Hey guys! Thank you all so much for the awesome reviews! I'm glad that you're liking this story!

This chapter is rated M for sexual content, and some vulgar language/ comments.

Now on to chapter Forty:

Hold Your Hand

Chapter Forty

"Wow," Rachel smiled as she looked up at the sunset, feeling her husband gently wrap his arms around her petite body. It was now the middle of April, and they were two days into their trip to Florida. They had spent all of yesterday, and half of today at the beach with the group. After lunch, that afternoon, Quinn had offered to watch the girls, for the rest of the afternoon, so Rachel and Sam could spend some time alone, together. At first Rachel was hesitant she didn't want burden Noah and Quinn with having to babysit during their vacation. But Quinn insisted that they did, saying that she was pretty tired, and was most likely going to go back to her hotel room at the resort that they were all staying at, and watch some television; maybe order a little room service, or go to one of the restaurants at the resort for dinner, later.

The brown eyed girl was actually pretty grateful that the two of them were alone for a couple of hours. The beach, right before, and during sunset was extremely romantic; plus…she really… she loved looking at Sam's naked chest; the blonde boy's body truly was a magnificent sight, and... try as she might, she just couldn't seem to stop ogling him, "this… it's really beautiful."

"I know," he nodded in agreement, before moving his hands down and giving her ass a quick squeeze.

"Sam!" she quickly turned around, slapping his hands away, "come on! I thought that we both agreed to remain celibate, during this vacation!"

"I'm sorry, baby," he sighed, "it's… it's just… you just… you look so fucking beautiful, and… it's hard for me to resist you." He looked her up and down. The small girl was wearing a small, bright red bikini that had string like straps, showing off her gloriously bronzed body. Her hair fell around her shoulders in chocolate waves.

"Well…" Rachel blushed, "as flattered as I am by your interest in my body, I really don't feel like having sex, today; I think that it would be nice if we could just spend a few days enjoying each other's company."

"That…" he kissed her temple, "actually sounds pretty nice."

"Good," she took his hand in hers, "now kiss me," she wrapped her arms around his neck.

Sam complied, gently pressing his lips against hers, his hand resting in her hair, "nga yawne lu oer," he whispered against mouth, once they pulled apart, slightly.

"I love you too, Sammy," she looked up at him, shooting him one of her famous thousand watt smiles, "so much."

"God, Rachel," he lightly rubbed his nose against hers, "you have absolutely no idea how much you mean to me… I'd marry you all over again, if I could."

"Sam Evans," she kissed his chest, "I… I'd be nowhere, without you… I've never met a person as sweet, compassionate, funny, or… just… you are absolutely the most beautiful person in the entire world… I… I just can't believe how incredibly lucky I am to have you by my side, and… you're… you're… I'm sorry Samuel, but I'm never going to let you go; you're stuck with me for life."

"That sounds pretty freaking great, if you ask me," he smiled down at her.

"Oh my god!" they suddenly heard a voice call, "I'd know those abs anywhere," a blonde woman, who seemed to be in her early to mid thirties walked up to them, "you're white chocolate!"

"Sam," Rachel whispered, her hand tightening around one of his arms, "who the hell is she?"

"I don't know," he shook his head and shrugged, "I… I guess she came and watched me strip, a couple of times," he turned his attention back to the woman, "yeah… that's me."

"Oh, I just loved you," she touched his arm, not noticing the way the eyes of the petite brunette that was standing next to him narrowed, "I had no idea why you just stopped all of a sudden; you had a great career ahead of you…" she squeezed his bicep, "you were definitely my favorite."

"Thanks…" he chuckled, "I'm flattered, I guess."

Aw, hell naw! Rachel exclaimed silently, "can we help you with something?"

"Who's this," the woman looked Rachel up and down.

"Oh," he smiled down at the small girl, "this is my wife, Rachel."

"Wow," she shook her head in disbelief, "white chocolate got hitched… I never would have guessed."

"Yeah, well," Rachel wrapped her arms around Sam's torso, possessively, "it's true; we've been married for over a year; one incredible year; perfectly happy with each other," she smacked his ass.

"Rach," he raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, wonderful?" she looked into his eyes, innocently.

"What are you…" he shook his head, "… never mind," he knew what his wife was doing; but he didn't want to make a big thing about it, in front of other people; he'd bring it up, later, when they were alone.

"Look," the woman sighed, "I know that this might be a bit forward, but I was wondering if… will you sign my bathing suit?"

