This is my version of Heroes of Olympus 3. Obviously it has SoN spoilers.. Enough said I guess!

BTW, I happen to be writing this because I don't want to do my geometry homework. YAY FANFICTION!


You'd get that if you've seen A Very Potter Musical. It's my take of the 'Stay Calm and Carry on' thingies, which I love by the way.

Not as much as I love Percy Jackson though, just gotta make that clear.

Chapter One:


(A/N I'm going to be doing this in the POV of Annabeth, Jason, and Percy… probably. I dunno about Leo, Piper, Hazel, or Frank.)

Annabeth had definitely learned one thing that day. You do not ever want to be stuck in a small space with Leo Valdez. Licking the bottom of Tyson's foot would be more appealing. Unfortunately, Annabeth didn't have that choice.

The sight of the Roman camp was probably the only thing that kept Annabeth sane for the last five minute stretch of the journey. The only thing Annabeth could focus on were all of the structures. They were unbelievable! She mentally starting designing additions to add to camp when they got back home- but then she stopped, realizing they wouldn't be going home for quite some time.

It seemed like a lifetime since she had last seen Percy, and she could only imagine what it would feel like to be with him again. Even though she missed him immensely, she missed Half Blood Hill even more. When they had left a few days ago on the Argo II the whole Camp had been there to see them off. Annabeth had given Rachel, Grover, Chiron and each and every one of her siblings a letter she had spent the whole night before writing. Handing them the notes had made her feel like she would never see them again, but she knew she couldn't think like that. They would close the Doors of Death and destroy Gaea. They had Jason and Percy on their side, plus a charmspeaker and a fire user, and Annabeth, the brain. She smirked at the title Leo had given her while she had been helping him with the warship, she secretly like it very much.

"Alrighty everyone, this is Captain Leo here, commander of the Argo II." Leo spoke as if he was the pilot of an airplane, telling all of the passengers it was now time to put their seatbelts on. "We will now be descending into the roman's camp. Unless this Percy guy is as good as everyone says then I would suggest you all take precautionary measures as to not get hit by flying projectiles. Thank-you for flying Leo Airlines and I sincerely hope you all have a wonderful day."

Annabeth knew Leo was just joking, but she still listened extra closely for tell tale signs that they were being attacked.

The ship landed smoothly on the ground and Leo slowly opened the doors. The only people aboard beside Annabeth and Leo were Jason and Piper who had been in a deep conversation almost the entire ride. Annabeth let Leo make his entrance before she got off the plane with Jason and Piper right behind her. The only thing she cared about seeing at the moment was a pair of sea green eyes.

She searched through the crowd that had gathered hoping to sight Percy, but there was no way she was going to see him with all of these people trying to get to Jason.

The first people to push through the mess were a girl who looked about 13 with dark skin and black hair, a slightly Asian looking boy with a big build and a babyish face who seemed about 16, and a 17 looking girl with long brunette hair with an elated look on her face.

"Jason," she gasped.

"Reyna," Jason grinned at her then embraced her in a hug. "Legionnaires!" He called, "My name is Jason Grace. I'd like to sincerely apologize for my leave of absence and would like to introduce my new friends Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite, Leo Valdez, son of Hepheastus, and daughter of Athena-"

"Annabeth!" A voice called. Annabeth immediately knew who it was.

"Percy!" She started to tear up as she saw him race forward. He lifted her up in a hug and she squeezed him back, taking in the moment. He set her back down and Annabeth immediately went back to her old self. She slapped Percy across the face

"Perseus. Jackson. I swear on the River Styx if you ever disappear again-" Percy silenced her with a kiss. Annabeth smiled, then went on with her rant.

"Oh!" She continued, "and just wait until I get my hands on Hera! Oh she'll wish she was still in Kronos' stomach!"


"What?" She snapped.

"I love you."

What Annabeth wanted to do was slap Percy again and make him apologize for losing his memory, but all of the Romans had been watching this little exchange and were probably already thinking she was some abusive girlfriend. The best she could muster at the moment was giving him a meaningful look and saying, "I know."

Annabeth let her eyes leave his for a moment and checked him over, making sure he still had all limbs intact. That's when she caught sight of his outfit, a purple cape and a bed sheet.

"Cute," she smiled. Percy gave her an 'I'll explain later look,' then turned back towards the demigods.

"Uhh," he started ever so brilliantly. "So if you guys haven't caught on yet, Annabeth, Leo, Piper and I are all Greek demigods. Now I know a lot of you are thinking we're the enemy, but as you can see we aren't her to attack you guys. The simple fact is that we have to team up if we're going to stop Gaea."

Reyna nodded in agreement. "Percy is right. So please everyone treat our guests with respect until they leave on their quest. I encourage you all to learn from them as well as teach them. Now back to training. Don't forget! War games tonight! Ok you're all dissmissed" She said

The half bloods all went their separate ways, chatting excitedly about what they had just witnessed.

"Perhaps," Reyna began "A different place to talk would be more appropriate." She spun on her heel leading them in the opposite direction along a road.

The dark skinned girl caught up to Annabeth who was walking hand in hand with Percy. "Hi, I'm Hazel, daughter of Pluto. So you're Annabeth?"

Annabeth nodded.

"Percy hasn't told us much about you really. Just that your beautiful and that he loooooooves you." Hazel giggled. Percy gave her a death stare.

"I like you," Annabeth decided. Hazel beamed.

Reyna stopped when they reached their destination. "The Principia," she told them.

They all walked inside and Leo immediately sat in one of the only two chairs in the room. Reyna seemed to cringe a little, and then took the seat next to him. Jason proceeded to knock Leo off the chair and sit there. Leo then took a seat with everyone else on the floor.

"First things first," Jason said. "Who are you?" he pointed to the Asian boy.

"Frank Zhang, son of Mars," Frank answered, "Centurion of the fifth cohort."

"Nice to meet you, Frank. Ok now where do we begin?"

"I'll go first," Hazel volunteered. "My name is Hazel Levesque. I was born in Louisiana in 1928. My father put a curse on me for my mother's selfish reasons. I now can bring up all precious gems from the ground, and if anyone but me touches them, they will die. My mother was possessed by Gaea and took me with her to Alaska where she forced me to help her bring back the giant Alyconeus. I died destroying the monster and went to the underworld. I was in the Fields of Asphodel until my brother Nico came and brought me back. That's about it."

"Nico? You mean Nico di Angelo?" Annabeth asked.

"Yea," Hazel answered. "Why?"

"Almost forgot about that little creep." Percy said with disgust.

"You mean he knew you were here and he didn't tell us?" Annabeth shrieked.

"Worse," Percy said. "He didn't tell me."

Turned out pree' good if I do say so myself.

R and R please!

7 reviews for an update….please?