AN: Took me long enough to finish this chapter. After finally getting a chance to watch some more Adventure Time episodes (which I had to download cause I have no cable so I haven't seen much past season 3), I happened to see "Daddy's Little Monster" and I immediately thought I should write a chapter with Hudson in it. Thus, this chapter came about. Well that's enough gabbing, I hope you enjoy the chapter.
Disclaimer: I don't own Adventure Time!
You and Me: Side Stories
Chapter 8 My Father In Law, The Lord of Evil
Marceline stared hard at the mess on her living room floor. She'd been so determined when she'd finally willed herself to draw the Phil Face on her floor and hurriedly poured the bug milk onto it only to just freeze. This wasn't at all how she'd envisioned her day. She'd preferred to spend her time with Bonnibel even if that meant the risk of spending hours looking at different kinds of patterns for their wedding invitations or an even more ridiculous amount of time picking flowers for the reception. At least they picked their colors without much issue. Much to everyone's surprise, Marceline had not insisted on black for their colors. Instead, she'd suggested green to match her eyes. Bonnibel had also surprised them when she suggested red as their other color. Marceline was beyond relived that she wouldn't have to put up with pink at her wedding, but she just had to make sure that Bonnibel was really okay with that. Marceline was willing to make concessions if it meant that Bonnibel would be happy.
Bonnibel though, was set on her decision. When Marceline asked why she was passing up on her favorite color, Bonnibel simply smiled and said:
"Because it reminds me of you."
It was the sappiest thing she'd ever been told….and Marceline couldn't have been happier. Taking a seat on the floor, she looked at the mess once again. Bonnibel was the reason she was even doing this. With a sigh, she recalled the conversation that led her to plan this visit to the Nightosphere.
Marceline was enjoying her nightly cuddling session with Bonnibel. Now that everyone knew they were engaged, the Vampire Queen didn't need to sneak around to see her pink haired fiancé anymore. No one questioned her presence in the Candy Kingdom anymore. She could float around town during the day or night. The castle was at her disposal to her now as well. It had been the most liberating feeling in the world. Being able to come and go without anyone questioning her was the best. The candy people were also starting to warm up to her. There was no question that they still held fear of her but Marceline couldn't blame them and thought it was smart of them to realize when someone was dangerous. That's not to say she was going to turn on them one day because that would never happen. She couldn't imagine doing something that would deeply hurt Bonnibel.
No, she'd changed her behavior somewhat because of Bonnibel. She wasn't innocent by any means, she was feared for a reason and those reasons were hard to ignore. She had, however, toned down her more "evil" tendencies in order to reassure the residents of the Candy Kingdom. Bonnibel wanted them to like her as much as she did so Marceline stopped being so terrifying around them. Every now and then she'd play a harmless practical joke on them to keep them on their toes but it never went further than that. The candy people seemed to be taking a liking to her which in turned made Bonnibel happy; so Marceline felt like everything was perfect at the moment.
"Have you told your father about the wedding?"
Everything came to a screeching halt.
Marceline had talked to her father since his little stunt a couple months back when he tried to brainwash her into ruling the Nightosphere. Their overall relationship had improved since he'd been summoned by Finn. Considering they'd had more than one encounter in the past year as opposed to their decades of avoiding each other was a major improvement in the Vampire Queen's eyes. She'd even made it a point to visit him at least once a week. They'd get together and have lunch followed by some good old fashion terrorizing of the Nightosphere inhabitants. It was a great way to bond. Still, though, one of the things she hadn't really talked with her father about was her relationships.
Part of her did want to tell him about how serious she'd gotten with Bonnibel but another part of her was scared her father would try to track down Bonnibel and do who knows what. Granted he couldn't really leave the Nightosphere without someone opening the portal to summon him, but she had a funny feeling he would find a way. He wasn't the most powerful being ever for nothing. The last thing the Vampire Queen wanted to risk was scaring off Bonnibel because of her father's misguided attempts to make sure she was treating Marceline right. This little fear eventually kept her from ever mentioning she was in any relationship or about to get married.
"Well? Does he know?"
"Uh, no."
"Marceline….." Bonnibel sounded like she was about to go into lecture mode with her.
"I haven't told him cause it hasn't come up in conversation!" Marceline quickly explained. She loved Bonnibel but she did not want to have to sit through another lecture. She got enough of those as it was.
"You are planning to invite him right?" Bonnibel still sounded like she was still in lecture mode.
"I'm serious Marceline. I find it slightly envious that you have a parent that can come." She said the last part somewhat quietly, but Marceline heard. It was something she never really thought about and something she honestly did take for granted. "Anyway, we need to get the guest list finalized and pick out our invitations. This needs to get done sooner rather than later."
Marceline had never realized how much work there was into planning a wedding. The list of guests was just one of the many things that needed to be finalized. Just thinking about the list of things to do made her head spin. She swore this was the only wedding she'd ever go through. She did not want to have to go through another again.
"I'll tell him tomorrow."
"Good!" Bonnibel kissed Marceline's forehead. "I'll add him to the guest list."
