Now, normally, my dreams have some sort of order to them. Even if the dreams shift, they still seem to shift naturally. Not this one.

At first, I was inside of a volcano with a cartoon car swimming around inside of it. When I reach my hand down to help it up, I fall backwards.

I'm taking a test. No one seems to feel anything going on, but I don't remember any of these people. Even the teacher is a stranger. I can't read the test. There are no words on the paper.

Looking up to ask the teacher why, I see that I'm on an airplane. Everyone around me are infants. They are all crying. The pilot comes running out of the cockpit on fire and jumps out of a hole I had not noticed before.

Now, I'm not sure when the dream changed again, but before I knew it, I was sitting somewhere I've never seen before. It seemed to be a small cove. Enclosed and beautiful. Flowers blew softly in the wind. I was sitting right in the water. There were no waves, but I was still getting water to the face. I turn my head and see someone I've been wanting to see.


"Hey Kim." He smiles and continues to fling water at me. He acts so casual, and I can't help but act casual as well.

"How are you?" It felt like a dumb question but I couldn't help but ask it. He looked normal. Blue swim trunks covered the lower half of his body. He sat calmly next to me in the shallow water with his arms behind him to prop himself up.

He laughed. "I'm alright. How have you been?"

For some reason, I didn't answer the way I thought I should have. "I'm good."

"I miss you, Kimmy." He doesn't look at me when I glance over at him, and I'm not entirely sure that he had actually said it.

"I miss you too, but we're together now, aren't we?" He frowns and shakes his head. I looked away, not liking that look on his face. "Oh."

He doesn't answer for awhile, and I don't question it. We sit in a comfortable silence. When I look back up at him, he has gotten farther away, but it didn't bother me. "How do I go on without you, Jack?"

He looks at me for the first time. "You will. You have your family, and you have the guys. Someday, you'll have THE guy and you'll marry him. You'll make him very happy."

"But YOU are THE guy. You are the one I wanted to marry. I want to make YOU happy."

He frowns again but I can't look away this time. It softens into a half-smile. "I am happy Kim. You've made me very happy."

"But we can never be together again."

He nods, and I notice that he has gotten significantly farther away from me. "That's true, but you'll learn how to get along without me."

"But what if I don't..." I stare at the sand through the clear water until I see a shadow cover the spot I had been looking at. Turning my head upwards, I see Jack silhouetted by the sun looking down at me with a big smile. I smile back and stand up. Holding his hands, it felt so real. He leans his head closer to mine.

He whispers so softly but it gives me so much strength. "But you will..."

He backs up and squeezes my hands before letting go. "Goodbye Kim." He starts to retreat backwards towards the opposite side of the cove. He turns back with a sad smile and waved to me. I remained in place, unable to move, and simply wave back. "Say 'hi' to our baby girl for me..."

I wake up instantly with pains and I cry out loud, holding my rumbling stomach. I smile down at it. "Your daddy says 'hi'..."


My heart pounded. I held my baby girl in my arms. She was finally asleep, allowing me to be able to go to the ISP fair.

"Kim!" I heard my name being called. I looked around and was automatically given a small hug.

"Shhh..." I quietly shushed the person before turning around and seeing my teacher.

Her eyebrows scrunched together before she saw what I was holding. "Oh my gosh.." She lifted a hand to her mouth; her eyes opened wide.

"That's..." She pointed to the bundle in my arms.

"Mine..." I nodded and smiled a half-smile. Not convincing, but enough. "Just last week."

"What are you doing here? I thought you'd be home. You do know that you are excused completely from the fair, right?"

I shook my head and pointed to the patio, ignoring her question. "I can't go in there. It's noisy. She'll wake up."

Mrs. Windham thought about it for a moment before lifting her pointer finger and backed towards the doors."Be right back," she whispered.

I set an alarm for 5:27, and put my phone on vibrate . I reached my arm behind me and stuck it in my back pocket.

I heard a beep from a car locking and saw my dad walking with a big box, and a little box on top of it. My mom was behind him carrying my laptop.

As they got closer to me, my daughter woke up. I looked down at her, but she didn't cry. She looked up at me with curiosity. Her blue eyes matched mine perfectly. A small glint came from them, as I was told to have also. I'm glad that she seemed to not have gotten anything from herfather.