"You want me to sign your bathing suit?" he raised an eyebrow, "but all I did was take my clothes off, like three years ago."

"Come on," she pulled a black sharpie marker out of her beach bag, and handed it to Sam, "it's not I'm asking you to go down on me, or something … damn," she looked behind him, "… I just wish that I was able to get a piece of that ass, before you were snagged for life."

"Un-fucking-believable," the brown eyed girl muttered under her breath.

"Please sign the suit," the blonde woman asked, again, "it'll only take, like, two seconds."

"Uh…" he sighed, "okay, I guess… where do you want me to sign?"

"Right here?" she pointed to the small navy and white striped piece of material that covered her left breast.

"Seriously?" Rachel shook her head in disbelief, "seriously? Are you kidding me?"

Before the woman could make Rachel any angrier than she already was, he quickly signed his name (well, his "stage" name) on her bathing suit. "There you go," he sighed, handing the marker back to her.

"Thanks," she smiled up at him, "you know… it's too bad that your old ball and chain is with you, today; it could have been your lucky day."

"Alright?" he shook his head in confusion, "uh… bye?"

"Bye," she placed a kiss on his cheek, before winking at him and walking away.

"Oh my fucking god," Rachel shook her head in disbelief."

"Alright, Rach… I… I know that you're pretty mad, but-"

"You… you…" she bit her lip, completely enraged, "you big stupid jerk!" she slapped his arm a few times, "what the hell is wrong with you?"

"What did I do?" he shook his head in confusion.

"You touched her boob, Samuel!"

"I didn't want to!"

"Then why did you?"

"I don't know," he shrugged, again, "she kept asking, and asking and so I just… did."

"Why were you playing along with her?" she crossed her arms, "you could have just asked her to leave, long before she got that inappropriate."

"Oh come on," the green eyed boy shook his head, "she wasn't that bad."

"Sam, she practically implied that she wanted to have sex with you right in front of me, your wife; and all you did was stand there and laugh like an idiot… you know what?" she glared at the woman, who was now sitting on a beach towel about ten yards away from then, "I think I can take her."

"What the hell are you talking about, Rachel?"

"I can take her… that'll teach that whore."

"Rachel, you have no idea how idiotic you sound, right now!" Sam crossed his arms.

"Oh, but when Jesse looks at me the wrong way, you're allowed to beat him up in the middle of a restaurant?" she shook her head and rolled her eyes, "I'm gonna get her."

"Oh, no you don't," he picked her up, not allowing her to move anywhere.

"Samuel Joseph Evans, what are you doing? I demand you put me down this instant!"

"I don't think so, babe," he shook his head, biting down on his lip to hold in a chuckle, "you're unstable."

"Sam, I mean it!" the short girl exclaimed, "let me at her… let me at her!"

"Rachel, would you relax? So what if she was checking out my ass? So what if she wanted to have sex with me? That doesn't mean that it would have happened. I love you."

"Then why were you leading her on?"

"I wasn't leading her on!"

"Yes you were!"

"Alright, come on," he lifted her on top of his shoulder, beginning to walk towards the ocean.

"Sam, what the- oh, don't you dare! Don't you fucking dare, Sam Evans!"

"Sorry, baby; but you're being bad."

"Sam, I'm serious," she began to pound on his back with her tiny fists; it was actually kind of cutes, seeing that her fists were far too small to hurt him.

"Sam, please!" Rachel screamed as her husband walked into the water, "put me down."

"In a minute," he smiled. He walked farther and farther into the ocean, until the water was up to his chest, "alright, babe," he chuckled, "here you go," he dropped her into the water.

"Sam," she screeched, once she popped up from under the water, "you're dead!"

"Aw, baby," he chuckled, wrapping his arms around her waist, "give me a kiss."

"No," she shook her head, moving her face away from his, "I'm mad at you."

"Please," he pouted.

"No," she shook her head, "signing that woman's breast was just inappropriate, and totally uncalled for."

"Technically, I didn't sign her boob; I signed her bathing suit that was over her boob."

"Same difference," she rolled her eyes.

"Just kiss me," he sighed.

"No, Samuel; I'm still really upset about-"

"Baby, look," he sighed, "yeah, that woman was coming on to me... but… that shouldn't even matter to either of us. I love you so much; you're my wife, my lover, and my best friend… I could never even think about making love to any woman other than you… plus… she was way too old for me… I like 'em younger, like you."

"Sam, I'm the same age as you."

"No," he shook his head, "you're seven months younger than me… god, that's such a thrill."

