was discovering girls for the first time. She noticed his name tag on his neatly pressed shirt, TYLER in bold letters blared at her. She innocently smiled at him and leaned over the tray to sign the check, revealing a little bit of herself through her robe. It was just a slight view of her cleavage, but she knew it would make the Tyler's day.

"I left a nice tip on there for you," Olivia informed him as she handed him the check presenter with a flirty smile.

"Oh, thank you, miss. I appreciate it," Tyler answered as he took the check from her. "Is there anything else I can do for you, miss?" he asked somewhat innocently.

"No, thank you so much, I am very satisfied," Olivia teased as she showed Tyler to the door.

"Well, if you do need anything else…" Tyler started to say.

"Oh, believe me I will call. Thanks again, Tyler. Have a great day," she teased as she put her hand on his arm.

"Have a nice day," he mimicked as he turned around and left down the hall.


The strawberries and whipped cream were the first things that caught Olivia's eye on the tray. She smirked at them, because she knew what Peter had in mind when he ordered them, he may be a genius, but he is still a man. She decided to be bold and grabbed one of the strawberries and headed to the bathroom and the gorgeous naked man that occupied it.

Opening the door, the steam enveloped her in an almost ghost like manner. It swirled around her making her body hot and slightly damp. With the strawberry in her hand, she called out to Peter.

"Breakfast is here and it looks delicious," she purred as she approached the shower door.

Peter stuck his wet head out of the door and rubbed the water out of his eyes, so he could see the woman with the beautiful voice.

"How delicious?" he asked, with a mirthful smile on his wet face.

"Here, taste," she said as she offered him the strawberry.

Peter took a bite of the strawberry and licked his lips in pleasure, smiling back at her he said "You're right, it is good, but I have tasted something better," Peter confessed, the smile growing wider.

Puzzled Olivia asked "What did you taste that could possibly be better than this?" taking a bite of the red fruit.

Peter reached out his arm and grabbed Olivia by the waist and drew her closer to his wet body that was already half out of the steaming shower, "You. You are the best taste in the world," Peter stated as he managed to pull her into the shower with him.

"Peter!" Olivia squealed as her robe got wet and she quickly shed it and threw it outside the shower door.

"What? You would have joined me in here eventually, I just sped up the process," he said matter-of-factly.

"You are a bad boy. That is my favorite robe!" she scolded as the water cascaded down her body.

"I must be punished then," Peter asked of her as he kissed her deeply.

Breaking from the passionate kiss, Olivia grinned at him and moved him aside so she could monopolize the steady stream of hot water that Peter seemed to be hogging.

As she ran her hands through her wet hair and let the water skim over her face, she felt Peter's eyes on her. He had a look of utter happiness on his face, his goofy smile a mystery to her.

"What?" she asked bewildered.

Peter stood in front of her in awe. He had seen her almost naked before in the lab when she had to go into the tank. He saw her with the insanely hot red bikini she wore when they went to the beach together with Ella. He partially saw her naked body quaking in ravishing pleasure on the balcony, even though he was obstructed, and so was she. He saw her naked last night in bed while they made love, her body undulating above him, but his eyes transfixed on her face. Even pulling back the sheet on their shared bed, revealed her body, but not all of it, all those times he only saw glimpses or shadows or certain parts of her stunning body. Here and now he had the chance to really look at her in all her devastating beauty.

He gazed at her body, wet and tanned, gazed at how incredibly beautiful she was because of how simple she was. Olivia was the kind of woman to rarely gets dressed up instead opting for light makeup and maybe, if you are lucky, a nice hairdo. Otherwise you take her as she is, natural to the core, simple and yet the most beautiful woman Peter has ever seen. Every scar, every freckle, every inch of her tantalizing body was here for him, to touch, to kiss, to caress and to love.

Blinking the water out of her face, she looked at Peter with innocence in her eyes and asked him again "What?"

Stepping closer to her wet body, he cupped her face and said "You take my breath away, Olivia" kissing her passionately to prove his point. Olivia wrapped her arms around Peter as he lifted her up and pinned her to the tiled wall. A small yelp left her lips as her heated body met the cold tile and she wrapped her legs around Peter. She looked at Peter again and saw the storm in his eyes. The storm that she knew would dominate her the moment his lips met hers again.

His kiss was a tornado, a blazing frenzy that took Olivia by surprise, and literally left her breathless. Peter was wicked and ferocious with his kiss, he wanted to make sure that Olivia's soul felt the power of his love, the undeniable passion he felt for her and the depths he would go for the woman he loved.


Olivia clung to Peter as his body pressed her up against the tiled wall. She could feel his muscles, every sinewy part of his body melding with hers as the water cloaked both of them. Peter's assault ceased on Olivia's now swollen mouth as he stared at her, flushed, wet and ready.

"Do you trust me?" he asked questioningly.

"With my life," she answered with conviction, kissing him passionately to punctuate her answer.

"Good," he said as he untangled her legs from him, smiled cheekily and said "now turn around."

Olivia turned around so that her front was facing the wall. She could feel Peter's hot breath on the nape of her neck as he slid his hands around her waist and moved his hands down toward her pulsing center.

Peter's lips on her neck were in tandem with his fingers, sliding down her body and finally ending at her core. Peter knew that there was no going back, once this intimacy happened, it was full throttle. He slowly slipped a finger inside Olivia, feeling her muscles tense and then relax as he slipped another one in. Her breath was shallow, her body tingling and her mind blown. Peter was giving her pleasure like she had never experienced. She clenched her muscles again giving him the unspoken permission to charge forward.

Olivia's body responded to Peter's attentions with fury, she bucked her hips forward and tried gripping the wet tiles, but failed. She raised her arms and searched for Peter's head, her neck back and eyes closed. Her arms finally reached their intended and drew him into a kiss, as her body became almost dead weight from the pleasure. Breaking the kiss, her body was twisted in such a manner that it almost became painful. Peter could see that in her eyes among the passion and decided to stop.

Turning her around again to face him, he kissed her forehead and turned off the shower. Stepping out of the shower with Olivia's hand in his, he wordlessly led her back to their bed. Still dripping wet, Olivia shivered a bit but knew that Peter would soon be setting her ablaze again. Seeing the glorious tray of food that she described earlier, Peter grinned a grin that he never had in his life. That genius brain of his knew that this would be the best "meal" he would ever have in his life.

Olivia saw the grin on his face and raised an eyebrow, she followed his gaze to the plate of strawberries and watched as Peter grabbed the plate and set it on the bed. Kissing her again, he slowly pushed her back onto the bed, her wet body glistening. Before Peter joined her on the bed, he looked at her again. Looked at this woman who for so long has wanted to be loved, who needed to be loved and who deserved to be loved. He knew that he wasn't worthy of her love, but proved it over and over. He would do everything to make sure that she knew his heart's desire.

Peter crawled on top of Olivia, his arms holding his weight, kissed her and grabbed a strawberry. He bit into it and moved his body to the side of Olivia, so he could work his magic and put his plan in motion. With the strawberry in hand, he ran it over her lips and watched as the fruit stained her lips ever so slightly. Peter kissed those lips and tasted the fruit mixed with the divine taste of the woman he loved. Olivia giggled at his actions, she knew what he had in mind and she was willing to be the "plate" for his feast.

Tracing the berry down Olivia's body, he watched her react. Watched her take a berry from the tray and bite into it with such sensuality that Peter almost choked. He swirled the berry around her already delicious nipples and devoured them, tweaking the bud ever so gently.


Moving down her body, the red hue blushing her skin and leaving a trail for Peter to follow, he finally found his quest, his destiny, and his reason for living. He moved up to kiss her one last time, before his adventure began. He wanted to taste those lips before his meal started and he would be busy for a while. Olivia smiled at him, she knew what he had in mind and gave him the permission to excavate her cave. Kissing down her body, he arrived at her Venus mound, his face lit up and he knelt on the floor and worshipped at the altar that is Olivia. He gave thanks to whatever deity would have him for the feast he was about to rejoice in.

Taking her legs and kissing her thighs, Peter slung her left leg over his shoulder. Olivia watched him with bated breath, watched as he looked one final time at her before he sunk in. With a deep breath and a plan in his head Peter battled forward. With a soft stroke of his tongue to her sweetest part, Olivia comes undone, her bated breath is gone, her body electric and her mind blank. Peter's focus was on Olivia and only Olivia, her pleasure was his destiny, her pleasure was his quest and he will journey towards that quest with a warrior's heart. The tremor that rushed through Olivia's body was joyous and Peter felt it. He felt every breath, every quiver, and every muscle in her magnetic body.

