Author's Note: I hope you all forgive for this really late update but I hope this one makes up for the long wait and doesn't disappoint!

Chapter Sixteen

"Tis one thing to be tempted, another to fall."

William Shakespeare—

Inside, the house was spacious, even more so than her own and exceedingly more extravagant. It lead Faye to question as to how it was possible for a demon to afford such a high-end home. The decor was primarily based with modern furniture and dark colors with splashes of white here and there.

She followed the boy further into the house until they stopped by the living room and its messy coffee table. Politely, the boy asked her if she'd like to sit down or would like for something to drink. Still wary of the boy, who was both her savior and an undeniable link to her father, Faye took him up on the offer and made herself comfortable on one of the leather sofas. The look of shock was still evident across her face; she stared at the wild haired boy and his bright emerald eyes.

"Thomas isn't here, just so you know." Lee sitting opposite of her.

"Then where is he?" Faye asked seriously, not in the mood for games. "He can't be too far."

Lee sat back, unsure as to how to phrase his next words. "He's, uh, hunting right now..."

"Hunting? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Your father's hunting, as in hunting for rabbits. Bunnies."

Faye was about to question as to why on earth would anyone want to hunt rabbits, until she remembered that her father wasn't a "man", he was demon. A monster that couldn't sustain itself the same way a human could.

"When will he be back?" Faye asked trying to keep herself from being distracted by the various objects that littered the coffee table between them. They were unusual things that looked to belong to a satanic cultist. Several candles, bags filled with what looked to be herbs and even a few extremely strange looking dolls.

"Who knows? As of right now, he could be sinking his teeth into a small rabbit or fox. But your dad's not a very picky eater so he should be back soon." He said casually, running a hand through his mess of hair. "I take your little reunion didn't go so well, huh?"

Faye narrowed her eyes, "And how the hell would you know?"

Lee chuckled, "I don't really, when he came home he only told me that he'd be off hunting for awhile and with that he was gone."

Not satisfied with his answer, Faye decided to jump the shark and ask about the elephant in the room: "What are you and how do you know my father?"

With a sigh, Lee shook his head before pushing himself up off the couch and into the kitchen. Faye following in tow of course. It was large, fit a stove, oven, dinner table and everything else that reminded Faye of those glamorous chefs and their insanely large sets. The smell of something cooking over the stove filled the air as Faye watched him grab a glass and a bottle of tequila from the cupboards and set them down on the granite kitchen counter. "A story like that is grounds for a few drinks."

"I'm sure it does."

Lee chuckled and began his story. He explained everything to her, chuckling to himself a few times and taking on a serious tone at others. It wasn't an easy story for him to talk about; he wasn't too keen on even thinking about the past. He believed that opening old wounds was a disgusting thing to do, even as he was about to do the same now.

Lee Labeque, nineteen years old, born and raised in Castle Rock, Maine. He didn't know his father and lived with his mother; he was a perfectly normal person. At which Faye gave him a look indicating to speed up what was beginning to become a sob story. With a roll of his eyes, he did.

Once Lee started high school, he visited his grandfather who lived nearby the institution. It wasn't until he went to clean his grandfather's basement, upon the man's request, that he stumbled upon a box containing what looked to be voodoo. He asked the elderly man and ended up receiving an explanation that on his mother's side he had a long line of voodoo practitioners in the family. Grandfather Labeque also told him that his father was a witch, but wouldn't go into anymore details than that.

Lee was albeit shocked, but was exhilarated nonetheless. However Grandfather Labeque explained that due to his father being a witch while his mother was a human, kept him from doing any magic spells, charms or anything of the sort. It diminished his dream of having powers right at his fingertips. To have whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted.

Nevertheless, as much of a shame as it was to have magical blood running through his veins and being unable to use it, it didn't stop the determined wild haired boy to find alternatives around his magic block. After countless failures he found a voodoo ritual to give him all the power he could ever want. It required performing the ritual and combining all its designated ingredients at a clearing, at the stroke of midnight beneath a full moon. Without his grandfather knowing, he did just that.

"At first I thought everything was going well, that I did everything right. The wind was blowing, I felt a change in the air, I was so excited that I was going to get what I wanted for all this time." Lee explained, but then when on to say that everything took a complete 180 turn when the earth ripped open and a demon rose out, killing all the wildlife and flora around them.

Admittedly, Lee was afraid but was calmed by the demon's soothing voice. Seducing him into the darkness. To fall inside a cold and dark abyss with no way out all in exchanged for obtaining powers beyond his wildest dreams.

"The demon tricked me, and I ended up becoming this, this monster." The green-eyed boy said, looking over to the stove to see the bacon being fried to a perfect crisp. An even perfect cover for him to turn away and not face the brunette's hazel-eyed gaze filled with pity.

"I ended up spending the next few months attacking civilians at night, draining them of blood and at times just ripping them apart because I was so angry at myself." Lee paused, getting off the counter and grabbing a knife and two tomatoes from the fridge.

