Hey! This is my first fanfiction story I write in English and publish! I hope you don't mind if(when) I make mistakes. I will be updating quite quickly for the next few chapters but after that it might slow down, since I haven't yet written all of them. The chapters will be short at least the first ones.

Well, anyway, enjoy!

Chapter 1

In some way, saving an innocent doctor who had only tried to do his job, felt really good. On the other hand, he couldn't really consider shooting a grieving father as much of a victory. And certainly, lying there on the ground, bleeding gunshot wound on the knee, wasn't something he had planned to do near in the future, although it wasn't totally unexpected with that kind of job he had.

Even if he was hit just to the leg he had to admit that the pain was immense. He tried to focus his vision when he saw his team mates running through the yard, but found it a little hard. He heard them yelling and asking if he was okay and he remembered answering briefly before telling them to call Emily. He remembered JJ's concerned tone and Morgan's confused expression he tried to hide. Later on, he didn't even remember Morgan telling him that they were going to get him to the hospital.

He remembered the ride though. Since he wasn't the only one injured and his condition wasn't really that bad they decided to wait for another ambulance to arrive. While the others tried to fuss over him Reid convinced them to find Emily and leave him. He assured that he would be okay. Finally they called Emily and left, telling Reid to call as soon as he could.

One of the paramedics stayed behind and did whatever he could do for Reid. He put a pressure bandage around his knee and tried to give him morphine which he strictly refused to take. Although, Reid felt like it wouldn't hurt more even if they ripped the entire leg off, he was determined not to allow any drugs to go into his system. And despite the fact that he wasn't bleeding much and his condition wasn't life threatning there was another hole in his memory before the ambulance arrived.

The ride was full of agony and pain, but Reid didn't let a one cry escape from his lips. For once he needed to be the strong one.

After they had pulled over to the door of the hospital and Reid had been unloaded from the back of the ambulance everything went black. Reid knew he hadn't passed out, but he just couldn't remember hearing, seeing or feeling anything other than awful throbbing of his wound. He had felt like throwing up and had welcomed the soft, empty feeling that came along with a sting to his left arm. At least he didn't have to think about anything.