

Mako, we need to talk. The tone of his deep voice sparked a shiver, giving the tell-tale sign of bad news to come. Setting down the cold stems of a bouquet I was working on, I felt his warm hand lead me into the back room of our florist shop. He didn't look me in the eye as we stood there amongst the wondering scents of baby's breath, lilies, roses, and a fresh shipment of lavender. The moment his hand slowly released mine, my heart began to sink toward the pit of my stomach. Motoki had never been so closed or hidden in all this time we knew each other, dating back to that fateful day we met through Usagi at the arcades. I had always thought he was cute, but when we reconnected in college I saw how handsome he'd flourished. Sprouting up taller than I, blonde hair darkening to a warm sandy mystery, and soft sea green eyes only for me. Now, in this dimly lit room I was beginning to see a darker side.

Motoki…what's wrong? I heard the quivering utterance manage up, beginning to reach out for his hand but stopped the moment I saw it twitch back. Had I done something wrong? Did we lose one of our clients? Normally he would shrug it off and bring it up cheerfully, proclaiming we would make up the difference by gaining another in its place.

I can't marry you. Those four words hit me like an ice cold bucket of water, my knees felt as if they were weakening but I managed to pull myself together. This was unexpected and everything I would have to do raced through my mind. The invitations had just arrived the day before, we had placed our deposit to the wedding coordinator, and the dress was just sent in for finalized alterations. I felt a numbness gnawing at my emotions, making it hard to feel. I didn't realize the tears were streaming until his hot hands cupped my face and thumbs wiped them away. I couldn't even look at him; pushing his arms away and distancing ourselves, I gazed down at the engagement ring Motoki had given me. I knew he chose it with me in his mind and heart. The metal twisted and swayed to represent a rose, and the soft pink diamonds almost the same shade as the pink rose earrings I wore that belonged to my mother. With shaking fingers, I slid the ring off and set it on the work bench ironically next to one our fresh shipments of pink roses. I want to ask you to wait for me, but that would be too cruel until…I can figure out a situation.

This is already too cruel Motoki, I heard my sarcasm kick in for my own protection. The only movement he made was to slide his hands into his dark slacks. The bell on the front door jingled, announcing the arrival of a customer to interrupt our awkward moment. I'm leaving the shop in your hands, I need some time before resuming.

I stood there until he quietly moved through the doors to greet the customer that had entered. Panic pushed through me as I pushed into the office to grab my purse and jacket before escaping this prison. Taking the side door, I ran when the cold morning air hit me and never looked backed.

That had been a week ago.

Today, I still was in my slump and requested my personal assistant to take messages since I didn't want to receive any calls. After the first day of ignoring their calls, my friends gave me the time I gladly needed to start to pick up the pieces to this broken heart. Waking up was the hardest part. A soft knock pulled me from my mind absently beginning to think of that day once more. Kaspar, my assistant, came through the door casually holding another bouquet of pink roses and a robe over the arm of his pristine ironed black suit.

"Your highness, a week of cancelled appointments is all I can push back," his orderly, serious voice pushed into my defensive barrier. I knew better than to speak back to Kaspar; his dark, guarded mocha eyes looked ahead and never stared at me directly. Even in this cooler climate with less sun, I was still wondering how he kept his warm olive complexion and ebony locks tussled so elegantly. Patiently he stood next to my feathered bed gazing away. I knew there wasn't a way to escape Kaspar, he would find me and make sure I did my royal duties for the day. It was easier to work with him than against, and I didn't want to make his job difficult.

"What is on the agenda for today?" I asked, shrugging my arms into the held-up robe and soft slippers before walking toward the bathroom to get ready. The scent of rose snips and lavender tickled my nose, the bath had been drawn while I was unaware and a curtain drawn to make it easier for Kaspar to discuss business with privacy to each other.

"This morning is the final fitting before alterations for your gown, followed by the coordinator with an update on the guest list before sending out the invitations, and cake testing before lunch. After lunch, there is an appointment with a guest from Satan City. This evening Serenity has invited you to the palace, which is awaiting for your reservation," Kaspar's tender tone on the subjects drifted through the curtain. I felt stiffened by the reality that I still needed to cancel everything after a week of trying to forget. No matter how much I ran, it all would catch up with me regardless. Letting out a long sigh, I lazily washed my hair with the lily extracted shampoo I was beginning to feel didn't fit me no longer. I began to crave a new change to help me push forward.

"Kaspar, there isn't going to be a wedding," I finally admitted, feeling my throat begin to tighten. How could I feel like crying anymore when I had done so for days this past week? I felt a tightness pull around the room, waiting for his response before rinsing my hair.

"I had a feeling but hoped, with time, it would mend." Kaspar's voice hand changed into a sincere tone I had never experienced, surprising me by the softness. "If you ever feel compelled to look for a fine suitor, I know a kind King that will melt at your request."

