Chapter 14. Satans Little Helper

Dean, Sam, and Vanessa headed down the vast empty highway. Not knowing where to go. The Colt was missing. They had no leads. They had no plan. Vanessa sat in the backseat, head down going through ideas in her head. Something she could tell Dean and Sam that would make them feel better, but nothing came to mind. She blamed herself for what happened. How could she go that low? Yeah, she wanted her memories back. More than anything. She wanted to remember her childhood. Her and Deans relationship. The relationship that she probably ruined because she was so selfish.

After hours of driving, Dean pulled over into a motel parking lot. And without one word he got out of the car and walked into the motel lobby. Alone, with Sam. He seemed to take it easier than Dean, but she could tell that he was very upset.

"Sam, I really am sorry." Sam turned around in his seat to give a Vanessa a small smile. But, it didnt reach his eyes. "It's okay, Vanessa. I forgive you." Just then the drivers door opened and Dean grabbed the keys out of the ignition. "Room 213."

They grabbed their bags and walked up the steep steps till they stood in front of the door. Dean swiped the card, and opened the door. A hard blow of cold air hit their face as they walked inside. Sam went to take a shower. Leaving Vanessa and Dean in their awkward silence. Dean laid on the bed, flipping through the channels. Vanessa finally couldn't take it anymore. She walked over to Dean, grabbed the remote, then sat beside him.

"Dean, I really am sorry. Okay, what I did was extremely selfish on my part. I just...I wanted to remember...I couldn't even remember my name. I didn't remember you...and I know that is not an excuse but-" Dean grabbed the back of Vanessa's neck, pulling her closer till his lips met hers. "I know. Okay, dont worry about it." Dean smiled. Vanessa went to give Dean a hug as the bathroom door opened and Sam walked out, with a towel tied around his waist. Vanessa was in shock, but quickly looked away.


Vanessa went to grab her phone of the table. It was an unknown number. She answered it. "Hello."

"Hey, remember me?" Vanessa stood frozen in fear. The voice was familiar. It was him. Vanessa put her hand over the speaker, and looked back at Dean. "Its him." She whispered. Dean threw himself off the bed, racing over to Vanessa. "Give me the phone."

"No, Dean! I can play it, okay. I will get the Colt back. They can't no that you're still on my side. Please!"

Dean hesitated. "Fine. One shot. If it doesn't work, me and Sam take over, got it?"

"Got it." She uncovered the phone and spoke. "What do you want from me? I did what you asked."

"I want you. I need your help..."

"With what?"

"You"ll find out soon." Then the dial tone blared into her ear.