Me: Welcome to chapter one of There Destiny! the first and second chapter will be mostly about Birth By Sleep the third chapter you have to read it to find out what part it will be about. I do not own anything, I just own Destiny and Sue. Enjoy~


A 10 year old girl was walking through the hallway to two big doors opening them to see a older man sitting at his desk doing paperwork but he stop to see the 10 year old girl standing there holding a Moogle stuff toy in her arms, he smiled at her.

"Ah Destiny my little one." Destiny the girl giggled running to his side and crawled on his lap "Why are you not sleeping my dear? you know it's pass you're bed time." he put his hand on her head smiling

"I want to be with you daddy, I couldn't sleep cause I had a nightmare." Destiny hold the moogle stuff toy closer to her

"Was it the same one?" he looked cencerned at his daughter when she nodded "Alright I'll tuck you in so you can sleep peacefuly." the man stood up while the girl Destiny was in his arms and walked to her room that was next door to his office

"Now sweet dreams my dear." after puting her on her bed and puting the covers on her and kissing her forhead good night

"Nighty night daddy..."

The little girl Destiny fell asleep with her father smiling down at his daughter then walking to the door looking back at her then closing the door fully.

~Skip two days and Destiny's POV~

I was helping my daddy with his work when he told me to go outside to play with my friends so I was outside looking around for my best friend Sue Moonlight.


I turn around when I saw Sue running to me with her long blonde hair put up in a two pony tails on each side of her head wearing a plan white dress and flate dress shoes that are white aswill she smiled at me with her soft purple eyes sparkleing in the sun.

"Sue! what do you wanna do?"

She thought for a minute "I know!" Sue smiled brighter "You can see my other friends, Lea and Isa will be happy to finally meet you for once."

"Okay I be happy to meet them."

Sue tooked me to the center of Radiant Garden to see two boys one had firey red spikey hair and the other boy has blue hair. Sue stop infront of the boy with blue hair smiling with a tint of pink on her cheek I was standing infront of the boy with red spicky hair, I smiled at the boy with red hair who has his hands behind his head smiling big.

"Hi! I'm Destiny."

"Yo, name's Lea so you're Ansem The Wise's daughter? cool, what you think Isa?" he turn his head to the boy with blue hair who he turn to him aswill

"Yeah, I'm Isa nice to finally meet you Destiny, Sue has been telling as all about you none stop."

Lea started laughing smirking "Yeah, It's like Sue is obsess with you Destiny." Sue smacked Lea over the head eye twiching eyes closed aswill "Ow! Sue why the heck did you do that for?"

"For saying something like that! Destiny is my best friend like you and Isa are..." she has her arms across her chest annoyed with Lea

"Sorry Sue." he rub behind his head smiling

"It's okay Lea! I can't stay mad at my friends." she went and huged him but from the corner of my eye I saw Isa frown making me think if he likes Sue?

"Hey I know let's play hide 'nd seek!" I exclaim making them raise there eyebrows at me "What? I may be not a little girl doesn't stop me from playing kiddie games." I frowned at them hands on my hips

"Come on you two! let's play it, it's something right? so who's counting?"

"Will we can turn are backs to each other it's kinda like Rock Paper Scissors and when you're backs are faceing each other you pick which ones who ever is still standing is to count. Rock beats Scissors, paper beats rock while Scissors beats paper so ready?"

We turn are backs to each other then we turn around, Lea has Rock Isa was using rock too, Sue was paper and I was scissors so in the end Sue lost and she get to count she pouted making us laugh covering her eyes and started counting so we split around Radiant Garden.

I ran to Fountain Court where water was so I stay there, I was enjoying it when those creatures pop out of know where and they all advance on me slowly which creeped me out before they could move any further someone jumped out of know where and distroyed those creatures with a weird key type of blade. It was a lady with short blue hair she walked over to me.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded smiling at her "Thanks lady, what where those creatures?"

"There called Universe anyways you shouldn't be here alone, so I'll take you to that old man named Merline he'll watch over you."

I nodded walk beside her then grab her hand in mine smiling up at her, I stop right at her waist. Aqua as she told me her name she left me with Merline, I sat on the small bed in Merline's little house intill I heard the door open and close to see a boy with blonde hair and with blue eyes.