"You… are… a freak…" she giggled. The small girl jumped up, wrapping her legs around his waist, her fingers reaching up and gently playing in his golden blonde hair.

"Alright," he sighed, "I think that after that insult just earned me a kiss."

"Fine," she sighed, "if I must, I must," she pressed her lips against his. "Mmm," she hummed when she felt his tongue gently slip past her lips, massaging her tongue with his.

After a few more minutes of making out in the ocean, Rachel began to feel certain hardness against her crotch, "Sammy," she moved her mouth off of his, "we… we can't do this here."

"Why not?"

"There are a bunch of people here," she gently stroked his cheek, "let's… let's go somewhere more… quiet."

He smiled at her, "alright," he moved some of her wet hair out of her face, "let's go."


"Sam," she whispered, pulling him towards a shed that was located at the back area of the beach. They quickly walked in, shutting the door behind them.

"Your bathing suit," she muttered, quickly untying her top, throwing it on the ground, "I want it off. Now."

The green eyed boy complied, gasping when he saw her slip her bottoms down her legs.

"Take me Samuel…fuck me now Sam…oh god, against the wall, Sam…" She backed into the wall, wrapping her arms around his waist, placing her hands behind his neck, her knees coming up and spreading to allow him access.

Sam couldn't wait any longer. He pushed himself in most of the way, still shocked at the tightness and how wet she was. He moved back out and then slammed back into her, her hips responding to him thrust for thrust. He leaned up a bit and got an arm underneath one of her legs, pushing her knee up nearly to her shoulder, her and could actually watch himself fucking her. She instinctively wrapped her legs around his lower back, using her heels to push him into her over and over.

"Baby….open…your eyes…" He wanted her to watch too but she was enjoying the feeling of being spread wide open, him pounding into her, bumping her clit every time his hips met hers. She heard him though and managed to open her eyes to find him looking down at their groins coming together over and over again, "watch us."

He looked down at her then and saw her watching and then he closed his eyes because that about did it for him.

"Fuck Sam…harder…" He leaned down to her to kiss her and something about that angle when he slammed into her and she was rocking her pussy against him or maybe how he nipped her bottom lip or feeling her legs wrapped around his waist, his hands gripping the back of her thighs, caused both of them to come…he pushed into her and just stopped, moaning and cussing above her, while she was just trying to say his name over and over again, feeling him throb inside her, knowing his cum was spilling into her. Slowly, he gently backed out of her and nearly collapsed, his cock against her thigh, hot, wet, and twitchy.

"Sam…I have…no words…" her breathing was still so erratic she could barely eek that out.

"I have never been so turned on Rae…I think I might've died…"

"Mmm…" she gently brushed his blonde, sweaty bangs out of his emerald green eyes, "Sam?"

"Yeah, baby?"

"I'm… I'm sorry that I got all upset, when that woman was flirting with you… I… come on, Sam… you can't be upset with me, for that; she was being extremely inappropriate with you."

"You're right, baby," he nodded in agreement, "it… she was disgusting… I should have stopped her when she started to squeeze my muscle."

"Sammy… do… do you think that that woman's breasts are… prettier than mine?"

"What? Just because they're bigger? Hell, no!" he shook his head, "you have the most beautiful breasts in the world… your body is perfect; end of story."

"Aw," she smiled, "I love you, Sammy," she climbed down, collecting the two pieces of her bathing suit. She quickly slipped the bottoms over her legs. She then slipped the bikini top over her head, holding up the top strings. "Sam? Can you please tie my bathing suit for me?"

"Sure," he smirked down at her, "here… lift your hair up… I don't want it to get caught." Rachel did as he instructed, giggling as his guitar calloused fingers carefully tied the two strings together.

"Thanks, Sammy," she yawned, resting her head on his chest.

"Damn…" he chuckled, gently caressing her head in his hands, "looks like I fucked the wind, right out of you."

"You're a perve," she sighed and rolled her eyes.

"You love me," he kissed her forehead.

"I do," she nodded.

"So…" he paused for a brief moment, "what should we do, now?"

"Well…" she sighed, loving the way her husband's body warmed her up, "I really want to get something to eat, because I'm starving; after that, we should probably get back to the hotel; it's getting pretty late."

"Anything you want," he smiled down at her.


"Well," Sam sighed as he placed Olivia in one of the king sized bed in the hotel room that the family of four shared, pulling the covers over her body as she continued to sleep, "that was a pretty awesome day."

"Yes," Rachel nodded in agreement as she placed Harmony in the crib that they had ordered a few weeks beforehand, "it was… you got really lucky tonight, Evans."

"Oh really, now?" he chuckled as he stripped down to his boxers, before slipping in the other bed, "and why, may I ask, is that?"

"Because we had sex, when I wasn't planning on doing it this entire vacation…" she slipped in next to him, pressing a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"Yeah," he smiled and wrapped his arms around her petite body, "it was a pretty awesome bonus, if you ask me."

"Mmm hmm," she hummed.

"So… what's on the agenda, for tomorrow?"

"We're going to the pool, at the resort," she whispered, gently taking his hand in hers and playing with his fingers.

"Huh," he shrugged, "sounds fun."

"Yeah, but I think that we'll all be prunes, by the end of this vacation."

"That's alright," he chuckled, "I think that you'd make a cute prune."

"Thanks…" she giggled, "I… I think."

"You're welcome, beautiful," he kissed her forehead, "goodnight, beautiful."

"Goodnight, Sammy," she kissed his cheek, as the couple began to drift to sleep, completely content in each other's arms.


"This is pretty," Quinn said as she held a pink and yellow sundress up to her body. Rachel (who was holding Harmony), Quinn, Santana, and Brittany were spending the day shopping around the resort, while Sam, Olivia, Blaine, Kurt, and Noah were swimming in one of the large pools. Kurt would have went with the girls, but he really wanted to get some sun; "ladies, this is a crisis," were his exact words, "even Brittany is tanner than me."

"Yeah," Rachel nodded in agreement, gently stroking the soft material of the dress, "you should definitely buy it."

"San?" Brittany tapped on her wife's back, "can you buy me a stuffed animal?"

"Sure, babe," the Latina nodded, "which one?"

"Um…" she looked at the tall rack of stuffed animals, "this one," she took a multicolored monkey off, "this one," a pink teddy bear, "this one," a blue and white floppy eared dog, "this one," a purple unicorn, "and… this one," a teal kitten.

"Britt," Santana let out a light laugh, "you can barely fit all of those in your arms."

"So?" she shook her head and shrugged, "they're totally worth it."

"Woah," the darker girl shook her head in disbelief when she looked at the price tag, "thirty five bucks? That's a little steep for a fucking stuffed monkey."

"Damn," they heard a male voice say from behind them, "sexy ass doesn't come cheap."

"Excuse me?" Rachel turned around to see a tall, tan man standing in front of her. He had brown hair, brown eyes, and was wearing blue bathing suit bottoms, and a white tank top, "but do we know you?"

"Is that your baby?" the man crossed his arms, completely ignoring her question and looking the small girl up and down, from head to toe, "wow… I've never did it with a MILF, before…" he draped an arm over her shoulder, "how about you go give the kid to one of your sexy little friends, and come back to my hotel room with me, and let you experience things you'd only dreamed of?"

"You mean a cheap spray tan and greasy hair? No thank you," she quickly removed his arm from her shoulder.

"Come on, tight ass; don't be like that; I know you want to get up on this dick."

"Why don't you just leave me alone?" Rachel exclaimed, "oh, and for future reference, I suggest you don't use so many vulgar comments! It only makes you seem even more repulsive than you already are!"

"Alright, alright," he raised his arms, "if you're gonna be such a bitch about it, then fine!" he looked at Brittany, "what about you, blue eyes? If you come back with me, I'll buy you all the stuffed animals you want."

"Sorry," Brittany shook her head, "but I don't like penises."

"Oh god," Quinn buried her face into her hands.

"Oh really, baby," he caressed her face in his hands, "I bet I could change that."

"Hey!" Santana exclaimed, finally having enough, "how about you take your hands off my wife before I punch you in the jaw?"

"Lesbians," he grabbed both of the girls' torsos, pulling them to his sides, "hot."


"It's alright," he shook his head, not letting the ditsy blonde finish her sentence, "I'm totally into threesomes."

"Listen to me," she grabbed ahold of his shirt, "I'm sure that you got a lot of ass, back when you were in high school."

"Damn straight," the man cheered.

"Now let go of us, please," the Latina continued, "befores I ends you."

"Tough girl," he smirked, "I like it."

"Oh well you see, I am," she looked into his arms, "I'm from a part of town called Lima Heights adjacent; you wanna know where that is, Jersey Shore wannabe? It's on the wrong side of the track."

"Fine," he let go of them, "go finger fuck each other all you want; dykes; looks like it's just you and me," he looked down at Quinn.

"Sorry," the blonde girl shook her head, "but… I-I have a boyfriend…"

"Aw, come on, Barbie… don't let Ken hold you back from getting some hot, wild lovin'… that faggot can't make you feel the way I can… why don't the two of us go up to my dream house, so I can explore your Barbie world."

Quinn took in a deep breath, "just leave us alone; none of us are interested in you."

"It's alright; don't be shy, baby," he squeezed her ass, "why don't we leave these bitches, so I can take you out of your packaging?"

At that moment, something in the hazel eyed girl snapped. Her blonde boiled, her lips pursed, and her eyes narrowed. Her teeth clenched, and she grabbed ahold of his hand, removing it from her bottom, finally having enough bullshit. "Look, you stupid, overly tan, greasy haired prick; none of us want to see you naked, let alone ride your ugly, Herpes covered, one inch dick; so why don't you walk away, and go up to this 'dream house hotel room', and masturbate; because I can guarantee that no woman at this resort, or any woman for that matter, would be interested in you, in any way shape or form; it's disgusting that you would talk to anyone like that, especially in front of a seven month old baby," she looked down at Harmony, "let me get this straight; she is not a bitch," she looked at Rachel, "and you will never call my friends dykes," she looked at Brittany and Santana, "or my boyfriend a faggot again, or I'll knee you in your pea sized testicles; do you understand?"

"Fine," he scoffed, "go ahead and be a bunch of bitches; see if I care," he walked out of store."

"Damn, Barbie," Santana blinked a few times in awe, "that was… that was so fucking bad ass."

"Santana, please," the blonde girl sighed, "after that, I don't think that I can be called Barbie again, without barfing."

"Perfectly understandable," Rachel let out a light laugh.

"I don't want any of these, anymore," Brittany put all of the stuffed animals back.

"Why, babe?" Santana asked curiously.

"Because they're going to make me think of him… and I don't want to think of him," the blue eyed girl replied, simply, "okay… maybe just this one," she took the monkey back.

Just then, Rachel felt her phone vibrate in her pocket, she took it out, to find that she had a new text messages from Sam.

"Sam just texted me."

"What does it say?" Quinn asked, "how are they doing?"

"He said that we're all going to meet up at the beach in an hour."

"Cool," Quinn nodded in understanding.

"Britt," Santana sighed and let out a small giggle when she saw that her wife's arms were once again filled with the various stuffed animals, "I thought you didn't want those, anymore."

"I couldn't resist," she shook her head, "it'll be okay; we'll just have sex on top of them when we get back, and create a whole new memory for them."

"Oh god," Rachel sighed, "I'm living in the land of perves."


"Can you guys see them?" Santana asked as they walked along the beach, looking for Olivia and the guys.

"No," Rachel shook her head and sighed, "oh wait… there they are," she pointed to a group of men, with a little girl, all of them laying down on beach towels. The four girls walked up to them.

"Hey," Rachel placed a hand on her husband's chest.

"Hey," the green eyed boy leaned up and placed a quick kiss on her lips, "how was shopping."

"Not as good as we had hoped," Quinn sighed, truthfully.

"Why?" Noah shook his head in confusion.

"Because," Rachel sighed, "there was this guy who kept bugging us; but we asked him to leave, and he eventually did."

"Asked him to leave?" the Latina shook her head, "are you kidding me? Fabray went all Sue Sylvester on his ass; it was the coolest fucking thing I've ever seen in my life!"

"Wow, babe," Noah shook his head in disbelief, "looks like you're even more badass than I thought… that's one of the things I love about you…" he took her hand in his, and stood up, pulling her up with him, "there are so many things that I love about you, Lucy Quinn Fabray," he got down on one knee; the blonde girl gasped, covering her mouth with her hand, "you know… I… I'm not very good at these things, but... I… can you help me out here, Livster?"

The green eyed girl walked up to Quinn, holding a little white box with a diamond engagement ring inside of it, "will you marry my uncle Noah?"

Quinn blinked a few times, the tears beginning to fall from her eyes, "yes," she nodded.

"Thanks, short stuff," Noah kissed Olivia's head, taking the ring from the box, before standing up and slowly sliding it onto Quinn's ring finger.

"Babe," Sam smirked, "are you crying?"

"Shut up," Rachel muttered playfully.

"Hey, you," Sam took Harmony from his wife's arms, "did you have a good day with mommy?"