I looked up to see my parents standing a few feet behind me. They smiled sadly, and I smiled back.

Their eyes flicked to something over my left shoulder, and followed them. Mrs. Windham and a male teacher that I didn't know were carrying a table to an open part around the bus loop.

I followed them and they sat the table on the ground. The man nodded at me and walked back into the building. Mrs. Windham said to me, "This good?"

I smiled. "Yes."

She frowned a little before seeing that my baby had woken walked over and smiled down at the little bundle. "She's beautiful."

She looked up at me. "Like her mother."

I smiled and thanked her. She backed away and started to walk around the bus loop. I walked to my parents and tapped the big box with my foot.

"Can you take out the things and lay them on the table just like I have them on the piece of paper?" I asked my dad. He nodded.

"What paper?" He opened the box and saw a piece of printer paper right on top. "Oh."

He started unloading an organizing the things like I have them on the paper. The table started to pile up with a picture frame of a baby's birth certificate, a baby bottle, and a few other things.

I turned to my mom. "Can you put the laptop right where it says on the paper and start it up?" She nodded and immediately did what I had asked. She plugged in the charger which she had taken out of the box.

"There's nowhere to plug that." I stated. She took out a little box with two outlets on one side and a place for batteries on the other. "You didn't have to buy that."

"I did if I wanted your laptop not to die while you're presenting." She smiled and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"You'll do great. You worked hard," She smiled and hugged me, careful not to hurt my daughter.

"Thanks, mom," I smiled as I curled my face into her shoulder. I felt another pair of arms around me and I looked up to see my dad joining in on the family hug.

We stayed like that for awhile before I felt my phone buzz. We untangled our hug and I took it out of my back pocket. My alarm was going off.

I have three minutes.

"You'll do great," My mom hugged my dad and they both smiled. I nodded and managed to smile back.

They started to turn move backwards a little bit as an old man came up. He read what I had on the first slide of my slideshow. "I wanna listen to this."

He turned and waved over an old lady. She joined him as a few other people showed up. A lot more than I had expected.

I heard somebody whisper, "That's her baby," but I couldn't see who.

They all looked at me curiosity. I knew a lot of these people.

Mrs. Heifer from down the block.

My deceased 3rd grade teacher's husband, Mr. Millafred.

My old babysitter, who now had three kids of her own.

Rudy had shown up too.

I even saw Mrs. Windham standing behind my parents.

All of these people, who have heard about me from the news on TV, or the newspaper. They had heard my story from the people's views. Now they are coming to hear my point of view.

I gulped, truly feeling nervous. My hands shook, and I hoped that I wouldn't disturb the little girl in my arms.

I looked at all the faces, feeling my heart beat speed up. I tried to start presenting. I tried not to show how weak I was. I tried, but I was miserably failing.

Then I saw a boy with brown hair walk around to the side, next to the old man and lady.

He smiled at me with his cocoa brown eyes wide.

The man and woman didn't notice. No one did, but me.

He nodded at me encouragingly. He had never known what my project was gonna be. He didn't even make it to my presentation for our mentor class last week. He came to see my presentation for the first time, to cheer me on from wherever he was. He came to say hello to the daughter he never got to meet.

I smiled back at him and let a single tear slip. It slid down my cheek and fell on the baby in my arms. She sneezed, gaining a small laugh from the crowd.

I took a deep breath and looked up.

The early sunset was gorgeous through the flower tree right above me, as if the artist had used every color on his paint pad. There was an array of red, orange, yellow, purple, pink, and even blue.

I closed my eyes and took a long, deep breath. The strong smell of flowers in the spring filled my senses.

I opened my eyes and looked back to where the boy had been standing. He was gone, and a few other people had walked up, curious as to why a crowd had formed around me.

I looked back up to the flower tree just in time to see a large flower break free. It lowered slowly; its red and white petals twirling around.

My eyes followed the flower until in landed right in my arms. My baby curled her small fingers around it, and giggled. The crowd smiled and some of the emotional women gave 'awe's'.

I smiled a true smile. My first one in awhile.

I closed my eyes and thought hard. 'Thank you, Jack.'

I looked at the crowd. "My name is Kim Crawford... and this is Paige."


Cheesy, I know. But I finally finished my longest standing story. Sorry for taking like two years to write this whole story.