
Percy didn't have many good-byes to say before they departed. Almost everyone he knew there would be coming along with them. So after Hazel, Frank, and Jason said see you later to all of their friends, Leo opened the doors of the Argo II and they began to load on.

Percy had never seen a ship so magnificent, not even the Princess Andromeda. Inside the bottom of the ship it was clear Annabeth had been doing some interior design. To Percy's right was a very large room with a see through glass dividing wall. There was a little fountain for Iris- Messages, a huge table they would all fit around, and even a little window so you could some fresh air (Percy made a mental note to make sure that it was closed if they were going to be sailing in actual water.)

To his left was a long hallway where Percy could just barely see what looked like 7 doors lining the walls. Bedrooms, Percy assumed. Directly in front of him was a stair case that led up to the deck.

Leo cleared his throat. "Jason and I can get this baby to the big Atlantic, but then Percy's going to have to take over." Annabeth sighed.

"Pacific Leo, we've been through this. California is on the Pacific ocean."

"That's what I said!" Leo hollered back as he walked with Jason up the stairs.

"Hazel, Frank, I'll show you guys which rooms are yours if you want. Sorry Frank, yours is sort of plain since we didn't know when we were building this, and Hazel yours was made by Jason's description and you can just imagine how helpful he was, 'uh, she's a girl. I think she likes pink.' I swear he doesn't have a brain in his head! Anyways, they're over here." Piper said as Annabeth pulled Percy into the rec room.

"I'm going to IM Chiron," She said. "And I figured he would like to see you." Annabeth took a golden drachma out of her pocket and started saying "Oh Iris," when Percy interrupted her.

"Oh Fleecy, do me a solid, show me Chiron at Camp Half-Blood." Then he knocked Annabeth's hand, making the drachma fall into the rainbow. Within seconds, Chiron's face appeared in the mist. Annabeth gave Percy a funny look, he mouthed direct line at her.

"Annabeth, and oh my Percy! I see your plan is going on wonderfully! Did you collect the rest of the seven?" Annabeth nodded. "What a bright girl! Percy I see the Romans didn't rough you up too bad."

"Yea Chiron thanks. Thals and Tyson are coming your way, they should be there in a few days. Everything else good there?" Percy asked.

"Good indeed. Oh look at that, there's someone here to see you." Chiron moved out of the picture and a certain goat boy came into view.

"PERCY!" Grover bleated. "Annabeth I can't believe you found him! I've been so lonely without you! Juniper thinks I've fallen into some kind of depression-" Grover kept going on and on about how much he missed them.

"Hey G-man," Percy interrupted, "When you mind going to get a few demigods? I really want to talk to some of my old friends." Grover ran and got Connor and Travis, Will, Jake, and the person Percy really wanted to talk to the most.

"Clarisse! You look great! I see that pig blood is really doing wonders for your skin!"
Percy and Annabeth spent almost an hour talking to their friends as Leo and Jason Navigated the ship to the ocean. Chiron finally told the campers it was time for them to get back to their activities and the conversation would have to be continued at a later date.

After the demigods filed out of the room, Percy and Annabeth told Chiron about Nico.

"Hmm, that child always has worried me. I can't believe he would do something like this, especially to you Percy! You've looked out for him since he's came to camp. I can only hope this Hazel girl can be a suitable replacement for Bianca in his eyes, because I fear now there's no way to get her back."

With that, Jason called down, saying they'd reached the ocean.

"We have to go now, sorry. We'll be back soon, promise." Annabeth said on the brink of tears.

"Goodbye heroes-"

"WAIT!" A familiar voice yelled.

"Rachel!" Percy laughed. She was still dressed in her finishing school uniform and looked out of breath as if she'd just sprinted from her cave.

"Percy, it's so good to see you! But I'm here because you guys need a prophecy! You're on a quest!"

"Rachel," Annabeth said gently, "We already have a prophecy, the next great prophecy, remember?"

"OK listen, when Jason, Piper, and Leo left on their quest they still got their own prophecy, even though it was part of the great prophecy, so you guys are getting one-"

The spirit of Delphi took over Rachel.

"Wisdom's daughter walks alone,

The Mark of Athena burns through Rome.

You shall find the lost one as you sail

It is up to him if you will prevail

The Doors of Death you may only find

If it becomes the dead one's time.

And only if home unites with itself

May you all return home in perfect health"

Rachel fell forward and ended the Iris Message.

Percy spent all day steering the ship towards Mexico and trying to unravel Rachel's prophecy. The first two lines had been told to them by Ella already and didn't make much sense to him. The lost boy reminded Percy of Nico, but he didn't know where they would find him. The dead one was probably Hazel, but it being her time didn't sound too reassuring. Percy tried to push the thought out of his mind, reminding himself that the prophecy could have a double meaning, but it wouldn't leave. Home uniting with itself might mean that there was some problems back at Camp that would have to be resolved if they were ever going to go home.

Just thinking about it all made Percy's head hurt.

At about 6:00, Percy put the ship on auto pilot and went down stairs. Everyone had sat with him upstairs for a little bit, just talking. Annabeth and Percy hadn't told them about Rachel's prophecy yet, they had had a silent conversation agreeing to wait until later to tell them.

The gang was in the rec room gathered around the table as Leo made.. were those tacos? On a Bunsen burner.

Percy pushed open the glass door and was greeted by the sounds of arguing.

"It would be so much faster just to go west! I mean air travel it much quicker than water travel!" Hazel argued.

"Hazel," Annabeth said stonily, "You know it isn't safe for Percy to be in the air for too long."

"Yea, but do you really think Jupiter would shoot down his own son? I mean that's a stretch." Frank said.

"Yes Frank, I do actually believe that's something Jupiter is thoroughly capable of doing. And I think I would know better than any of you since I've met him four times! There is no point in arguing about this because going west is not an option! We have to take the harder path." Annabeth almost yelled.

"Hi," Percy said awkwardly, "Great to see you're all getting along!"

"Percy-"Annabeth started, but Percy interrupted her.

"Annabeth and I called back home today. We spoke to our oracle, and she gave us this prophecy. Annabeth was just waiting for me to come down to tell you all it, but I think it will clear some things up. It goes Wisdom's daughter walks alone, the Mark of Athena burns through Rome. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that's talking about Annabeth. And then um…"

"You shall find the lost one as you sail, it's up to him if you will prevail," Annabeth recited.

"Nico," Hazel guessed.

Percy nodded, "That's what I thought. And then it goes The Doors of Death you may only find, if it is the dead one's time. And only if home unites with itself, may you all return home in perfect health." He finished

"So now you see why we have to go this way right?" Annabeth asked.

"No! Hazel exclaimed. "If we went west we would be sailing for a portion of the way and that's probably where Nico is anyway!"

Annabeth looked like she wanted to continue the argument, but she didn't say a word.

"Señor Valdez has done it again." Piper joked, lightening the mood.

"Yea veg head now your tofu tacos before they get cold 'cause if you didn't know a Bunsen burner isn't actually the best way to prepare Mexican food, who would've thought?"

They all ate dinner keeping the conversation light. When they were done, Piper, Leo and Frank said they'd clean up the rec room before bed and Jason and Hazel volunteered to take first watch, so Annabeth led Percy down the hallway to the bedrooms. "Here," she said, "I want you to see something."

Sorry, sorry, sorry , but I couldn't post this any sooner because I felt like crap yesterday.

I hope you liked it though!

Review…pretty please!