Boy Meets Girl
Author's Note: The spark. I love writing when the characters have spark. Here's the next chapter
Bonnie was amused and she never remembered meeting anyone like this, ever. Elena could talk, but she never rambled. She sometimes paused if collecting her thoughts and then continued, which Bonnie hadn't minded. It gave her time to collect her own thoughts to tell Elena worth something listening too. But Caroline was rambling like no other person she had ever met, but it was fun. She didn't have to ask questions because Caroline answered them all, but the only question she really wanted to ask was about the scar that was on her face.
She didn't want to be rude, but it was the first thing that she noticed when Caroline had jumped down from the steps to greet her. When she smiled it covered most of it, but when she just looked, it showed the scar and how deep it had looked when she got it. Bonnie flinched inside, having the urge to touch Caroline's face and ask what was wrong, but she didn't know her well enough to comfort her and she wasn't sure if it was a big deal. Everyone else seemed perfectly fine with it.
They've been here longer
"Okay, so any questions?" Caroline turned to face Bonnie and she looked up, smiling as her green eyes scanned the upstairs bathroom that Caroline had led her too. They had passed at least four doors when they walked passed Klaus on the stairwell. Caroline had told her that she wanted her to see the left side. She had explained, well as much as Bonnie had caught, that all the rooms to the left was for the staff and the people that lived there. She even pointed out that there were two bathrooms, men's and women's. Caroline had also told her that the staff would handle whatever she needed and then changed the subject to show her the women's bathroom and it was like a big ol' spa.
There was a white tub with black sides, it was deep and huge. It reminded Bonnie of a pool or a hot tub, in front of the hot tub was a plasma screen TV. It was off; the remote was hanging on the wall beside it along with other things that Bonnie didn't recognize. There was two sinks with a long counter that had supplies for everything, it seemed like. The sinks were deep as well and the cabinets were wide and long. The floor was white and tiled, but it reminded her of glass because it was spotless. There was a window nearby and Bonnie had looked through it to see and was near passing out. The view of the side of the house was beautiful; there was a long garden and people outside picking up vegetables and what not. She had turned and wanted to dig through the drawers but decided not to. This wasn't her bathroom. Her room was downstairs and she wouldn't even consider her room a room. It was almost as big as this bathroom.
"No, I don't. Wait" She was curious. Her mind couldn't stop jumping to Klaus. His bright blue eyes, his lips, his gaze, his posture, his body, and the look he gave her. He seemed interested, shocked that the fact of a crack head could make sure a thing as she. "How did you get the scar?" She paused, wanting to catch her words and ram them back into her mouth, but knew it was already too late. She looked over at Greta and found that she was smiling a bit, as if she wasn't afraid and then she turned her gaze to Caroline, who was smiling even wider as earlier.
"I was like you, Bonnie. I was given away and the man's wife didn't like the fact he was giving me attention. She scarred my face and my thighs. It's fine, don't be afraid to ask me anything."
Bonnie nodded, stepped closing, admiring the scar, then something inside her head clicked. "Wait, you were given away? What does that mean?"
There was a loud ringing, a constant tapping. Bonnie looked up and saw the TV flashing with the current time, it was a bit past two.
"Oh, I must prepare for the party later." Greta bowed before them both and rushed off, her dress brushing against the ground as she rushed out of the bathroom leaving them alone.
Caroline turned towards the door, looping her arm through Bonnie's to tug her gently out of the bathroom, wanting to head back downstairs so she could help Bonnie prepare for later. The ringing of the clock on the TV ringing before it soon quieted, turning off.
"My dad, he wanted to go to Vegas and marry his lawyer. I was a bit young, I couldn't watch the store by myself so he sent for someone to watch. They liked how I look and spoke to father. He gave me away and I haven't seen him since. I heard that he died. I hope he did." She nodded and closed her mouth.
Bonnie was a bit shocked by Caroline's words. There was pain there, true pain and Bonnie couldn't help but wonder did her father give her away like Caroline's dad did?
But she couldn't let her thoughts linger when all she could think about was Klaus and the house, mostly Klaus. She couldn't get off his eyes and wished to see him again, so she could stare. She couldn't lie, the man was hot and just so…well he was probably as old as her father and she suddenly found it yucky to be crushing on a man that was her father's age. She calmed her nerves, pushing her thoughts back to the house and how the more they walked, the more wider it got. It was only when they were back at the stairs that she paused, looking down towards the right.
"Caroline, what are all of those rooms for?"
Caroline turned, stopping as well to crane her head to look. She laughed, it was soft and low. "That's where all the assistants sleep. There's my room, Elijah's, Klaus's, three guestrooms, and the room no one goes in." She turned back to Bonnie giving her a curt nod before stepping down the stairs, pulling Bonnie with her, Bonnie followed. She didn't want to trip and besides, her mind was on the room that no one goes in and why no one went in it.
Klaus paced his bedroom floor, his thoughts jumping as Caroline had. He wasn't sure whether to linger on Bonnie's face or her body. She was a beautiful woman; a voice like angels, her body was beyond gorgeous. He wanted his hands on her and god, just the thought of…
He groaned out loud, stomping his foot as his slacks tightened once more. He shook his head, mentally and physically, a bit thrown off, because he never felt this away about a female like he was with her. And it hadn't been long since his last conquest, he wasn't a total virgin. Him and Caroline had a mutual understanding and it had been a long time ago and surely didn't matter now. They both needed to be comforted and those nights when she creeped in his room because all she could think about was Malcolm's wife slicing her and all he wanted to escape from was his fears. It happened so long ago and he passed many women, women who wore the shortest things or nothing at all and he still couldn't find himself as aroused as he now was.
He stopped pacing, giving himself a rest as he sat back on his bed, trying to calm his rapidly beating heart. He slouched over, frowning slightly as he clasped his hands together. He heard a tap at the door, but left it alone. The sound of the tap he knew who it was and he honestly thought he had left.
"Klausy?" Damon said sing song like as he opened the door, poking his head inside, a glass of some sort of in his hands. He opened the door wider, leaning on the frame as he placed the cup to his lips, drinking it down, his legs crossed at his ankles, showing off his black boots.
"I thought you left." Klaus turned from Damon, going back to digging in his closet and hiding himself as best as possible, willing it away.
Damon shook his head, breaking his lips from the contact of the cup and grinning, his face twisted into amusement before he began to laugh, nearly choking on his drink. "I could never leave. I have a guest room here. I am a guest, boss." He was taunting him.
"Damon not tonight, no playing games. This is all serious business. Stop fucking around." Klaus was bit angry, he was still mad about Clay saying that about him. He wasn't a monster as her father would hope her to think and then he found himself madder because he cared what a junkie thought, a fucking junkie. Not like it made any difference.
"Klaus, I'll keep telling you as I have been, don't worry about Malcolm. I, personally, think you need to get laid. Ever tried Caroline? You know she's begging for your attention." Damon pushed himself off the frame of the door and stepped further into the room, closing the door behind him, fixing his position to lean against the dresser. His eyes glancing at the light up phone that was there, it was vibrating on top of the black like surface of the dresser, but Damon said nothing to Klaus about it. He was talking to him and whoever it was could probably call later.
Klaus turned back around to look at Damon with an arched brow as he glanced over his shoulder, slight anger spreading through his features. "Damon, don't tempt me. Everyone who needs to know about what happened between me and Caroline should already know what happened between me and Caroline. We slept together, countless times, and we talked it over. We're friends and who told you?"
Damon shrugged, placing the cup down to cross his arms over his chest, his muscles protruding from the top. "I have ways of knowing things that should not be known. I'm Damon Salvatore." He smirked, standing a bit taller.
Klaus rolled his eyes and pushed himself up to a stand, straightening out his clothes, heading over to his closet door, taking the jacket off the hanger to slide into it. "Get dressed, time flies by and I would like to not be late. Afterwards, we're having a dinner. Caroline wants Ms. Bennett to get used to the place. She wants her to feel like home."
Damon scoffed behind Klaus, watching him as he slipped into the jacket, his hand reaching out to grab for his cup to place it to his lips once again, shrugging, and his mind falling to something else, not caring at the moment.
"I'm being nice. You act like I've hit on her, not yet. I want her loosen up. She has to get to know the big family and all." His eyebrows came up to exaggerate his point and all Klaus could do was roll his own, waiting for his bulge to be no more as he turned around to fully face him.
There was another tap at the door and then it opened, revealing a man with spikey short brown hair and green eyes. His hand was on the knob and on the frame, poking his head inside.
"Klaus, Damon." His voice was soft as he acknowledged them both. "The cars are ready for a head start; it's a long drive, Malcolm's mansion and all." He looked down, his shoe falling between the small crack of the door.
"Stefan, escort your brother out, he's starting to find your dead father in his bourbon before he can find your deceased mother." Klaus dusted off his jacket, going over the cuffs to fix them, button them, his eyes training on the Salvatores that stood in his room.
"Klaus, I'm not even a bit drunk. You haven't seen me drunk." Damon nodded, finishing off the drink with a quick gulp, pushing himself off the dresser, heading over towards the door, opening it wider so he could walk through. Stefan stepped back to let his brother leave. He held onto the door, still standing there. "Klaus, I can't be here for the dinner later. I have business to tend to soon."
Klaus turned to Stefan, nodding as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Alright, handle your business and tell her I said hello." He chuckled softly, shaking his head as Stefan nodded, pulling back from the door, closing it shut behind him and all Klaus could think about in that mere second was how lonely he felt as he stood there and then her green eyes came into view and he suddenly, oddly, felt better.
"What's this dinner about anyway? If I can ask" Bonnie raised her arms over her head, as Caroline fixed the dress she was wearing. Bonnie had to catch herself to not giggle as Caroline's fingers ran over her sides, making sure the small bow that came with the dress, was tied in the back, tightly. One thing that Bonnie discovered as her and Caroline became 'besties' was that Caroline was out spoken and loud with her choice of dress. Whereas, Bonnie like to keep as much of skin she could, covered. It wasn't that big of an issue towards Caroline. She shrugged with the same smile, well it was more toned down since earlier, and decided to show some skin, since the dress went all the way down to her knees. Bonnie said it was fine when Caroline had asked if it was manageable because she didn't want Bonnie to feel uncomfortable and she hadn't. She felt more beautiful than she ever thought she could.
"I told you." Caroline's smile began to get wider as they stood in the full length mirror in Bonnie's room. It was a dark blue and hung on the wall, most of it touched the floor, but didn't. Bonnie looked in the mirror and over her and Caroline's shoulder at the rest of her bedroom. It seemed while Caroline and Greta showed her around, the other staff had moved her bags and put up her clothes as well as her things, leaving a note for her to arrange as she liked. "You can ask me anything. I don't bite. I'm starting to like you. When you are with me, fear nothing." Caroline gave her a firm nod, her eyebrow arching with a slight grin, leaning over towards the dresser, grabbing for a brush and comb, weaving her way through Bonnie's dark locks. "The dinner is for you to feel more at home. I don't want you to completely replace your life or change to fit us. I can't stand fake women and I will say something if I assume you are that way."
Bonnie bent her head a bit down as Caroline raked the comb and brush through her hair, her soft ends tickling the back of her neck. She giggled at the sensation, never ever finding herself to giggle with a strange person grooming her hair. She actually never felt so pampered in her entire life.
There was a mutual silence between them; while Caroline brushed her hair, brushing her ends in spirals and Bonnie staying quiet, letting Caroline move her to her liking to finish.
It was only for a soft tap at the door for Caroline to stop and look up causing Bonnie to do the same.
She scowled, as Damon stood there. He was wearing a nice black tux. His hair combed back, off his face. Bonnie couldn't argue that he was a gorgeous man, but she felt odd around him and his first impression on her wasn't a good one.
"Blondie, you look naked." He smirked, his arms crossed over his chest as eyed them both and for the first time Bonnie actually truly looked at Caroline and noticed her dress and wondered why she hadn't looked before. Caroline was naked. She could see her nipples, they were hard. She looked away embarrassed, telling herself she was such an idiot for not noticing.
"I am naked, Damon, now leave. I'm not done with her hair and I want it perfect."
Damon rolled his eyes, his eyes slightly darker as he continued to stare at Caroline's lack or unlack of dress almost forgetting that Bonnie was there.
"Caroline, the cars are ready so finish. Me and you get to ride together, how pleasant does that sound, Barbie?"
Caroline shushed him away with a quick move of her hand, moving around Bonnie, since she turned away, to finish her spirals. Damon lingered there a bit longer. His eyes falling on Bonnie, taking in her dress, tilting his head to the side as he leaned on the door, watching the exchange between them, curious; well slightly.
"Bennett, you'll be riding with Klaus and his brother. I do hope you have a good time." He grinned, pushing himself off the door before leaving them alone. Bonnie watched him, leave, confused, wondering what exactly he meant.
"Don't worry about Damon. He's picking on you like he does everyone. Klaus and Elijah won't do anything that you are uncomfortable with. I swear that on my life." She continued to turn Bonnie's hair into spirals of waves and all Bonnie could do was stay quiet because she was trying to gather information that she knew already, together in her head and she wondered if she would have a good time. And found that her stay here wouldn't be so bad. She hoped. "Plus, we'll have fun. Music and food then more food, it's a party."
Caroline laughed a bit, sounding like she was looking forward to what she was used too and Bonnie couldn't help but find herself asking or wanting to ask more questions.
But couldn't seem to fit them in words or a sentence or let them spill from her lips. She was stuck; her mind was rolling, sorting out old information with new. She still couldn't get passed Klaus though, the more she thought of him, the more she wanted to….speak to him, learn more about him, so she could file him away in her mind and yes it sounded crazy, but if she was going to stay there with them. She wanted her mind at peace, for once.