oXCookieMonsterXo : I know its sad this is actually going to be a very serious one, Also for anyone who has read Endless lies I am putting it off and finishing this story and Make me forgot because I am very into these stories. I will redo Endless lies later. Well thats all The CookieMonster is out see you guyz later also please REVIEW!
Warnings: Lonliness, bloody scenes, memory erasing. Real names used.
Disclaimer: I do not in any way or form own Hetalia or any characters used in it. This is completley fanmade. I wish I did though EPIC RANDOM COOKIE!
Alfred Callistar was a dissapointment to his family. When he was born he showed no sign of magic as did his twin brother. His whole family was in utter shock as for the first time in over centuries of time and history there was a mortal born in their family. Alfred was born in a family of witches and sorcerers, yet his twin had magic and he didn't have an ounce of it. A complete and utter disappointment, but no one in his family was allowed to ever speak of it to Alfred. Alfred had to endure this burden for eight years of his life, for eight years he had to endure the glares the shaking of heads then whispers and worst of all he had to endure the lonliness. His older brother Arthur, younger twin Matthew and his Mother were the only ones there for him but he always saw the glint of pity of sympathy in their eyes. Alfred hated his life he always did until he turned eight...
"Alfred me and your brothers are going to the feild, we will be back later tonight, you may go into town but do not talk to strangers. I love you my sunshine" Alfreds mother smiled warmly,her long blonde hair pulled back into a bun making her beautiful blue eyes shine even more. Alfred looked up from his seat on the couch, he forced a smile on his face for his mother before replying to her.
"I love you too mommy have fun". Alfred brothers waved at him before being tugged off by their mother, Alfred was then alone again. He was always alone on his birthday, they took Matthew away with the rest of his family to celebrate his birthday then the next day they, his mother and brothers, would throw a normal birthday while his father just stayed in his room.
"W-why..." Alfred mumbled to himself a single tear escaping his eye as he spoke "Why does it hurt so much... why do they all hate me... why am I so differant...". He quickely wiped the tear away and hoped down from the soft chair, he was tired of being lonely on his birthday so he wanted to make a friend. Just one friend, a friend that was like him and one that would stay with him on his birthday. Alfred pulled on his old brown boots making sure the money he had saved up was still in the side pocket of his vest before leaving the cottage.
It was snowing again, it always snowed on his birthday, something that Alfred loved and hated. He loved the beautiful sight of a white field calm and cold as the soft snow fell from the sky, he hated how happy and calm it was though he always felt horrible and it was always beautiful on that day. He trailed his way down the still visible stone path away from their warm wood cottage. The town was not that far away, just through the forest for a while on the stone path and it would lead you straight to it, you could never get lost.
Alfred walked through the empty forest and into the busy town, everybody was bustling about trying to shop and get firewood and food. Alfred walked past all the tall adults and small happy children to the candy shop, where he would buy himself a big lolipop or a sweet small cake but something stopped him along the way. There was a man dressed in black, he was very pale and he was also looking staight at Alfred. Alfred looked at the mans deep blue eyes, he flashed Alfred a smile that made Alfreds attracted to him. Alfred was curious so he walked over to the tall man, he only was about as tall as the mans waist.
"H-hello" Alfred started smiling up at the large man. The man smiled and bent down to Alfreds level, giving Alfred a very clear view of his beautiful face.
"Why hello there little one, tell me are you of the Callistar family?" The man asked in a very deep but sincere voice. Alfred smiled went down some.
"Yes and no" Alfred replied. The man furrowed his brows at the answer.
"What do you mean?" The man asked in confusion.
"I was born into the family but they don't accept me, they leave me all alone..." Alfred trailed off looking into the mans deep blue eyes, a part of him was telling him to run and don't say anything but Alfred was somewhat mesmerized by the mans eyes.
"Ah so you hold no magic?" the man laughed slightly. Alfreds half smile turned into a full frown "Oh I am sorry little one I did not mean to hurt your feeling would you like something to eat? What is your name?"
"My name is Alfred, whats yours?" Alfred asked walking beside the man to the tea shop.
"My name is Leonardo but you may call me Leo, Alfred" the man sat down at an empty table waving for Alfred to sit next to him.
"You said magic so you know about my family are you friends of them?" Alfred asked hopping up next to the large man.
"Oh yes I am very good friends with your family!" Leo laughed in a dark way that Alfred did not understand. The waitress nervously came foward with a pen and paper.
"Hello may I take your orders?" the brunette waitress asked messing with the corner of her hair.
