5. avengers, spaghetti and tomatoes.

Contrary to popular belief, Haruno Sakura was nota good cook. In fact, she was downright horrible at it.

Of course, after being exposed to Naruto and his rather questionably disturbing obsession for ramen, she could cook up one hell of a ramen dish, but that was about as far as her cooking capabilities went. Hand her a spatula and watch the stove burn down in a matter of minutes.

The one time she had cooked for her team, Naruto had spent over an hour in her washroom, and Sai had turned an unhealthy shade of green and the customary smile on his face had actually twitched. It hadn't been long before he joined Naruto. Kakashi, having downed his food in a matter of seconds like he always does, had broken out in cold sweat, politely thanked her for the wonderfulmeal, excused himself for he had important paperwork to attend to, and promptly passed out at her front door. Sasuke had been surprisingly and uncharacteristically gracious. Upon seeing her unintentional pout and suspiciously glistening eyes, he had swallowed his food -with much effort, much like how one would swallow a rock- and resolutely shoved spoonful after spoonful of her homemade dish into his mouth until his plate was clean. Graciously, he had thanked her for the meal and offered to take care of the other 3 members of their dysfunctional team -which usually meant piling Naruto and Sai on a single shoulder like a sack of potatoes and slinging Kakashi's arm over his shoulder he dragged him along, not caring when Kakashi's feet hit a rock or two. Sakura had beamed at him with tears in her eyes. Who knew he could be such a darling, right?

The next day, training had been cancelled because four out of five members of the infamous Team 7 had called in sick.

Imagine that; the Legendary Team 7 taken down by their sole female teammate's cooking.

When Sakura had told Ino about that incident, the blonde had literally rolled on the floor laughing. The pink-haired medic had scowled at the hysterical Yamanaka and told her to "Stuff it Ino-pig it's not fucking funny.". With tears of mirth streaming down her cheeks, Ino had patted her bestfriend's back sympathetically and told her, "Your cooking's not that bad. I mean, they're still alive, right?" And for the rest of the afternoon, Konoha would see two kunoichi chasing after each other, the vivacious blonde one cackling madly as the fuming pink-haired one ran after her, fists shaking threateningly in the air.

This was exactly why, presently, Sakura stared at Sasuke in incredulity as he stands impassively in front of her, hands in his pockets and expression as expectant as he'd ever let appear on his face.

As usual, she always has lunch or dinner with one of her friends, and today happens to be a dinner date with Sasuke. Sakura had asked Sasuke to pick where to eat, and his choice was rather… peculiar.

"You want me to cook dinner?"


"You're not Sasuke."

He sighs.

"Don't be annoying, Sakura."

"Oh damnit you areSasuke."

Another sigh.

"Are you suicidal? Or do you just want to have a reason to call in sick tomorrow, for some unknown reason? Don't you remember what happened the last time you guys left me alone in the kitchen for two minutes? Two minutes!"

A twitch. And then - is that a pout?

"Oh kami what have I done to deserve this? Uchiha Sasuke pouting! Who would have known?"

"If you're not going to do it, then I'm leaving," he snaps, turning around to leave. To Sakura's absolute delight -or horror, she wasn't quite sure what to feel right now- he was still pouting.

"No! No, I'll do it. Come on," Sakura exclaims, leaping forward and looping her arm around Sasuke's, steering the both of them to her home.

"Thanks," he mummers quietly, startling Sakura. It wasn't everyday that the raven-haired Jounin thanked her over something so small. She 'hmm's in response.

"What brought this on?" Sakura asks, green orbs wide with curiosity.

"I just… felt like eating home-cooked food." He wasn't squirming, but he was avoiding her inquisitive gaze and that was about as close to squirming as Uchiha Sasuke gets.

They reach her place and Sakura immediately raids her kitchen cabinets for anything decent enough to make into a meal. Sasuke settles himself on one of the seats at her island counter.

"Um… I haven't gone grocery shopping this week, so we don't have a lot to work with," Sakura says sheepishly. "How does spaghetti sound? I've got some pasta and a can of that tomato thing."

"It's fine."

Then he stands up, shrugging off his Jounin vest and leaving it on the stool before joining her in front of the stove. Sakura quirks an eyebrow at him in question.

"What? Did you think I was going to let you do the cooking alone?" He smirks, and Sakura is struck -not for the first time- by how painfully handsome he was. Flustered, Sakura huffs, turning away from him in an attempt to cover her flaming cheeks.

"Your faith in me is flattering, Sasuke."

"I try."

"Such a sweet talker. Oh, and modest too."

"Just saving your kitchen from utter destruction."

"What a hero."

And so they got to work, light banter keeping them entertained as they prepared their modest dinner. Truthfully speaking, Sakura hasn't heard Sasuke talk or half-smirk -you know, that not-quite-a-smirk smirk he does which is the closest thing to a smile he ever got- this much since the whole incident with that whack job Orochimaru. Seeing him so content and serene as they ate their slightly overcooked pasta made her forget that he was formerly a missing-nin, a traitor of the Hidden Leaf and the only Uchiha massacre survivor.

All that bled away and all Sakura saw was simply Sasuke, her childhood crush, the boy who loves tomatoes, the boy who hides behind a cool facade because he didn't want to love and lose anymore, the boy who -unconsciously- made her who she was today.

Maybe, just maybe, she never really stopped loving Sasuke.

Author's Note: Maybe I'll post a more action-y drabble next... hehe. Reviews would be very much appreciated! :)