Yay, another written work I can publish on ! *blows those loud, party-blower toy-thingies* So, to celebrate my victorious battle over fanfiction's difficult story-publisher instructions (thanks to Lucky Lady Bug), let's post another story, eh?

The oh-so-boring-and-pointless Disclaimer: Yu-Gi-Oh and Rishid Ishtar are not mine, in fact, it's safe to say that they belong to Takahashi Kazuki. But maybe if I earn enough money… heh heh heh…

I Still Wonder

They all say they love me

They now call me "brother" instead of "servant"

They now know my favorite foods, drinks, books, movies, and cars

Heck, they even know my favorite kink…s

They now gave me a surname instead of letting me go by as simply Rishid

So I have a family.

Yet, not even that keeps me from wondering

About everything that brought me here and made me the way I am

Like why did Mr. Ishtar hate me so when I've done nothing wrong?

Why didn't he just let me leave when Marik was born?

Why did my birth mother (or father) abandoned me by a well?

Who were my birthparents in the first place?

Was I made in wedlock?

Was I made out of wedlock?

Was I made from love, incest, or rape?

Was I even made naturally, or was I just an unwanted in-vitro experiment? (I guess I do indulge in too much sci-fi)

Who am I, and where did I come from?

"Rishid," Marik called from the balcony's double-doors. "Dude, you should be inside, where it's warm!"

"Right," I replied, turning from the stars and into my house…my home.

Maybe I don't know where I came from, I contemplated, but at least I know where I belong now.
