(A/N: hey guys! This is really late I know but I had a huge paper due for English, but now I'm done with that so my updates will hopefully be more regular… I was thinking about making this a bit darker… what do you guys think of that? Ok tbh I don't like this update much, maybe you guys do, let me know if you do. Quinn is a crazy bitch if you haven't noticed hah, anyway this is short, I'm sorry but…. ENJOY!)
Puck awoke the next morning feeling more rested then he had the past month. He got out of bed slowly, being sure not to wake Shelby up in the process. He walked out of the room and into the kitchen, putting two pieces of bread in the toaster and putting on a pot of coffee. Shelby emerged from the bedroom just as the coffee finished brewing.
"Noah!" her voice sounded startled "I forgot you stayed over last night"
"Coffee?" Puck asked pulling two cups out of the cupboard above his head
"Please, cream and…"
"Two scoops of sugar, I remember from the first time I came over to meet Beth" Puck was smiling as he stirred Shelby's blond coffee
He finished stirring and carried the two cups over to the table and took a seat in the chair across from Shelby. They were silent for a few moments.
"Noah, about last night….." Puck cut Shelby off quickly
"Can I just say something?"
Shelby gave a slight nod
"Seeing Beth being taken away last night was one of the hardest things I've ever had the displeasure of going through. After you locked yourself in your room I cried on the couch until I calmed down enough to check on you. Shelby, I understand why you can't be with me but I know you want to be, you wouldn't have let me spend the night with you if you didn't at least have a little bit of feelings for me. So now I'm at my point, I understand why this can't happen but just know that here, I'll help you get Beth back, I don't care what I have to do"
Puck looked down and the room was dead silent for awhile until Shelby reached her hand out and put it on Puck's. Puck looked up at her, her eyes were closed.
"Noah…." was all Shelby said
They sat in this position for what felt like hours, Puck knew now that all these signs weren't just in his head, and that even though she didn't finish the thought, she felt the same. Shelby Cochran, the mother of his child, loved him too. At that moment, Noah Puckerman was the happiest man alive.
A few days later Shelby asked Puck if he wanted to attend the hearing about Beth with her. Puck obviously said yes. That following Saturday they were sitting in a large conference room surrounded by lawyers, CPS officers, and, worst of all, Quinn Fabray. The judge walked in and took a seat and suddenly it was all starting.
"Your honor, my client Miss Fabray is the child's biological mother and states that on an occasion when she was visiting with Miss Cochran and Beth she witnessed both physical and mental abuse by Miss Cochran to Beth" Quinn's lawyer said, Puck recognized him from his cheesy TV commercials.
Shelby sat uncomfortably as her lawyer stood to defend her.
"According to both Miss Cochran and Mr. Puckerman, who is Beth's biological father, Miss Fabray was at the Cochran residence only once and that was while in the presence of Mr. Puckerman, who notes no such events occurred."
Quinn stood up quickly, her chair flying back as she leaned over the table.
"That baby is mine" she screamed before storming out of the room
"Your honor, she is seriously unhinged, she can't raise a baby" Puck said, his lawyer hooting him a look that told him to shut up.
"I'll consider all I've heard and get back to you in a week, until then, the child will remain in the custody of CPS" the judge said quickly before walking to his chambers.
Shelby and Puck quickly exited the court house, avoiding Quinn to their best ability but still that didn't stop her from coming up behind them screaming.
"I WILL GET MY BABY BACK I DON' CARE WHAT I HAVE TO DO" she screamed, Shelby quickly got into the car. Puck turned around and confronted her.
"Lucy Quinn Fabray you are seriously unhinged, you think after that scene you will ever see Beth again? Think again honey, you will never get that little girl." Puck grabbed her shoulders "You. Need. Help."
Quinn quickly turned and ran away, sticking her middle finger in the air as she did.
Shelby dropped Puck off at his house and he called up Finn and Blaine to apologize for canceling game night the previous night. Puck didn't intend on them coming over but before he knew it Blaine and Finn were at the door, surprisingly, they were more interested in hearing what happened at the hearing then playing Halo.
"So what happened?" Blaine asked, flopping down on a bean bag chair with a coke.
"Quinn lost it in the room and stormed out, the judge will have a verdict in a week, it looks good for us as of now" Puck nodded
"Well that's good, Quinn has gone crazy since Shelby came back, giving her a baby would be extremely irresponsible." Finn said sincerely.
They played for hours, until Finn had to meet Rachel for a study date and Blaine had a Kurt fashion show ahead of him. Puck decided he would call up Shelby and see what she was doing. The phone rang a few times and then to Puck's surprise a man picked up
"Hello" the man said in a husky voice.
"Oh, um, I must have the wrong number; I'm looking for Shelby Cochran"
"She's in the shower, can I take a message?" he asked as if it were normal for him to answer her phone.
"Just tell her to call Noah when she's done.. One more thing, can I ask who you are?" Puck asked hopeful
"Shelby's boyfriend" was all the man could say before Puck hung up the phone and threw it across the room.