I couldn't help but let out a giggle and rinsed my hair; Kaspar had a great timing for a joke about his past Master. His King had sent an invitation a little over a year ago to come tour his lavish gardens, and I had accepted. Kaspar had been presented to me as a gift for his wedding proposal that I had declined, but the King wished me to keep Kaspar as a reminder of him. Owning a person had baffled me, but Kaspar requested to stay by my side as a final order from his King before we came back to Tokyo. That was when I offered him the position to by my personal assistant. Thinking of his King as I sat on the edge of the tub drying my hair, made me wonder if I should pay a visit to him. I hadn't heard news of him marrying, so perhaps I could do a diplomatic thing of bringing our kingdoms into a more formal friendship.

"I'll think about visiting your homeland," I admitted quietly, but I knew enough where he could hear.

"I will work on merging all three morning appointments and pushing up your after lunch appointment," Kaspar explained before exiting the room and changing back to his usual, emotionless tone. Motoki floated to my mind as I lightly blow dried my brightening auburn curls, trying a new look by leaving them down. He never gave me a reason or explanation, all that I knew was a situation preventing him from marrying me…but what was it? A fear pulsed as I pulled on the black and white strapless polka dot layered dress that Kaspar had left out, wondering if Motoki would be here for our schedule appointments. A cropped knitted light green sweater made the outfit more modest and matching open jeweled heels; I swear this man could be a fashion designer with Minako.

Heading to the throne room, I was nervous and tried to prepare my speech for the guests. How did someone go about properly cancelling a wedding? What would I do with everything that was already prepared? What about the dress? It was too early in the morning to be stressing about mundane tasks, but it had to be done. I couldn't let the coordinator send out the invitations and have everyone here for a wedding that wasn't about to happen. Pausing at the door to the side entrance toward my throne, I thought about running away and leaving it in Kaspar's hands but knew it would be wrong. He shouldn't have the task of cleaning up my mess. My palms were beginning to feel sweaty as my feet started to react to my fear by taking a step back only to bump into a mass and freeze. I had been caught by Kaspar just in the nick of time.

"I can't do this," I uttered in a little breath, swallowing the large lump bobbing in my throat. A warm hand gripped mine, familiar and comforting.

"Just follow my lead, I'll take care of it," Motoki's warm voice washed over me as I blindly followed him into the throne room. Everything swept by rather quickly as I watched him bow formally to our guests that had gathered giving an apology. "…with our future unknown at this point, it would be best to cancel the wedding instead of postponing. If we resume in the future, please let us resume where we left off with your companies. You will still be paid in full for all your hard work and recommended to those we know."

Following the bow, I held my breath while the silence moved through the throne room. Were they going to say anything? Gazing up, I saw a few of the women designers in tears as they gazed at his hand still holding mine. Kaspar cleared his throat, bringing them out of their dazes.

"It was a pleasure working with you, please feel free to call us if you need our assistance in the future," the coordinator spoke, giving a bow as well as the cake designer and dress assistant. Together, they seemed to move out as a group still stunned as Kaspar followed behind like an usher to give use privacy. Once the large oak doors closed with a thunk, I pushed to my height and ripped my hand back. Knowing he was here hurt…I wasn't ready to face him no matter how he gazed at me. I couldn't look at him.

"I need to speak with you," Motoki said, reaching out for my hand once more but I stepped back. I knew he had to be hurt by that action, but the wounds were still too fresh to try to salvage what was left of our friendship. I stood quietly, gazing at the floor while controlling my emotions as best as possible. How many times did I need to swallow before the lump would disappear? "I know I've hurt you Makoto, more than just an apology can resolve what I've done...but please don't think of me as doing this without a reason that would tarnish my honor as a man. It's that honor I need to uphold that's causing me to hurt you."

The anger and pain reared sharply as I sucked in a quick breath. I managed to bite my tongue but jerked my head up to stare him dead in the eyes. Motoki looked frozen for a moment as I'm sure my inner anger had hardened my expression. He swallowed but managed to keep from faltering.

"Reika's father contacted me to ask I take responsibility for his daughter," Motoki began. "After we broke up four years ago, Reika later found out she was pregnant. She wouldn't tell her father who was responsible and has been raising her son alone without asking for any help. Recently she has an accident at work making her unable to go back and now the responsibility has been pushed on her father to care for the both of them. Reika admitted a few weeks ago that I am responsible."

Motoki was a father. This was more than I could think to process all at once; my knees finally gave way and sent me to the floor. Motoki crouched in front of me, his sad eyes staring into mine. I knew what he was thinking as everything became clear. He must have spoke to me the next day after finding out, doing the only thing he knew to set courses right.

"Is she willing to marry you?" I dreadfully asked, feeling my stomach roll and thankful I didn't have breakfast. Motoki didn't want to answer but his eyes gave it away. I managed to push up a tiny smile as the lump grew bigger. "Congratulations, you will make a great husband and father."

Motoki look bewildered at how quickly I accepted his news, and shocked. What else did he want me to say or do? There was nothing I could do. Pay off Reika's family just so we could get married? No, Motoki needed to make the decision for himself. I didn't want to be involved unless Motoki invited my opinion on the situation. This was the right thing to do and he could begin to get to know his son.

