Clary glared at herself in the mirror. She was repeating the words in her head the Jace had told her a few weeks ago. Rash she yelled at herself in her head. Reckless she repeated in her head. Just a few short weeks ago Jace had told her all the things he felt about her. She thought about it every day, repeating the words in her head every time she failed to do some part in her training right, or she didn't understand some explanation of why Shadowhunters did this or that.
"Mundane," she muttered to herself quietly, turning away from the mirror. That was the worst one. Maybe she really was just some ordinary mundane.
"Now who are you calling a mundane?" She heard a voice from behind her and spun on the spot. Jace was leaned against the door frame with his arms crossed, a stern air about him roused up something inside her.
"It was nothing," she muttered quietly turning away from him. She pretended to rummage in a bag sitting on the bed of the room she always stayed in when she was at the Institute.
"It doesn't seem like it." Jace eyed Clary up and down while he continued to lean against the doorframe. She was wearing dark jeans with a black sweatshirt on that brought out the bright color of her red hair.
"You don't need to worry about it, okay?" Clary continued to search through her bag for some unknown object when Jace came behind her and wrapped his arms around her, whispering into her neck in a way that made her shiver.
"You know you can tell me what's wrong." She sighed but relaxed into his arms like melted butter. Regardless of how mad she might be with him she still loved him to death and wouldn't pass up the opportunity to get a bit friendly.
Jace leaned in and kissed her neck, softly at first, working his way up to her ear and nibbling on it.
"Jace," Clary whispered his name as she turned around to face him fully.
"Yes ma'am," he whispered mockingly to the very un-Jacelike phrase. Clary sighed. He had no idea what he did to her. The way she got all hot and bothered whenever he was around and thought about him day and night, how she missed him as soon as they were apart.
When she didn't answer Jace pushed Clary up against the wall behind her, growling as he did so. He brought his hands up to cup her face, kissing her gently at first. The kisses began to get more passionate as both of them began to strip the other of a few clothing articles before being interrupted by a loud bang.
"C'mon you guys. Just because you two aren't related anymore doesn't mean you have to make out every two seconds," Isabelle sighed putting a hand on her hip.
"Can't you just mind your own damn business for once?" Jace scowled at her and she laughed.
"Nope, dinner's ready." Jace rolled his eyes, however Clary stayed silent not wanting to make a fuss.
"I'm not eating whatever you made," Jace turned back to Clary wrapping his arms around her waist about to pull her in for another kiss when Isabelle groaned loudly.
"I didn't make it. It's take out. Just come eat before mom has a cow or something, will you?" She huffed and closed the door.
"We should go eat," Clary said decidedly. Jace looked down at her and tightened his grip on her right thigh.
"I'm not hungry," he muttered quietly, leaning in to kiss her neck before she pulled away.
"Well I am, okay?" she pulled away glaring at him.
"Clary wait," he called out after her when she left the room kicking the door shut as she left. She didn't respond to him.
A few hours later, Clary sat on her bed, staring at her sketchpad. Most of it was filled with sketches of Jace wherever he may have been at the time of her random burst of inspiration. The most recent one was Jace sleeping. She was trying to get his eyes just right on the paper but she couldn't seem to capture the way his hair dangled in front of his eyes. By now the page was filled with eraser marks and scribbles all over where his hair was supposed to be and she threw the sketchpad to the ground, abandoning it completely.
She ventured to the shower stripping all of her clothes and turning on the warm water. After enjoying the combination of soap and water for what seemed like hours she turned to find a towel. After searching for a couple of minutes she was only able to find one pretty small one, so she wrapped it around herself and went out to her bedroom.
She nearly dropped the white towel at the sight of Jace sitting on her bed flipping through her sketchpad.
"What the hell are you doing in here!" she yelled at him and attempted to grab the sketchbook from him. With the speed of a shadowhunter Jace was easily able to dodge her grasp.
"What's up with you today?" He dropped the book onto the bed and started to push her against the wall. Clary shoved him back with a new found strength and grasps the towel tightly when it started to fall off her still wet skin.
"Just stay away from me!" Clary was screaming and she knew it. In fact she made a point of getting a bit louder. She was sick of the constant kissing as irresistible as he was, she just couldn't let go of what he said about her.
"Clary, calm down," he took a step towards her reaching out his hand but she pulled back.
"Just stay away from me," she repeated to him coolly and walked out of the room.
Okay. So first fanfic about this story. It's a bit short and slow right now, but I dunno. Comments please if I'm going to continue this. I can make it better.
XOXO Azallea