Hey guys! This is my first Fanfiction, hope you all like, remember to review, and have fun reading it!

Chapter 1 Reunion

It was the end of the summer holidays, and students returning to Kadic Academy could clearly see the two girls sitting by the gate.

"Where are they?" Aelita asked her friend anxiously.

"I don't know." Yumi replied. "Wait! I think I see them!"

And, sure enough, were the people they had been waiting for; their old friends from Lyoko, their hilarious friend Odd, and…

"Ulrich!" yelled Yumi, running to give him a hug.

"I see someone's missed me." Ulrich replied, giving Yumi a smile.

"Wow, you grew." Aelita remarked, "you too Odd!"

"I try Princess, I try," Odd grinned.

The girls stepped back from their embraces and studied the boys. Ulrich and Odd had both grown taller over the summer and more muscular as well. Today, Ulrich was wearing a green army jacket over a black shirt and jeans, and Odd was wearing his usual array of purple clothing, his favorite color. Both of their voices had also deepened.

The girls had grown as well, in height as well as certain, physical attributes. Their taste of clothes had apparently changed as well, Yumi especially, Ulrich noticed. Instead of her usual gothic appearance of pure black, she now wore a dark purple shirt that showed her belly and hung off her left shoulder with white flowers on it. Aelita now dressed a little more outright then she used to, wearing short jean shorts and a pink summer shirt that hung off her right shoulder. Her hair had also changed as well.

"Aelita! What happened to your hair?" Odd asked.

"It…got lighter," Aelita replied, happy that odd had noticed. And it was true. Over the summer, it had changed from almost being a redhead into almost bubblegum color.

"I like it," Odd said with a smile.

Aelita blushed a deep red.

"Hey Odd," Yumi said, "since we're all talking about hair right now, is your purple spot really natural?"

"Yeah," Odd replied. "It runs in the family."

"Hey, look! Einstein's here!" Ulrich said excitedly.

And sure enough, there was their old friend who had introduced them to Lyoko and even sent them back in time once or twice.

"Hey guys!" Jeremy said. "How was all of your guys' summer?"

"You know me; it was good except for the fact that my parents had hired a math tutor for me." Ulrich said with a look of disgust on his face. "Seeing Germany again was fun though."

"How about you Odd? Yumi? Aelita?"

"Mine was fine, you all know how California is this time of year though," Odd said with a grimace. "I did finally perfect my surfing technique though."

"Aelita and I had a lot of fun this summer!" Yumi exclaimed. "Since Aelita has only been on Earth for about, what? A year? And most of that hanging out with you boys. I took the time to show her all the great things about being a girl," she said with a wink.

"Yes," Aelita said with a smile, "I especially loved the mall though! So many new stores and things to do! My favorite store is Hollister by far though."

"What about you Jeremy? What did you do this summer?" Yumi asked.

"Well," Jeremy said, pushing his glasses up his nose, "I worked on perfecting the vehicles and the materialization process. I still have no idea how to free William though," he said with a frown.

"Isn't there, like a tower or something where you can download the data or something?" Odd asked naively.

"Maybe, but I couldn't be sure from my computer. You guys will have to go to Lyoko, Sector 5 awaits!"

"Finally!" exclaimed Odd. "I feel like I haven't been back for ages!"

"Now guys, I do have to warn you. Since Xana used William to completely destroy Lyoko, I've had to reprogram it, and its…well, you'll see." Jeremy said with a wink.

'Same old Jeremy," Aelita thought, 'Wait! That's it! He's completely the same! Did he not change at all over the summer? We are all in high school now, it seems like he should have changed a bit...you know, in his height at least."

"All right guys, since we have one day left until school starts again, we'll all go to the factory after Odd, Ulrich and I drop our stuff off. Okay?"

"Right." They all replied.

At the factory, the gang was just getting into position for virtualization.

"Transfer Ulrich! Transfer Odd! Transfer Yumi! Transfer Aelita! Scanning…Virtualization!" Jeremy said, the old lines coming easily to him. Jeremy then watched as his friends materialized into the Desert Sector, right where he wanted them.

"You guys make it ok?" Jeremy asked his voice resonating from the digital sky.

"Ya, no problem Jeremy." Ulrich responded for the group.

"Wow! Check out the new gear!" Odd exclaimed. "Awww, I'm still a big purple cat…"

Ulrich checked out his new suit, quite different from his old one. Instead of a samurai outfit, he was now clad in some sort of jumpsuit, in fact that was a prominent change in all of them, he noticed. He looked over his shoulder and smoothly pulled out his twin sabers. He noticed that Yumi had done the same with her metal fans.

Aelita had an amazing outfit too. She was clad in a full-body jumpsuit as well, but now she had a translucent skirt around her waist. Her pink war-paint adorned her face as always, as it did for Odd, only purple.

"Jeremy! They're amazing!" Aelita exclaimed.

"Well, I did have some free time this summer," Jeremy said with a grin. "Here come your vehicles by the way."

As their vehicles appeared, Odd ran over to the giant pink board and hugged it as it started floating up. "I missed you, my overboard!" Odd said jokingly.

Aelita turned away and smiled to herself. "It's good to have you back Odd," she said.

"Ok guys, the Sector 5 transporter is due north; step on it!" Jeremy informed them.

"Wanna ride with me, Princess?" Odd asked with a grin.

"Sure!" Aelita said, giving Odd a small smile.

"Let's go slowpokes!" Ulrich yelled from his overbike, Yumi sitting behind him for once.

"Calm down Ulrich!" Yumi chastised, "Let the lovers have their fun!"

Blushing madly, Aelita just said, "Let's go."

"YEAH! Beat you and Yumi again, Ulrich!" Odd gloated as he flipped off of his overboard and helped Aelita off as well.

"You just got lucky that Aelita was with you, Odd. I can't hit a girl!" Ulrich complained. "And since when was it a race?"

"So? You've got Yumi on your bike: and she was throwing fans at us!" Odd retaliated.

Yumi sighed. "It was a shame I couldn't hit you Odd…I bet Jeremy wouldn't have minded…"

"Um, guys? We've got an important mission here…could you please remember you have a little something called health on Lyoko? And try to remember that you're on the same team please?" Jeremy said irritably.

"Sorry Jeremy, just trying to assert my dominance on Lyoko again," Ulrich grinned at Odd, who made a show of laughing.

"That's funny Ulrich! You're a real comedian!"

"Um, guys, transport?" Yumi said as they all disappeared inside.

Ok, probably not my best chapter, but hopefully you will all continue reading (please)!

Also, sorry the storyline starts so far into the series, just wanted to start when they are in high school. :P Anyways, hope you all enjoyed! New chapters will be up soon!