"I think that it's been a pretty good day for everyone," Rachel sighed as she pulled Olivia onto her lap.

"I can't believe that you let both of our daughters wear bikinis…" Sam shook his head in disbelief.

"Oh, Sam," Rachel sighed, and then kissed his forehead. Despite the incident at the store… it had been a pretty great day.


Wise men say only fools rush in
But I can't help falling in love with you

"I can't believe you knew the entire time, and you didn't tell me," Rachel sighed as she changed out of her bathing suit and into her pajamas.

"I'm sorry, babe," he chuckled, "but I couldn't risk it… you're… you're really not one to keep a secret for too long.

"Oh, come on," she sighed, "I wouldn't have told anyone."

"Well, it doesn't matter, anymore," the green eyed boy stripped down to his boxers, "Puck and Quinn are engaged, and everyone's happy," he slipped into bed next to her.

Shall I stay
Would it be a sin
If I can't help falling in love with you

"So…" she propped herself upon her elbow, "I was wondering… can I have an autograph from White Chocolate?"

"You seriously want me to?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Yes," she nodded, reaching for a pen that was placed on the top of the nightstand next to the bed in their hotel room, and handed it to him.

"Alright," he shrugged, "take your shirt off."

"No," she shook her head, "I want you to sign my hand."

Like a river flows surely to the sea
Darling so it goes
Some things are meant to be

"Alrighty, then," he snickered, writing White Chocolate on the back of her palm.

"Wow," she looked at her hand, "that looks pretty good, there… maybe I should get it permanently tattooed onto my hand," she joked.

"That sounds pretty cool…" he nodded, "but… I think that instead, you should get one straight down your arm that says 'property of Sam Evans'."

"And why, pray tell, do you think I should possess a tattoo that says that?"

Like a river flows surely to the sea
Darling so it goes
Some things are meant to be

"So douchebags like the guy you were telling me about know that I mean business, and to back off."

"Well, if anything, I think that you should get one across your chest, that says 'property of Rachel Evans'; I still can't believe that that woman actually asked you to sign her breast; and I can't believe that you actually did it, either."

So take my hand, and take my whole life too
Cause I can't help falling in love with you

"Well I can't believe that some dickhead actually called you 'tight ass'; yeah, you have a tight ass, but it's my fucking tight ass, and I'm the only one who's allowed to look at it."

"Oh, gee," the short girl rolled her eyes, sarcasm dripping from her voice, "how romantic my knight in shining armor is."

"You know you love me," he kissed her cheek.

Like a river flows so surely to the sea
Oh my darling so it goes
Some things are meant to be

"I do love you," she whispered, "I love you so much."

"I love you, too," he held her close to him, "please, Rachel… promise me that you'll never, ever, leave me."

So won't you please take my hand, and take my whole life too
Cause I can't help falling in love, in love with you

"You really want to know that we'll be together forever?"

"Yes," he nodded.

Cause I can't help falling in love, falling in love,

"Take my hand," she ordered.

"Okay," he nodded and obliged.

"Never let go of it, alright?"

"But... Wouldn't your hand get tired after a while?"

"No," she shook her head.

I keep falling in love with you


"Never. I never want you to stop holding my hand," she placed a kiss on his lips, "now do you get it?"

"I have an idea..."

"An idea?" Rachel shook her head in confusion.

"How about I hold your hand... If you hold mine?"

She giggled against his skin, listening to the steady beating of his heart, "it's a deal."

The End

As some of you might have noticed, this story is marked as complete , and is now labeled as Hold Your Hand: Part One. This story is getting really lengthy, and I feel that with Puck and Quinn engaged, Sam getting the promotion, and Rachel and Sam moving into their new apartment soon, this chapter of their lives has somewhat ended, and a new one will begin very soon. I'm not done writing this fic, I'm not taking a break, and I'm not giving up on Sam, Rachel, Olivia, and Harmony. I'm just splitting Hold Your Hand into two parts. Part one, which you've just finished reading the final chapter of, and part two, whose first chapter I'm editing as we speak.

I don't own any of the songs that I've used in this story; they all belong to their rightful owners; I'm just borrowing them for the fun of writing.

As I mentioned before, Chapter one of Hold Your Hand: Part Two is finished; I just need to proofread it. All I ask is for twenty reviews, and I'll post it; please review, even if you never have before; I want to make sure that people are still interested in the story and are interested in part two Thank you so much for reading this story, and for sharing your thoughts on it; tell me what you want to see in part two; I want to know, before I start writing chapter two :)