I walked over to him sense Merline was busy with a smile on my face "Hi! I'm Destiny, whats you're name?"

He put his hand behind his head nervously "Hi, um I'm Ventus but you can call me Ven for short."

"You wearing almost the same peice of armer but her's was some where else..." that spiked the interest of Ven when I asked that

"Did she have short blue hair?" I nodded

"She said her name was Aqua, she saved me from those creatures name the Universed." then I got a thought maybe if I stayed with Ven I'll meet Aqua again and thank her "I'll join you in finding you're friend Aqua."

He scratched behind her head thinking "Why not? I wouldn't mind, let's go then we have no time left I have to find my other friend Terra too."

I nodded running behind him when we got out of Merline's house we walked to the center of Radiant Garden to see a boy with blueish silverish hair wearing a white lap coat being surrounded by the Universe's Ven ran over telling the boy to go hide where I was of course watching Ven fight off the Universed.

When Ven finished off the Universed I grabed the boy's hand draging him to Ven waited for us, Ven and I talk with the boy before I could ask the boy if he would be mine and Ven's friend when I saw Even walked over making the boy go with him, I heard him say Ienzo so I grabed Ienzo's free hand glaring at Even who return it.

"Let go of Ienzo! he's my friend go back to you're crazy work Even."

"Tsk. You little-" before he could finish that sentence I kicked his shin really hard making him let go of Ienzo and I tooked off with Ienzo not leting go of his hand

When I stoped it was at Merline's House and he wasn't home right now it seems, I turn around facing Ienzo still holding his hand.

"Hi, my name is Destiny, your name is Ienzo right?" he nodded

I pouted puting my hand that wasn't holding his hand "Why do you let Evan make you do things? If he does that kick him in the shin, I always do that when he's being a jerk."


I frowned "Why don't we play? I can even intaduce you to my other friends!" I drag him once again to the middle of Radiant Garden, thankfuly they were standing there

I waved at Sue, Isa and Lea stoping infront of Sue smiling big

"Where were you Destiny? we were worried something might happened to you!"

"I'm sorry guys...but I met a new friend, he's shy so he doesn't talk much. Ienzo these are my friends, Sue." she waves smiling big "Lea."

"Got it Memorized?" Sue smack him over the head shuting him up

"And last but not lease, Isa! Everyone this is Ienzo."

"So what are we suppose to do now?"

"Hmmm how about we play tag?"

We decided to play Tag but I was still holding Ienzo's hand which he probley doesn't mind me holding his hand, I tooked him to a close area enough space for me and Ienzo to sqeeze in. We sat down far end of the space so no one can see us in the dark part of it. I let go of Ienzo's hand which left my hand cold and empty sense he was sitting infront of me watching me.

"So Ienzo, tell me about yourself..."

"..." he looks down making me frown

I went on my knees reached my right hand patting him on his head gently

"It's alright if you do not want to talk about it... So I'll tell you about me instead!"

So I told him Ansem The Wise was my dad, and how I met Sue. It was 5 minutes and Isa found us, so me and Ienzo stayed in Merline's House waiting for Isa to find the other two I even tooked a book from the shelf and I read it to Ienzo and myself intill Isa found everyone, then it was geting dark, I didn't want Ienzo to go back to Evan so I sneeked him into my room locking my door leting him sit on my bed while I sat on the floor bringing out a board and chess pieces and we played none stop, Ienzo keeps beating me but I laughed how bad I am at chess.

"I suck at playing chess, but it sure is fun no matter what, did you know Evan once told me that I was a stupid girl that can't do anything I did the only a 9 year old could do, I kicked him so hard I left a big bruse on his leg. No one messes around with me and gets away with it."

I smiled brightly moving one of my chess pieces, I didn't see Ienzo move a piece and found out why he was staring at me like he was deciding on something, I tilt my head.

"Is something wrong Ienzo?" I gasped when Ienzo started to talk softly

"I don't...think your a stupid girl Destiny...You almost beat me two times sense we started it."

