Zane Truesdale was in class and he was pissed, but only a few could tell and they were worried, having no clue as to why the teen was so angry, all but Atticus, who was doing everything in his power to get Zane to forgive him.

"Zane, come on are you still angry at me for last night, I didn't mean to, I didn't know Jaden was still with you, come on I said I was sorry didn't I" Atticus pleaded as he placed a hand on Zane's shoulder witch he swiftly removed once receiving a cold, hard glare from Zane.

"What do you think, I was about to tell Jaden how I felt, when you burst in." Zane said his voice dripping with venom. As he glared at his best friend.

"I know that NOW, that's why I want to make up for my interruption." Atticus said smiling, clearly planning something, which made Zane curios and worried.

"How" Zane asked the suspicion clear in his eyes, Atticus brushed off the suspicion and continued to smile.

"We will invite Jaden, Syrus and Chazz to stay with us for as long as we can get out of DR Crowler and we can also take them to the main land with we next under were Tutoring them while were spending time at home, we could even take them to the Festival their holding that week" Atticus explained

"To do that Atticus we need DR Crawler's Permission, and we know he wont agree he hates Slifer's and so what makes you think he will even consider it let alone say yes." Zane said looking away from Atticus and down at Jaden who looked half asleep.

"Yeah, I know that, so you have to ask him, I mean, he'll say yes to you after all, you did get to tutor Jaden, and that was not by chance" Atticus said looking to the front of the class with a smirk.

"Alright, I'll ask him after class' end, before I head back to my dorm to get things ready for Jaden's tutoring" Zane said before tearing his gaze away from Jaden and back to the front of the class where Crawler was now writing on the board and began to take notes for the class.


Zane packed his things away and left the room and headed for crawlers office, Determined to get the permission from Crawler so he could have Jaden to himself for longer than a few hours. After knocking on the door, and getting permission from the man inside and Walked in, DR Crawler could see that he was not going to like whatever the conversation they were going to be having.


Jaden and the others made their way to the Slifer dorm cafeteria, talking and laughing, as the dorm came into view Jaden turned and walked backwards so he could face his friends.

"I'll meet you guys in the cafeteria I have to get some things from my dorm first" Jaden said as he continued to walk backwards.

"Jaden be careful, walk properly" Syrus scolded his friend who just laughed and rubbed the back of his head saying don't worry, and continuing to walk backwards.

"Jaden do you want us to come with you?" Alexis asked

"Not that's fine I'll go alone I'm just getting a few things for Tutoring, that's all" Jaden replied

"Jaden, who is your tutor?" Bastion asked as he looked at the brunette walking backwards

"Zane" Jaden replied happily, Bastion nodded and went back to reading the book he had with him.

They made it back to the dorm and Jaden went to his room as the others went to the Cafeteria, professor Banner was in the kitchen cooking fried shrimp for Jaden before he went to his Tutor session, having been informed of the arrangements that Zane had set up, meaning Jaden would be at his Tutoring Lesion when the rest of the dorm was having dinner, Professor Banner looked out of the kitchen when he heard people coming into the cafeteria, He saw Syrus and his friends but no Jaden.

"Syrus, where is Jaden?" Banner asked looking around just in case he missed Jaden.

"He'll be down soon; He is just getting a few things from upstairs." Syrus explained as he took a seat with the others.

"Ah, that's good I better start dishing up his dinner." Banner said going back into the kitchen.

"His Dinner?" Syrus called his question so that Professor Banner could hear.

"Yes DR Crawler has informed me of Jaden's Tutoring lessons and as it turns out Jaden won't be here for dinner, so I'm making this for him now and I'll leave a snack for him in your dorm for when he comes back." Banner explained.

The door opened and Jaden walked in and took a seat next to Bastion in front of Chazz, looking a little nerves, Chazz frowned

"Is that him" Banner Called, catching Jaden's attention

"Yes" Syrus replied, Jaden looked at Sy in confusion, Bastion explained to him that Banner had made him food so he could concentrate while Zane was Tutoring him, just as Banner brought out the food, Jaden thanked Banner and eat the food fast as he could still unsure, Chazz noted Jaden still looking worried. Once he had finished he took his plate to the Kitchen thanking Banner once more before walking out.

"Ok bye guys, I got to run or I'll be late" Jaden said walking to the door.

"Jaden" Chazz called as he rushed to catch up with him, "What's up? your looking unsure, and that's not like you" Chazz said, placing a hand on Jaden's arm.

"I know I'm not the best at all the written work, and I know Zane's been in bad mood today, and with everything that's going on today... I'm afraid I'll just make his mood worse" Jaden said in a worried tone.

"That wont happen, Okay, you'll have to just trust me on this" Chazz said as the two walked towards the Obelisk dorm as they had their tutor lessons in their tutors rooms, while Syrus had his in their shared dorm.

Half way up to the Blue dorm, Chazz and Jaden passed Atticus as he was making his way to the Red dorm, waiving as he passed by. Chazz kept up all the small talk as a way to distract the younger, even discussing possible changes to his own deck to distract him, which worked, as Jaden was shocked as well as he talked about cards he had that could work well with Chazz's deck.

Zane and Aster watched as the two made there way into the blue dorm, as the two were arguing about something, before Jaden started laughing, and the two made there way up the stairs. The two made there up, noticing Zane and Aster, Chazz placed his hand on Jaden's arm as a way to reassure him, Jaden smiled, before his worry could set in. Zane and Aster both got jealous at the gesture, and they both pushed the jealousy down and smiled at the two as they reached the landing. Aster and Chazz were the first to make it to there destination, once Jaden and Zane made it to Zane's, Zane had Jaden go an sit a the table and make a start on his homework, as a start, since the tests were still to be taken, and once they were Zane could start a proper schedule for Jaden to help in his study's.


The time passed and Jaden had only 10miutes left before the Tutoring lesson was over, Zane had gone through the topics Jaden struggled with most and had helped Jaden with his homework.

"Jade I think you deserve a break" Zane said smiling. Jaden nodded and sighed with a smile.

"I thought all this would have been harder but its not, not with the way you explained everything" Jaden said looking at Zane still smiling.

"I'm happy to hear that." Zane said smiling back at Jaden, before looking at the clock in the room. "Jaden it looks like our time is up, but you did really well today, I'm proud of you" Zane said a little sad that Jaden would be leaving.

"Thanks' Zane." Jaden said packing away his things. And walking to the door "see you tomorrow" Jaden said with a huge smile walking out of the door after Zane shouted a quick goodbye.


In the Red dorm, Syrus and Atticus were working on Syrus' Homework, Syrus spent half the time trying to control the blush that kept creeping up dew to Atticus sitting right behind him dew to there not being a lot of room, so every time Atticus reached over to point something out to Syrus he would be pressed up agents the smaller boy. Atticus took advantage of the small space and loved when the younger stuttered every time he leaned over him. As the time went by Syrus had all his homework finished and still had time later that night to do anything as he wouldn't have to worry about not getting it done in time.

"thank Atticus" Syrus stuttered, with a small shy smile as he looked up at the older boy, Atticus rubbed Syrus' hair and smiled.

"no problem" Atticus said happily as he watched the younger blush at the contact, Atticus smiled before saying his goodbye and making his way back to the blue dorms.


Chazz sat quietly as Aster explained and went over things, that Chazz reluctantly admitted to having a little difficulty with, as Chazz worked, Aster kept a close eye on the younger boy, and couldn't help but want to place a kiss on the youngers lips, After two and a half hours, Aster went over the all of Chazz' work before the two finished and said goodnight, and Chazz left.

A/N so sorry it has taken so long