AN: I'm back, with a beta! This one should be error free because of my AWEPIC beta, Lexia Daughter of Athena. Also, there's an imporatnt note at the bottom. Read it. And Dionysus said Percy Jackson! In A shoulder to cry on be cause he glued his lips shut.

Chapter 5

Zach's POV

I walked to the dining hall. It was about 10 AM on Friday, THE best day ever. You know why? Three words: Capture. The. Flag.

"Hey! Zach!" Jay called

"Oh, hey Jay! What's up?" I asked, making a stop at the Poseidon table

"Did you hear? They're cancelling capture the flag tonight and-"I cut him off

"WHAT?" I screamed, not loud enough for everyone to hear

"Hey, hey, I'm not done yet! We're gonna play a war game with some help from Camp Jupiter!" He exclaimed

"What's that?" I asked

"Uhh… I don't know. It sounds fun." He said

"Well, I guess it couldn't hurt to try." I replied

"Attention, heroes!" Chiron yelled. Once he had gained everyone's attention, he continued, "As you may have heard, we are playing a war game from camp Jupiter instead of capture the flag tonight."

As those words came out of his mouth, whispers arouse from the campers.

Chiron continued, "This is supposed to help us understand our Roman friends more. In this game, we will have one team defending a fort surrounded by barracks. The opposing team will attempt to get their flag on top of the fort. You must plant it, and don't shoot an arrow with your flag on it."

There were many groans from the Apollo cabin at that.

"Also, today is the last day of camp!"

There were groans from everyone at this "Unless you have made arrangements to stay year-round, you must vacate your cabins by midnight! The cleaning harpies are authorized to eat any stragglers, and I wouldn't want to end a great summer on a sour note! Proceed with your meals."

After I sacrificed some of my food to grandma and grandpa, I walked to the Aphrodite table.

"Hey, Zach, come sit over here!" A girl from my cabin, Lucy Janrich, called

"Uh… sure, Lucy" I replied. I think she likes me, I'm not exactly sure, but she's been dropping little hints. Like the note her friend gave to me that said "I LOVE YOU!" Like, fifty times, and signed, "I LOVE YOU! –Lucy Janrich (811)-362-5318"

"Hi, Zaaaaach. Will you marry- I mean, will you pass the salt, please?" She asked

"Sure, Lucy." I gulped, grabbing the salt and handing it to her. But when I gave it to her, her hand grasped mine in a death hold, and she said,

"Oh, how romantic, Zach!" She cooed. And then she kissed me smack-dab-on-the-lips. She KISSED me! My life is over, I don't like Lucy Janrich! I was lucky enough to pull away before anyone saw, but before I could go barf, we heard a scream come from the Hephaestus table. It was Adara's. I rushed over to see her on the floor, not moving.

"Help! Somebody get me a healer from the Apollo cabin!"

Back at the Valdez household

Leo's POV

"Waaaaaah! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" The babies screamed in unison

"Chillax, little babies. Daddy's coming!" I walked into the room with a plate of enchiladas, sugar cookies with rainbow sprinkles, and cupcakes with red frosting. Yeah, I know. I suck at feeding babies. But, in my opinion, what would YOU rather eat, formula milk, or the gourmet goodies cooked by Yours Truly, the amazing Chef Leo? Nonetheless, I put the tray near their crib, since they all shared one BIG crib made by yours truly. I was about to feed it to them, but I was interrupted.

"Leo, you can't seriously be feeding that to the babies. Are you?" Piper scolded

"Hey-but-I- But just look at how much they like it!" I stuttered. It was true. Kyara was digging into the cookies, Max was devouring the enchiladas, and Sammy was vacuuming up the cupcakes.

"You are a lucky man, Leo. Very lucky." Piper said, kissing me lightly and walking out.

"H-hey! Teaser!" I yelled, as I ran out of the room, following my wife.

AN:Well? How was it? So I'm thimking about making a Submit Your OWN Character story, should I do it? You would be able to create a demigod, or heck, even a monster, from ANY godly parent. I'm making a poll for it, so VOTE! Vote your little hearts out!