I smiled "Thank you Ienzo, I just wish Evan would stop being such a jerk. Anyways do you want to keep going or we can do something else?" I suddenly yawn covering my mouth tired

"...We can sleep...?"

"Okay, I am tired. You can sleep on the left side I'll sleep on the right side 'kay?"

He nodded and I crawled to the right side of my bed went under the covers with Ienzo, I was about to fall asleep when I felt a warm hand grab my cold one I turn my head to see Ienzo smiling at me, I was so happy he was smiling, I sqeezed his hand moving closer to him laying my head agents his shoulder falling asleep not noticing the door opened quietly and it closed after a while.


It has been 4 days so far and Ienzo talks alot more and he really only smiles for me which makes me feel specail and he always sleeps with me, we hold hands only though.

Sue was sick today so I was walking alone to her house to give her a stuff animal Chocobo, she loves them so why not? but I didn't even get close to Sue's house when the Universe poped up, I screamed when one went at me turning around running to the Gardens but they still fallowed me so I kepted running pass the Garden up the two long steps to the Reacter, my legs felt like jello my legs are ready to callapse on me soon but I had to run away from the Universe. I gasp in horror when I couldn't run any further I had to jump but it's to high for me to jump. I turn around seeing them geting closer I step back but my feet touchs the edge, it suddenly charge at me I screamed losing my footing and fell backwards off the edge.

I closed my eyes waiting for to hit the ground but it never came, I opened my eyes to see a guy with the same armer piece as Aqua and Ven but in a different area of his body, he look at me but when he look at the Universe with a angry glare when they came down, he put me down on my feet, telling me to stay behind him so he could take care of the Universe. He tooked them out pretty fast with his weird Keyblade weapon, I ran over to him.

"Are you okay mister?" he went down on one knee smiling at me

"I'm alright...but I should be asking you that."

"I'm fine, my name is Destiny! wait, is your name Terra by any chance mister?"

"Yes, how did you know that?"

"Your two friends Aqua and Ven were looking for you, they seemed worried about you."

"...I see, thank you for telling me Destiny, no I should take you back to a safe spot."

He stood up and started to walk to the Center of Radiant Garden, I grab a hold of his hand smiling big at him. After Terra drop me off at Sue's house he handed me the Stuff animal Chocobo I got for Sue, I huged him he huged me back telling me to take care and no more walking around alone. I walked inside of Sue's house to see Sue's mom, when I walk in her room I saw Isa and Lea, I handed Sue the chocobo and she loved it huging it to death.

After I got spending time with Isa, Lea and Sue I walked back home thanks to Isa and Lea they walked me back which was kind and sweet of them to do for me, I waved at them running inside opening dad's door to his office seeing he was busy talking to Evan ignoring him glaring at me I ran to daddy's side smiling brightly.

"Daddy, guess what happened! I met a new friend and he saved me from those creatures."

He looked alarmed when I told him I was attacked by the creatures, he picked me up on his lap

"Are you okay? they didn't hurt you sweety?"

"I'm okay daddy, Terra saved me he was kind enough to walk me to Sue's house, and Isa and Lea walked me back here."

"I'm so glad your alright, I don't know what I'll do if something happen to you my little one." he huged me, I huged him back

"I'm okay Daddy, oh yeah can me and Ienzo play again? I like him."

He laughed patting my head smiled at me "Of course my dear, Evan can you go get Ienzo for Destiny?"

He grumbled under his breath bowing some wlaking out from daddy's office after a while Ienzo came walking in, I jumped off daddy's lap and tackled Ienzo in a hug making daddy laugh. I grabed Ienzo's hand and drags him to my room and we played Chess for 2 hours till night time came we fell asleep on my bed holding hands, I was happy to be with Ienzo he was my light in the darkness he pushed those nightmares away and I'm greatful for what he has done even though he does not know what he is doing for me, I hope when we are older we will be together forever but I never knew that might not happen...or will it?


Me: What will become of Destiny? will they always be together forever? or will something happen to distroy there bond? find out on the next chapter of "There Destiny" As you can tell I kinda redid this chapter...going ot work on the other two chapters. Now if you do not like? turn back around and find another story to read, ciao!