"Ahhh yes ... Alfred would you like a slice of cake and some tea?" Leo said looking sideways at Alfred.
"Y-yes please!" Alfred stuttered back still nervous about the man somewhat, the waitress wrote it down in her small notebook before turning back to Leo.
"And you sir?" her smile somewhat brightened when he looked at her.
"Nothing, thank you but I already ate" he smiled back flashing his pearly whites at her, she blushed before stutteringa goodbye and making her retreat to the kitchen.
"Thank you mister Leo, your the only one who has been nice to me today..." Alfred said looking down at his feet.
"Why were people being mean to you?" Leo asked with a curious tone.
"It's my birthday so mommy took my Matthew and Arthur to the field behind our house, they always leave me alone on my birthday... I don't even have a friend..." Alfred thought he felt more tears coming but quickely supressed them. Leo's eyes glinted that same glint from earlier before responding in a heart broken voice.
"I will you be your friend Alfred!". Alfred looked up shocked, someone wanted to be his friend? Leo smiled at the helpless fragile child. Another waitress came by gawking at Leos stunning figure before setting Alfreds order on the table and walking away.
"Really? Wait you said earlier that you knew about magic? Mommy says that anyone that knows of that are either a friend or an enemy and has magic too! So your really nice so I know your a friend and you do magic too right?" Alfred asked getting excited.
"Yes and no" this made Alfred stumble for a minute "I do use magic but I am not a full blown sorcerer... I wish to help my family which is why I sought out your family, tell me Alfred will you help me?"
"Yea but mister how did you know I was from my family?" Alfred asked his curiousity peeking over its edge.
"Oh well you have the most beautiful sky blue eyes and that hair is like sunshine... not to mention your clean extravagant smell..." Leo dragged the words out staring intently at the clueless Alfred.
"Oh... ok, I like your eyes mister Leo!" Alfred tried divert the subject of himself.
"Ahhh but I like yours more" Leo paused to reach over and caress Alfreds face "It really bring out your beauty..." Leo's hand strolled down and went to his nech brushed over it slighty before pulling away.
"Oh ok so you want to see me family so they can help yours right?" Alfred smiled again not really knowing what Leo had meant by his action.
"Yes of course but before we go please tell me more about yourself why are you not at your birthday ceremony?" Leo wondered out loud. Alfred face fell before pulling the mask back on and answering with a smile.
"Since I'm the family dissapointment they leave me at home while Mattie goes, I'm always alone daddy won't even look at me"
"Ah and who is Matthew?" Leo inquired tapping on the wood table with his rather sharp nails.
"He is my twin brother! Arthur is my older brother, they are both very nice to me like mommy is but everyone else doesn't care about me, I'm useless..." Again Alfred trailed off staring at his lazy reflextion in his tea.
"Hmmm very interesting and what is your favorite color?"
"Purple! Mister Leo you sure are asking a lot about me what about you, wheres your family?" Alfred questioned worried slightly but more on the intigued side.
"My family is staying at an inn, they are how you say, catching a bite to eat. You see we are very weak and need more power to survive we also are very lonely in this world so we have decided to seek out your family for there 'help'" The way Leo said help made Alfred shiver slightly but he ignored it.
"Well mister come on I don't want to keep your family waiting your really nice so I trust you! I'll show you where me family is at" Alfred said hopping down and waiting for Leo.
"How very kind of you!" Leo giggled placing the money down. Alfred grabbed his cake slice stuffing it in his mouth and gulping down his tea.
"Thank you mister for the cake usually I don't get any until tomorrow it was nice having a friend with me on my birthday for once" Alfred spoke softly as he guided the man out of the cafe` and past the town to the little stone path. Leo nodded and followed Alfred through the woods, the snow had built up to the point where it almost cover Alfreds boots.
"Thats my house right there" Alfre said pointing at the small cottage "But my family is down in the meadows"
"Ahhh ok little one lead the way!" Leo smiled flashing his teeth at Alfred again.
Alfred didn't understand, what about this man made him so easy? He felt as if he could cry his worries to this man and then they would fly away? Why? Alfred always supressed his feeling yet now he was...sad? He felt the pain and the tears he had always cried intensify... Yet through all these emotions he felt a pang of... giult? No, it was a pang of uneasiness... Alfreds has a feeling something was going to happen but he ignored it just like he ignored the other feelings, just like he ignored the glares and whispers...
Alfred looking up and saw the beautiful white field and he saw his family in the center of the beauty. His dad was smiling and hugging a laughing Matthew as they all danced. Matthew giggled hugging their very tall and brown haired, green eyed father. His aunts and uncles were their as were his cousins and his older brother. His mother was holding a very pretty cup handing it to Matthew. Alfred felt the tears slide silently down his face as he watched his dream. He always wanyed it to be like this, he always wanted to find this kind off happiness... he didn't want it to hurt so much. Alfred took the cup and drank its contents smiling bravely, his family very proud an happy for him as Alfred stood there. Then he felt a cold hand grip his shoulder, Alfred looked up into Leo's deep red glowing eyes... glowing? Red?
"It seems my family has joined us?" Leo sneered Alfred looking back the a bunch of pale yet beautiful peopel like Leo staring at his family licking their lips? The people were dressed in long gowns and there eyes were glowing that same red, there was three women a child and another man in robes. Alfred was confused so he looked back at his family who were still laughing and smiling.
"Why are they so happy...?" Alfred sobbed to himself, then he felt it. A red hot searing pain as something sharp tore into his neck. Alfred felt something warm slide down his neck and his arms Alfred looked down, it was a crimson red flowing freely down his arm. Leo moaned in pleasure. Alfred continued to cry but couldn't scream he looked at his mother and then she looked at Alfred. Her eyes widened and she screamed, everyone turned and looked up the snowy hill as Leo pulled his fangs from Alfreds neck and wiping the blood off his mouth. Alfred swayed slightly falling foward on his knees he was entranced by the crimson liquid still on his arm he stared at it dumbly then the what happened finally processed through his mind and the pain came boring in. Alfred screamed at the top of his lungs falling face first into the now red stained snow, Leo's laughter and his family cut through the screams of Alfred and his mother and brothers.
"Who would have thought that a high clan such as the Callistars would give birth to such a pathetic mortal and then shun him!" Leo laughed grabbing Alfred and throwing him down the hill to his parents. His mother ran to Alfred craddling him in her arms as he stared up at the sky. Why? I thought I finally made a friend but they all turned on me everyone hates me...
"Shush Alfred everything will be alright everyhting is ok don't cry baby don't cry" Alfred looked up at his mothers face, it was consorted up in pain with tears flowing from her eyes. Alfred reached up to touch his mothers beautiful face.
"Why does it hurt...why, why do you all ignore me on my birthday... why can't I be happy...why...w-why is it son lonely" Alfred asked the rest of his families faces showed guilt on them at Alfreds words but others were angry at the boy. His mother sobbed and Alfred reached out for her but she was suddenly jerked away from him. Alfred flipped himself over and brought his head up. There was so much blood... Matthew and Arthur were cowering behind the table as his family fought against the horrible people... what were they? 'Vampire...' rung through Alfred head. Alfreds tears flowed down his face as he watched his aunt and uncle get tackled down as they drove blue light through the mans hearts, but were attacked by two of the women.
Alfred heard their screams along with his cousins, but what hurt the most was realizing the truth, it was his fault. He tried to reach out and grab his brothers to protect him but a boot came down crushing his hand.
"How pathetic, I must say your blood is the richest here though" Leo snorted. Alfred didn't want this... he had to protect is family, he had to. But he couldn't do anyhting he was useless.
"S-stop..." Alfred stuttered out helplessly.
"Hmmm still got some fight how about I kill your brother first then?" Leo smiled walking over to the table and flipping it over. Alfreds eyes widened as Leo pushed Arthur away and grabbed Matthew. 'Nooooooo! Not Mattie please god! Something if your out there then please save Mattie you can kill me but please save mommy Mattie and Arthur please!'
Then everyhting seemed to freeze. Everyone looked straight at Alfred, he was glowing slight a purplishish tint leaving he fingetips and materializing in front of the bloodied boy. Alfred looked up at... himself?
"Alfred you called from me?" The boy whispered in a sing song voice. Everyone froze in utter shock, time itself froze but everybody could see and hear Alfred talk with himself. Alfred looked up tears still rolling down his pink tinted cheeks.
"W-who a-are y-y-you?" Alfred asked loosing his breath the world starting to slightly fade.
"I am your power and I am your future the future, no, the destiny that was hidden from you..."
"W-why?" Alfred choked out confused.
"All in good time, all I need you to do is accept me and the pain will stop I promise... what do you choose Alfred?" The boy reached his pale hand out and as if mirroring him Alfred did the same, as soon as there hands touched time started again.
"What is this!" Leo asked in disbelief as Alfred stood up hair shadowing over his face. Alfred looked down at his hand, where the boy who looked like Alfred had held his hand was now a deep violet purple amult on a silvery chain. The energy pumped through Alfreds viens as he slid the neclace aroung his neck.
"Alfred No!" His fathers voice boomed over the screams of terror, but Alfred couldn't hear him the only thing he could hear was the whispering voice throughout the wind, his eyes glowed purple as he listened to the voice.
"Do you want me to protect you?"
"Y-yes" Alfred whispered back... then... everyhting went dark...
Alfred eyes fluttered open slowly at the feeling of something cold on his cheek, he opened his eyes and saw the cold whit sky staring back out him. The soft whit snowflakes gently falling from that sky and landing on Alfred smooth creamy face. Then it all came back to him, he lurched foward in the snow.
Blood... there was blood everywhere... blood and bodies but not his families the vampire bodies. Alfred looked around and spotted his mother he ran to her, Arthur and Matthew was beside her holding close to her.
"Mommy!" Alfred wailed throwing himself at the smiling woman. She wrapped her bloodied arms around her child.
"A-Alfred mommy is proud of you and you know she loves you right?" His mother coughed looking down at Alfred a tear escaping her eye.
"M-mommy I don't understand whats happening!" Alfred cried dry sobs. She reached up and smoothed out Alfreds hair.
"Arthur, I am trusting you to take care of your brothers do you understand?" their mother smiled. Arthur looked from inbetween the twins and his mother.
"Mother I don't understand... Alfred is?" he wanted to ask the question but his mother hushed him.
"All of which you need to know is in my room in my top dresser, now do you understand?" she asked once more. Arthur held her hand tighter and nodded silently. His mother smiled and turned back to Alfred sitting up and placing him infront of her.
"Alfred mommy is going to do something that will make it all go away ok?" she smiled, blood dribbling down her chin.
"Mommy I don't understand why?" Alfred weeped.
"Shush I will make you forgot my child..." she cooed holding Alfred to her chest.
"I... I Don't Want To Be Alone!" Alfred screamed tears once again breaking loose "It hurts you all always left me and now I will never remember no mommy I love you, you can't go away!"
"Alfred it will not be forever you will remember one day and I promise I will always be with you as will the rest of your family" his mother gently rubbed Alfreds head. Alfred didn't realize when she had started to chant, he felt a bubbly warm sensation pick at him as it gently surrounded him he started to dose off and the last words he heard were.
"Goodye Alfred, goodbye Matthew and goodbye Arthur from this day forth you will all be known as Alfred,Matthew and Arthur Kirkland. I love you all never forget that. Alfred stay strong and remember to me and your brothers you will always be, just Alfred. Matthew do not blame Alfred it was bound to happen this was the first tragedy of Alfred and yours life. Arthur grow strong, strengthen your magaic as your brothers and protect them... I love you alllll"
Huh? What is this? Where am I? Why is it so cold? W-who am I?
"Alfred are you awake? Open your eyes..." a shaky voice said in the darkness.
Was I Alfred? Was that my name? I...I...I have to open my eyes. Slowly Alfred eyes opened and he stared up into his big brothers soft green ones. Who is this? Alfred was pressed into his brothers warm chest, Alfred snuggled closer to the warmth shivering slighty.
"Hello I'm Arthur your big brother and this is Matthew your twin" the boy Arthur spoke with pain in his voice "Your name is Alfred Cal- I mean Kirkland... your name is Alfred Kirkland"
Alfred didn't really understand but he understood some of it. He noticed something shiny dangling on his chest, he reached for it and pulled it up into view. It was a pretty purple stone, Alfred used his other hand to run over the beautiful gem.
"A-are you hungry?" a boy with long blonde hair asked looking over from beside Arthur. Alfred stared blankly at the boy.
"Shhhh Matthew why don't we let him sleep some more we need to begin our journey tomorrow, if you want I will carry you too..." Arthur asked rubbing his eyes again and hugging the dozed off Alfred to his chest.
"I-I miss mommy... will Alfred ever remember its already been two weeks! I miss them I want mommy and daddy back!" Matthew said trying to hold back the pain in his voice but failing. Arthur scooted over and pulled the blanket up covering all three of them, the carrige bouncing slightly when it hit a rock on the road. Arthur stared up and the star filled sky sighing.
"I don't know Matthew... I don't know..." Snores genlty carried off throughout the endless night as the three set off... not knowing what to expect.