He placed them on the counter where he was sitting moments before, "I'll cut them, you can just check on the strips of burnt bacon and continue on with your lovely story," Faye said taking the knife from the counter. Both knew, that the brunette wasn't being generous, she just needed an excuse to hold something that could provide her leverage against the wolf hiding underneath sheep's clothing.

She knew if he was anything like her father than his speed would greatly outmatch hers, leaving her without the chance to react quick enough to use her magic against him. So if he happen to decide to snap her neck, he'd have to get close enough for her to stab him. An irrational assumption, but what else was there?

"The bacon isn't burnt—and I ran away from home when being around my friends and family was just too much to handle, spent a good two months after that living in the woods until your father found me near Salem, Massachusetts. He took me in, and helped me through my transitioning from human to a demon." Lee served the strips of bacon on a plate and proceeded to grab a pair of eggs.

"And ever since then, I've been sort of like an apprentice to your father, an assistant. I'm forever in his debt. Without him I don't know where I'd be right now."

"Well...that's was one hell of a sob story, Labeque." Faye said cutting the tomatoes.

"Oh c'mon, everyone has a sob story," He said, a corner of his lips curved upwards to for a slight smile on his lips. "Don't tell me little Miss Mean Girl, doesn't have any?"

"I don't have any—fuck!" Faye cursed as she felt the cool steel edged blade of the knife slice into her skin. Pulling her hand back, she looked at the cut to see that she had made quite the shallow cut along her wrist. She hissed at the pain until, in a flash, Lee stood in front of her, their chest barely inches away from each other. Looking up she stared into his bright emerald eyes before the green orbs shifted into a pair of scarlet ones. They were feral, inhuman, and...hypnotic.

It had been awhile since Faye left the car to talk with her father and Cassie was beginning to worry. She knew that it wasn't such a good idea to go after a demon who had the ability to kill you in a split second with an irrational mind. However, she understood and tried to sympathize with the brunette who was still recovering from the last night. The blonde cursed at how she wasn't able to stand by her. To comfort her.

God, I hope she's alright in there, Cassie thought to herself as she took one last look at the immaculate house before deciding to busy herself with listening to the radio. She put the key into car's ignition and the engine roared to life. Turning on the radio and turning the dial to find a radio station she liked, there was a sudden shift in the air. The airwaves were distorted, choppy, and soon the radio automatically turned itself off as did the car.

"What the hell?" After a few moments of trying in vain to turn the vehicle on, she gave up and smacked her hands against the steering wheel. Why does this always happen every time I get the car fixed?

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you don't take very good care of your car, do you?" The Corolla got considerably colder. As though someone turned the air conditioner on at full blast. The windows were fogging up and along the corners and edges was ice forming at an impeccably fast rate that would make even Mother Nature jealous.

Turning her head, she was startled by who she saw sitting in the passenger seat beside her. It was that same man from before, when her dark magic first awakened. He was wearing a perfectly polished white suit, tie, jacket, everything. Looking down, she noticed that the man was wearing white dress shoes. The black tribal tattoos barely visible, peeking just a bit over his collar. She still faced the back of the man's bald head.

"I don't think I've ever met a driver who's let their car get damaged as much as you have," the man's cold voice said, breaking the silence. "It should be illegal."

"W-Who are you?" Cassie stared at the bald man, shivering. She wrapped her arms around her freezing body to secure warmth.

The stranger shook his head, reaching into his snow white jacket -"I find it ironic that you seem to hate the cold when you're a Blake, you're family's personal element is ice." - the man paused pulling out a card and handing it over to Cassie. It was a tarot card with a picture of the devil with large goat horns, bat-like wings; it sat on a dark throne with two humans—one male and one female—chained to his seat. The words inscribed at the bottom of the picture were: "The Devil".

"The name's Lucifer, by the way."

This was the first time, she had ever seen the man's face. He had a large hooked nose, a strong chin; he looked as though he was in his mid-forties. He reminded the witch of a high school basketball coach. However, there was certain distinct facial feature that stood out more than anything else. Underneath the stranger's eyes were purplish-red bruises, as though he hadn't slept in weeks while the eyes themselves were a pale shade of gray. Bright and filled with life and yet dark and menacing.

The man called himself Lucifer, and with the way he carried himself with a sense of both life and death locked into a single being, it wasn't hard to believe it were so.

Lucifer sat back in the passenger seat, legs outstretched with one arm around the back of the headrest. "So, you're going to stay here the whole time while the brunette's inside chatting? What a good little girlfriend you are!"

Cassie stared at the man with a raised brow, "Excuse me? What are you talking about?"

"Oh come now Cassie you can't be serious? Your little secret trysts; sneaking out at night while grandma's asleep to hang out at the park? Stargazing by the lake?" The blonde's eyes widened at the knowledge the man possessed. Accurate knowledge. Lucifer then smirked, "Even your rendezvous at empty parking lots for good ol' fashioned car sex—basically you can't still think that you and Faye aren't girlfriends."

She had to think about that one. Over the course of their clandestine relationship, neither Cassie nor Faye had ever brought about the status of their relationship with one another. As well as the type of relationship they had. Neither thought that it was relevant to bring it up for both out of mutual fear of what would come next. An argument? Questions? Silence? Nevertheless, they both silently agreed that it was better to take the relationship day-by-day and live for the moment.

"Are you even happy with the way your relationship currently is?"

"Faye and I are in a happy relationship for your information!" Cassie said in a 'as matter-of-fact' tone. Firm, and steady with her answer, Lucifer simply laughed at her.

"And while we're speaking of Faye…" Lucifer said before trailing off. "...Well then, Faye Chamberlain…she's definitely a fireball that one."

"Beautiful, dark, ambitious and oh so power-hungry," The white suited man paused before turning cold silver eyes over to her own sapphire ones. "She's going to be extremely jealous once you start practicing with your new dark magic."

"Once you start achieving new heights within your new found dark magic, she'll become bitter and envious of your powers. I bet your friend will throw you under a bus at a moment's notice to be the alpha bitch of the pack again."

"No, Faye's not like that—" Cassie was cut off by Lucifer's booming laughter. "Then you really, don't know Faye at all. She's a raven and your a dove."

Lucifer bit his lower lip to refrain from giggling until his sides hurt. "Sorry to burst your bubble, but she's a Chamberlain, their all sneaky bastards. They only look out for themselves, not even their own family members cut it. Every descendant of the Chamberlain family is greedy and bloodthirsty, not to mention, each one has a bit of a self-entitlement issue. So what on earth would make your precious little Faye any different?"

Everything changed, her surroundings were different. As though she had been transported somewhere else. Cassie was no longer cold, or inside her car for that matter. Instead, she was standing in a dark hallway with Lucifer beside her with his arms crossed over his chest. She faintly heard muffled noises and looked at the demon for an answer.

"Chamberlains want everything in the world and when they don't get what they want, everything goes to hell. They'd make good poster children for the new demons down in hell too. Greedy, prideful, envious and very promiscuous. They need to be excited if not, they'll jump onto the next thing that catches there eye." Lucifer looked straight down the hallway and motioned her with his finger, "Don't believe me? Go see for yourself."

The dark corridor seemed to have grown longer as Cassie walked down its length, the muffled noises were getting louder and more audible. Distinguishable. When she reached the end, she stood in front of a door and was afraid to open to see what she would find. But her hand was moving on it's own and the door opened completely.

Faye was on her hands and knees and Lee Labeque was behind her. She looked like a work of art with her disheveled hair and toned physique as he moved inside her. Faye's well-endowed chest swung back and forth like a pendulum as Lee moved. Her swollen lips were parted as her face was flushed in ecstasy. If Lee even moved minutely Faye panted and whimpered. She looked like she was trying hard not to scream in rapture. They were a moving masterpiece as the light from the moon bathed them in an icy blue tone.

"You see? And this could all be happening right about now, as you sitting all by your lonesome inside that busted thing you call a car. All this time, Faye wasn't speaking with her father, oh no, Daddy Chamberlain was never there. He was off somewhere else, the only person inside the house was Lee, the same boy who saved you and your coven last night." Lucifer grinned evilly at the hurt blonde whose heart was crumbling to pieces.

"Don't they make the perfect pair?"

*Knock!* *Knock!*

Jolting awake, Cassie placed a hand to her chest to calm her racing heart. Hoping that what she had just witnessed was a dream. A nightmare to be exact. She looked out the window to the driver's seat and clutched her chest even more when her heart started to beat even faster. Outside was Thomas Chamberlain, knocking on the glass.

"What are you doing here, Cassie?"


Castle Rock, Maine = (Made by Stephen King) Castle Rock is a fictional town made by Stephen King in his fictional Maine topography. Just like all the other fictional towns he's set his stories in, it was just another quiet New England town with dark secrets. This town is the setting for the stories The Dead Zone and Cujo.

Ravens and Doves = (The Bible, Genesis 8:6-12) in the story of Noah's Ark both animals are released from the ark during the days when the floods were receding. The raven was an unclean bird symbolizing the type of person who lives in the flesh, pleasing their carnal desires. The dove, on the other hand, was a gentle bird that does not live life in the flesh, instead taking on a life of chastity.

The Devil = (Tarot Card) is the fifteenth trump or Major Arcana card in most traditional Tarot decks. The Devil is the card of self-bondage to an idea or belief which is preventing a person from growing or being healthy—an example might be a belief that getting drunk each night is good for you. On the other hand, however, it can also be a warning to someone who is too restrained and/or dispassionate and never allows him or herself to be rash or wild or ambitious, which is yet another form of enslavement.

The Devil is the 15th card of the Major Arcana, and is associated with earth and Capricorn. Though many decks portray a stereotypical Satan figure for this card, it is more accurately represented by our bondage to material things rather than by any evil persona. It also indicates an obsession or addiction to fulfilling our own earthly base desires. Some frequent keywords that are used by Tarot readers are: materialism, ignorance, stagnation, self-bondage, lust, egoism, obsession, anxiety, anger, hedonism, passion, instincts, sexuality, temptation, doubt, vice, futility, physical attraction, pessimism and insight.