"Thank you Mako," he spoke lowly and then pulled me into a sudden warm hug. This was goodbye, a mark to the end of our relationship, and beginning to our own separate ways. I held onto him, wanting to remember the feeling of his chest, secure arms, and hint of floral smells mixing with his mysterious musk cologne.

"Your highness, the next appointment is waiting in the lobby," Kaspar announced quietly behind us, perhaps in the shadows. I needed to pull myself together quickly. Motoki didn't want to let go but finally did, holding me gently by the shoulders gazing down.

"I want you to keep this." Motoki pulled out the rose engagement ring from his pocket and placed it into my hand. "This is a gift I gave you and I don't ever want it back."

I nodded and watched him move to his feet but declined his help up. Gazing up at him from the ground I gave a final smile and little wave.

"Good bye," I muttered. Motoki gave a formal bow as if he had been one of my guests.

"Good bye, your highness." The moment he left through the front doors, I wished I could burst into a fresh set of tears but knew it was impossible. Kaspar held out his hand, gazing down through his thick black frame classes with softened warm mochas.

"I think my legs went numb," I tried to laugh off, hoping it would cheer my mood but I knew only on the outside it would help. Taking his hand, he silently helped me steady on jelly-like legs that were starting to awaken. The tingling and burning helped pull me into a different mood as he wrapped a strong arm under my shoulders for support to walk them awake. "I need an appointment with the lawyer made to sign over ownership of the floral shop to Motoki."

"As you wish," Kaspar agreed, making sure I was steady before letting go. With his hand still held out, I knew what else he wanted. Setting the ring tenderly in the palm of his hand, his olive fingers caught me by surprise as I felt a chill push through me at our first skin contact. Looking up, there was something different about his aura. "Please think of visiting my homeland seriously instead of as a joke. My King would be honored and a gracious host for your accommodations."

I just nodded, wondering why Kaspar pushed his homeland and king so much at a time like this. It made me curious as to the real reason he was sent as a gift. Kaspar slipped away as I mentally got ready for my next guest; Satan City had recently popped onto the map's radars with two unknown families taking royal positions and status to follow the new world. I couldn't remember correctly the names, but the media wasn't able to get much information on them. One family was said to live out in the sprawling country, and the other family flourished in the city known for their business and inventions. Feeling honored to have an associate from Satan City come to my palace before Crystal Tokyo, I decided to be informal and greet them myself.

Taking a deep breath, I opened the oak doors to gaze at a fairly short man of a bulking mass standing with is back facing me. From behind, I could see that he wasn't thick as in fat, but harnessed with pure muscles quivering under a neatly tucked white button-up shirt. His black slacks looked more like the legs of trees! Swallowing the last remnants of the lump from earlier, I pulled up my best smile.

"Welcome to the Emerald Tower, how may I help you?" I asked warmly, watching him turn. I was caught by surprise at his cold, harsh look, scrunched ebony brows, and mouth etched in a frown. His dark coffee eyes overlooked me for a moment, but his muscular arms stayed folded across his chest. How could the fabric of his shirt hold it all in? If he flinched, would it begin the shred? I shook the idea out of my mind to keep my smile from wavering.

"You're the princess?" an arrogant voice asked, shocking me at how throaty it was.

"This is her highness Princess Makoto Kino of the Emerald Tower," Kaspar introduced behind me, taking to my side but was interrupted by the buzz of his cell phone leaving me alone once again. A smirk creased over the man's face as he looked me over once again. Did people from Satan City have no manners?

"You're going to marry my son," he said, looking rather pleased. I cringed, looking for Kaspar to come to my rescue but caught him out of ears range taking the call. These kinds of appointments were to be avoided at all costs, and yet I was stuck looking at one of the scariest men I'd ever seen knowing I would be turning down this…order? "Well, get to packing."

I was baffled at his arrogance and orders, unsure whether to take him serious or laugh.

"Sir, I have no intention of marrying your son," I finally said and gulped at how quickly his smirk turned back into a frown. Those muscular arms fell from his chest as I saw how magnificently huge they really were. Was he half bear or something?

"You haven't even met him, woman. Get ready!" His voice boomed through the hall powerfully and I managed not to step back in fear. If he was going to be this pushy, I would have to push back. Taking a step forward instead, I placed my hand on a pivoted hip and firmly stood my ground.

"I don't need to meet him, I said no!" I equally tried to boom back at him with the same powerful tone. I could see the sense of a small grin twitch from the corners of his mouth but it still stayed as a frown.

"Have it your way," he said. Within a blink of my eyes, he suddenly had his hands on me and lifted me upside over his shoulder. We were beginning to lift into the air as something blasted overhead, sending a shower of glass on us. The only thing I knew to do was move into survival mode as we quickly moved higher into the air. Kicking my legs and jabbing my elbows into his back, I heard a growl in response to my actions while the palace began to get smaller and Kaspar gazed up shouting for the palace guards.

"Are you crazy or something? Put me down you creep!" I shouted, feeling a tight grip on my legs that kept them from kicking.

"Quiet woman!" came his response as I watched the palace become smaller while we flew in what I knew to be the direction of Satan City…and I had just been kidnapped.