Author's note: Surprise surprise, I'm back with another Spinneli fanfic. Don't act surprised (;

"Eli, we're gonna be late!" Imogen yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

I sighed as I looked in the mirror, my hands tangled in my tie. "I have no idea what I'm doing!" I yelled back.

I heard her sprint up the stairs and she met me in the hallway. She smirked and grabbed my tie. Within a minute, it was tied and ready to go. "How on Earth can women do that but men can't?" I asked.

She smiled and leaned in to peck me on the lips. "Now come on, slow poke, we told Sav we'd be there early and we're already ten minutes late," Imogen grabbed my hand and towed me down the stairs.

"Alright, alright," I let her pull me, grabbing my keys off the key rack on the way. Bullfrog had let me borrow his Mustang for the ceramony and the party afterwards, as long as me and Imogen were home by five.

Imogen had on a very bright red dress that contrasted nicely with her black hair and pale skin. She wore little make-up, and red flats. I wore a classic tux. We got to Degrassi as they were handing out diplomas. Me and Imogen dashed to the center of the crowd, to make it look like we had been there the whole time. I was squeezed between and tall muscley guy and a short curly haired boy. I craned my neck, looking for Adam and saw him standing by Fiona. I sighed. There was no way we'd be able to push through this crowd.

"Eli!" Imogen cheered and pointed to the stage. I started clapping as Sav accepted his diploma and smiled at the crowd. The two guys neck to me cheered for him.

"You guys know Sav?" I asked.

"Yeah, we were in a band with him last year," The shorter one said. "You his friend?"

"Yeah, I met him last year. I'm Eli, this is my girlfriend, Imogen," Imogen silently waved next to me and the tall guy shook my hand.

"I'm Spinner and this is Danny,"

"Are you guys going to Sav's party after this?"

"You know it! Our old band is coming and we're supplying the tunes for some memories sake," Spinner laughed.

I nodded. "Coo, then I'll see you there,"

Author's note: Okay I know that was super short but I will continue this (: