Letters For A Lover.

Chapter 1

AN: Just to let you guys know these are going to be small chapters and if any of you guys want to help to make them longer than be my guest! Anyway enjoy!

Kurt got in the car and drove, where he was going was undetermined. All he knew was that he needed to get out, the scenery around the car was a green blur, and he was driving at least halfway over the speed limit. Twenty minutes later and Kurt pulled up and the side of the highway, he had no idea where he was and frankly, he did not care. He stepped out of the car and threw up in the bushes next to him. Wiping his face he reached his hand and touched his lips, he could still taste Karofksy on him, his scent of burgers, root beer and sweat! Kurt stared around and spotted the forest in front and walked towards it, feeling the fresh autumn leaves under his feet and the mud squelching. He felt the rough bark of the nearest tree and started to climb it, not caring about the grass stains he would inevitably be getting on his trousers. Perching himself in-between two branches which had molded together to make a seat, he dragged his limp body and pushed his back against the bark, with a little more force than necessary and felt something move behind him. Curious he twisted himself around, being careful not to fall. He spotted a leather book with apiece if string and a pen hanging precariously off a branch. He snatched it quickly before it fell.

Kurt opened the book and found the first page filled with writing, he began at the top:

Hey, so I feel pretty stupid writing to something that can't write back or give me any advice but uh yeah. My name is Blaine Anderson, I am 17 and I live in Westerville, Ohio. I am the only open gay guy in Ohio. I think? I haven't met any other gay guys, and it's kinda hard I have lots of guy friends, yeah, but they don't understand what I am going through, I just feel so lonely all the time. I go to Dalton Academy in Westerville it is a private school and very formal, a bit to formal actually. I transferred last year after I got beat up outside my school dance for going with a guy.

I'm going to come here, to my tree every time I feel like writing, when something may have happened or I just get lonely.

So, um yeah bye. Blaine

Kurt finished reading and his eyes were wide with shock he couldn't decide whether this guy was serious or not. He picked up the pen anyhow and turned the page over pressing the pen to paper, unsure of where to start.

AN: Well, I hoped you all enjoyed the first chapter, basically the chapter will be shorter than this and just letters and a bit of dialogue. PROMPTS ARE VERY WELCOME, I would love to hear you guys' suggestions for a letter. Until next time, Grace x