Title: Berry Angry
Author: Hippo_Crat
Rating: PG-13, mild language
Length: 427 words
Spoilers: Pilot
Summary: Quinn's been hiding from Rachel and Santana is about to find out why.
Pairing: Quinn/Rachel, implied Rachel/Babs

"Quinn!" Rachel's loudest stage-voice easily carried a hundred some odd feet down the hallway to where one Quinn Fabray was innocently standing by her locker with some of the glee kids. Quinn didn't need to turn and look to know that her girlfriend was on the warpath.

Wisely, the blonde immediately dove for cover. "On a scale of one to ten how angry does she look?" Quinn whispered from her position hiding behind Puck and Mercedes.

Santana gave a short whistle of appreciation as she watched Rachel do her signature psycho!powerwalk down the halls. She could practically hear the angry hum of the gears in Berry's head whirring away. "What the hell did you do?" The Hispanic girl asked in amusement.

"Nothin, I'm just avoid—Never mind what I did or didn't do!" Quinn hissed angrily. "One to ten. How pissed is she?"

"I'd say…Berry angry."

"San, remember when we were 11 and I covered for you and told your mother that Jeremy Winger was mean to me and that was why you had to break his nose?" The blonde cheerleader said in a rush as she carefully began to edge away from the group. "And you said you totally owed me one?"

Santana grimaced, her earlier good humor gone. She saw where this was going. "Yeah," The brunette said slowly, reluctantly.

Rachel was closing in on the group; 60 feet and counting.

"I'm cashing in on that favor." Quinn brusquely thrust an oddly-shaped object into Santana's arms. "Tell her you broke it." Before Santana had the time to even blink Quinn was gone. The head cheerleader had taken off up the hallway toward her pissed off girlfriend.

"Quinn, you've been avoiding me all day and quite frankly I'm sick of—" Rachel's rant was cut off when Quinn kissed her.

"Sorry about that, Coach has been riding my ass all day. I'll see you tonight, babe." With that last remark Quinn sprinted off in a hurry leaving a very confused Rachel Berry behind.

"Hey, Rachel?" Quinn called from the relative safety of the doorway to the Cheerio's locker room. "Santana borrowed your 25th anniversary copy of Yentl last night; make sure you get it back from her."

Puck and Mercedes turned to look at Santana who was in turn looking down at what Quinn had shoved off on her less than a minute ago. In her hands were the pieces of one very broken copy of Yentl. When Santana looked up Puck and Mercedes had vanished and in their place was one Rachel Berry.

"Well, shit."