It was the girl and the boy again.

The girl still had her bandana and her apron and dress, and they were all still sort of wrinkly from earlier. Her short hair was neater though, albeit a gravity-defying curl of hair that stuck out on the left side of her head. Just like mine, Feliciano mused, and indeed, his hair looked identical to Feli's. And, he noted, her name is similar to mine, but shorter… But she's a girl, so it can't be me. Plus, this is a dream.

And with a jolt he realized he was aware that he was in a dream, and not only that, but he was actually in it this time, standing in the field, watching the girl and boy from afar. They were apparently painting something. Their easels were set up in front of a small animal. Feliciano squinted a bit. Ah, a bunny.

"My painting looks awful," The boy mumbled, stepping away from the easel, holding a paint brush with rosy liquid dripping from the bristles.

Feli peered up from her painting. She held a paint brush too, but hers only had a tiny amount of paint on it and wasn't dripping everywhere. She walked over to accompany the boy, scrutinizing his picture silently.

"…No, it's good," She insisted. "What part are you stuck on?" Then she seemed to notice something that was blatantly wrong with the picture. "Ah! The leg!" She exclaimed. She gently grabbed the boy's hand that was gripping the paint brush, beginning to pull it towards the canvas. "Here, let me show you."

The tip of the brush was just about to press against the canvas when, red-faced, the boy jerked away from Feli. "I… I'm leaving," He stammered, blue eyes wide, a large blush covering his face. He turned and stormed up the hill.

Feli watched him leave, making a small sound of disappointment. Feeling bad for her, Feliciano decided to go and comfort her. But just as he took a step towards her, the ground gave way underneath him. He yelped as he fell through the grass, plunging into darkness once more.

With a loud gasp, Feliciano sat up on the couch abruptly, eyes stretched wide in terror. He was trembling, the shock of falling into nothingness still vivid in his mind. Something touched his shoulder, and he jumped a little.

Then the fear faded, and he became aware of his surroundings, and his trembling stopped. Realization gradually crept up on him. He was in Ivan's house. With Ludwig. Whose hand was on his shoulder. The sound of the fire suddenly entered his ears, and he also realized at that moment that he'd been so numb from the shock that all the sounds had been blocked out until now.

"Feliciano," Ludwig said softly, and the brunette couldn't help but wonder how many times the blonde had said his name.

"S-sorry, sorry," He whimpered, wishing he'd kept silent when he'd woken up.

Ludwig simply shook his head. "Are you okay?" He asked.

Feliciano was flattered by his friend's concern. He loved getting attention from the blonde, and was currently craving it more than ever. So he shook his head. "I had a bad dream," He explained, voice hushed with faux fear that had once been real, but had now dwindled away.

He was rewarded with a warm hug from Ludwig. Feliciano practically purred like a kitten, feeling safe and comforted. Unfortunately, the hug didn't last long. Ludwig broke away, uttered a simple "tell me about it later," turned back towards Ivan, and casually slipping back into their conversation, as if nothing had happened.

Feliciano pouted. Did he have to go back to being silent now? But that was boring! He'd already taken a nap, and his nightmare-that-wasn't-a-nightmare made it so he didn't want to sleep again. Although… the actual dream was sort of puzzling, now that he thought back on it. It was like a continuation of the dream he had had even earlier, before he'd been carelessly dumped into the snow.

Dreams didn't usually continue… did they? He remembered having particularly pleasant dreams before and not being able to have them again. The alarm would rudely interrupt whatever the dream was, and he'd hastily hit the snooze button and roll over and fall back asleep, but the dream just wouldn't come back.

So… what was with this sudden double-dream-combo? And why was it about a random girl and boy? The girl is a lot like me though, Feliciano reminded himself. Maybe she's connected to me in some way… Maybe my dream's trying to tell me something? But… what's it trying to say?

Feliciano pondered this for a little before lounging against the couch again. Maybe… maybe he should go back to sleep. Maybe the dream would continue again. It couldn't hurt to try. And besides, it wasn't like anything exciting was currently going on.

With that, he curled up and closed his eyes and drifted off for the third time that day.

Sorry it took so long to update! I haven't worked on this in a while. Also, midterms are now coming up, but once they're over with I'll work on this story. I've never finished a story before, and would love to finally be able to finish some, starting with this one! So I will try to persevere. C: