Here it is, as promised! A story for Leo and Piper.

Darn I Shoulda Coulda Learn An Insane Mango Electric Reader: I sniffle don't own PJO or HOO. Don't sue me!

Chapter 1: Took ya long enough!

Leo's POV

"Flying through camp half-blood, on a one Pegasus open chariot, o'er the cabins we go, screaming all the way! B-b… I don't know the rest of the words." I sang. All the words I said were 100% true.

"Well of course you don't. Who needs singing when you've got a girlfriend?" Piper asked me

Oh gosh she was amazing. After we defeated Gaea, things really settled down. Piper and started dating about a year ago, and I REALLY wished I'd asked her out earlier. She was just so… Gah! That's why I was going to ask her to be mine forever tonight.

"Not me!" I declared in a sincere voice. We both broke out laughing

"You haven't forgotten about our date tonight, have you Leo?" Piper asked, even though she knew the answer

"How could I? It's the only thing you've been talking about for Zeus knows how long!" I exclaimed. We both laughed even harder and I kissed her. This was gonna be great!

Piper's POV

A few hours later…

"Piper! Piper! PIPER!" Someone screamed

"What? What? WHAT?" I screamed back, turning around to see Connor Stoll running towards me with a worried expression on his face

"Chiron wants you in the Big House, like NOW. And I mean Now!" He exclaimed "Come on!"

I followed him to the big House, and found Chiron with a smug look on his face. What the underworld?

"SURPRISE!" Everybody in camp screamed, jumping out from various clever hiding spots "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Banners reading HAPPY BIRTHDAY in ancient Greek popped down from the ceiling, confetti blasted everywhere, and a giant cake with HAPPY 19TH BIRTHDAY PIPER in ancient Greek in frosting was in the center

"Oh my Gods, guys! This is so amazing! You didn't have to do all this." I exclaimed

"How could we not do this for the girlfriend of the year?" Leo said, kissing me on the cheek, causing me to melt into a pile of Piper goo

"Awww!" Everyone cooed

"Attention!" Chiron shouted. "There is a reason we are here. You have saved us many t the times in the past, Piper McLean. But today is also a relaxation day for camp. After this, you all may do whatever you choose until capture the flag. But for now, let's PARTY!" Chiron informed us

The party was awesome. The cake was big enough for everyone to have two pieces, and that included a few Gods who visited, like mom, Hephaestus, Mr. D (he IS the god of PAR-TAY!), Poseidon, Athena, and a few other minor Gods. The Hephaestus cabin had set up a dance floor, and somehow we got radio without attracting monsters. Alot of people came to congratulate me on "the big 19." I got a red satin dress from mom, a chariot from Poseidon and Athena, a sword and shield from Hephaestus, two tickets to Thor from Mr. D, and Leo said he'd give me his present on the beach after capture the flag. We basically had the best party ever.

After capture the flag

Oh that was so much fun. The girl cabins went against the girl cabins, and the boys carried our flag across a second after I carried theirs across. The looks on their faces when they figured out when they figured out that I beat them were priceless. And now I was heading to the beach to get my present from Leo, which I had certain suspicions about. I trekked through the woods, and arrived on the beach to find Leo staring at the moon and mumbling something.

''Hey." He said nervously

"Hey." I replied

"Are you ready for your present?" he asked nervously. What was up with him?

"Of Course I am." I replied

"Okay, close your eyes, and NO PEEKING!" He told me. I did so

"Okay, open." He said. He was down on one knee with-with a-could that be a…

"Piper Mclean, you are my best friend," He started "And I love you. I think we have been dating for quite awhile now, and I've decided that it's time. Will you marry me?"

Tears formed in my eyes. I nodded, unable to speak, and he kissed me, slipping the ring on my finger. I was in euphoria until a familiar voice shouted, "Well it took em' long enough!"

And suddenly we were trapped in a burning net. Clarisse and some others were laughing at us. Leo, being fire resistant and all, protected us, so it wasn't that big of a deal. I looked at the ring. The diamond was no ordinary diamond-it was imperial celestial diamond, the rarest metal in the world. I read the engraving: A rare beauty for a rare beauty it said in ancient Greek.

After awhile, Clarisse and the others left us in a burning net. We still weren't burned, so it was pretty much the best flaming kiss ever.

Yay! Leo and Piper are getting married! Like it, hate it, think I suck? Review!