Peter reached for a berry again, bit into the flesh and ran it over her mound, making sure that every sensual inch of Olivia's center was bathed in the sweet, tart juice of the red fruit. Then Peter struck, like lightning touching down with a million volts of electricity, he sucked. Sucked as if poisonous venom were in her veins and he was her only salvation. The tartness of the berry mingled with Olivia's unique taste, made Peter silently weep. He was here, in his heaven, at his altar, sacrificing himself to his goddess and reaping the rewards. He made a vow then and there to himself that he would be hers forever if she would have him. Olivia, hissed and moaned, growled and grunted, sighed and giggled. She was in a place beyond heaven, a place where bliss was seated and firmly planted in nirvana.

Peter's devotion to her was fierce, his actions louder than ten thousand sonic booms, his ministrations perfection. Olivia's body responded to his sweet torture with squeals and growls and with her fingers through his hair.

"Fingers," Olivia mumbled as her delirium reached a peak.

Peter knew what she meant and obliged her, slipping a finger inside her whilst his mouth and tongue were still buried within her folds. His finger ever so gently tapped at the wall of her core, sending Olivia into oblivion. As his finger slipped in and out and his tongue flicking her bud, it proved too much for Olivia, her legs quivered around him as she knew what was happening to her body. Peter felt the signals and captured her again and again, pitched forward in his quest to find the Promised Land. His frenzy was evident in his attention to detail, his attention to Olivia and her incredible pleasure.

"Peter-r-r-r-r" she growled as her inner muscles clenched around him.

He was relentless, not letting up for a second, he wanted her to crash and burn, wanted her to let go, wanted her to allow herself the immense happiness that she so much deserves. His mouth was tingling, his tongue swollen from the incredibly gluttony binge he gorged himself on.

Olivia was powerless, helpless and out of control and she loved it. She wanted to feel more, feel him, and kiss him, cum with him.

"You, now!" Olivia commanded as she pulled Peter up her body.

Entering her swiftly, Peter kissed her fiercely, letting her taste her on his ravaged lips. She pulled him in tighter to her body and kissed him back with such veracity that he almost lost his balance on top of her. Thrusting into her with such acceleration that he thought she would be crushed into dust if he continued. Adjusting his angle slightly, he clutched her leg again and rested it on his shoulder. Pummeling his way through the forest of Olivia at full speed made him breathless and fearless. He knew that she would not run away from him but run full force with him. She made sure that she had a firm grip on him before she thrust with him in tandem. She wanted to make sure that Peter lost control before she did.

She clamped her muscles around Peter so tightly that he had to thrust harder and deeper into her to release them. Her plan was working, he was feeling the stirrings, the ecstasy that would soon follow. Engulfed with Olivia around him, her lips on his chest and shoulders nipping at the sweat sheened flesh, he finally melted inside of her. His body rippled complete in her depths, as Olivia reverberated with him and her sweet release, untamed and eager purged itself around Peter.


Spent, sated and feeling bewitched, Peter kissed the sweaty, blond head of his lover as they lay interlaced.

"Wow, that was…wow," Peter said as he ran a hand through his sweaty hair.

"Yeah it was definitely wow," Olivia replied a bit sleepy.

Breathing together, Olivia felt and overwhelming sense of love, she almost couldn't tolerate it.

"Peter, remember when you asked me if I trusted you and I said with my life?"

"Yeah" curiosity lacing his tone.

"What I really meant to say is that I trusted you with my heart. It hasn't been easy for me to open myself up to love someone. I have always felt unworthy and that I didn't deserve to be loved. Until you, I never thought that I could feel this happy, this peaceful, and this free in my life. Thank you, thank you for loving me."

Peter was floored, how could he respond to this confession of love, this confession of heart?

"Olivia, never doubt how much I love you, and if I have to prove it every day, then I will. I love you completely, shamelessly, passionately and eternally. Never forget that, okay?" he said to her as he looked at her face with tears in her eyes.


"Promise." Peter agreed and kissed her sweetly.

As her stomach growled, she giggled "I guess that's our cue, I am starving!

"I am, too!" Peter says as he gets up from the bed.

Grabbing the champagne, popped the cork and pouring two glasses, Peter raised his glass and declares "Here's to us, here's to love and here's to forever"

Olivia giggled at the cheesy but sincere toast, clinked her glass with his and downed the champagne.

"Let's eat!" Peter declared as he poured himself another glass, kissed Olivia and dug in.


Well, fans, I hope that was worth the long wait! Again, thanks for your patience and please remember to drop me a review!