End Flashback
Here she was now, attempting to go back to the Nightosphere to tell her father she was getting married. Knowing that just sitting there thinking about it would do nothing for her, she stood up once again and stared down at the soon to be portal.
"Are you going to open up the portal or not?"
Marceline jumped into the air like a cat. Hanging from the ceiling, she hissed at whoever had surprised her. Who would dare enter her home like that? Much to her surprise, she knew the intruder very well.
"Bonnie?" Marceline floated down. "What are you doing here?"
"We are going to the Nightosphere right?"
"I'm going with you." Bonnibel said with finality.
"What? No! The Nightosphere isn't a place for just anyone to go to."
"Finn has been there a few times if I recall correctly."
"Finn is…. Well he's Finn. He's been everywhere but that's because he's a hero or something."
"Well I'm a princess and I too have been many places."
"Princess or not, this isn't a place you visit for the scenery."
"I'm coming with you." Bonnibel reiterated.
Marceline could tell she wasn't going to win this argument. Once Bonnibel set her mind to something, it was hard to sway her. It was just one of the many qualities Marceline loved about her fiancé. Without further arguments, Marceline turned back to the mess on her floor.
"Maloso vobiscum et cum spiritum!"
The portal opened moments later. Turning back to Bonnibel, Marceline held her hand out.
"I have one rule for you."
"What is it?" the pink princess took Marceline's hand as she asked.
"Do not leave my side no matter what. Okay?" Marceline was dead serious when she said that the Nightosphere wasn't a place just anyone visited. Finn got away with going to such places because, like she'd mentioned, he was a hero. He was use to putting himself in danger on a consistent basis which honed his survival skills. Marceline was also well aware that Bonnibel wasn't a pushover. The Princess could hold her own in her fight but she'd never had to deal with the demons that roamed the Nightosphere. Even Finn had not come out of his experience untainted. She wasn't about to let the same happen to Bonnibel.
"Promise not to leave my side." Marceline asked once again.
Bonnibel nodded. "I promise."
Smiling slightly, Marceline picked up her bride to be and jumped into the portal.
The place hadn't changed since her last visit. Not that she expected it to change. It was one of the only places she could think of that was untouched by time. Marceline felt Bonnibel tighten her hold around her neck.
"This is the Nightosphere?"
"Yup…. Cheery little place isn't it?"
"I do not know if cheery is how I'd describe it."
Marceline chuckled. "That's true. Cheery is something this place is not."
"I hope your father won't be offended if we don't stay too long."
"Meh, he'll probably just be happy he had visitors."
Bonnibel continued to observe her surroundings as they journeyed through the land. This might be the one and only time she'd get to see the Nightosphere. Marceline would definitely be upset if she tried to come back on her own. Then again, she couldn't see herself coming back by herself. It wasn't a very friendly looking place for visitors, much less those who looked weak.
Fire seemed to be the predominant décor along with oddly shaped buildings. Demons of varying sizes and shapes ambled around on the ground as well as in the sky. Bonnibel noticed, on more than one occasion, the demons glanced their way. Marceline though seemed unaffected by their curious stares as she floated towards the tallest building in the landscape. The Vampire Queen though wasn't worried about them. They wouldn't cross her. The demons knew how powerful she was. Marceline easily spotted her father's home. He was probably busy doing his daily tormenting of the residents of the Nightosphere. Even before she got anywhere near the building, she could already see the line of demons leading to her father's palace. As she entered the building, she noticed the single line that lead from outside, split into five others. She floated past all of them even when they snarled at her for supposedly cutting in line. She reached the front just in time to see her father, in his more demonic form, just about to smack a demon.
"Hi dad." Marceline greeted him like it was the most normal thing in the world. For her part, Bonnibel waved nervously at her future father in law. She'd never met Marceline's dad and his current appearance was anything but welcoming. She hoped this was just one of his many forms like Marceline had.
"Marceline? And Princess Bubblegum?" There was genuine confusion in Hudson's voice. He smacked the demon in his grasp and threw him aside before going to meet with Marceline.
"Can we talk somewhere else?"
"Of course."
The demons in line moaned and began to grow rowdy; upset that they are being denied their turn. Hudson fixed that problem easily by roaring at them. They instantly grew silent and slowly started to amble out of the building. Marceline followed her father toward the back of the room. Much to Bonnibel's relief, Marceline's father shrunk down to a more human-like appearance. She immediately noticed that he too wore red boots like his daughter. The Lord of Evil opened the door for his daughter and his other unexpected guest. He couldn't help but notice that Marceline had yet to let go of the pink princess. Hudson took a seat on his recliner while Marceline sat on the couch. Only then did she release the princess from her grasp. The two made themselves comfortable as Hudson tried to assess the situation. It wasn't uncommon for Marceline to visit but why was the princess there as well? It was all very curious.
"So…. What brings you here? Finally decided to take over my place?" Hudson joked. He knew that Marceline wasn't about to take over his job anytime soon. She was serious about doing her own thing and he'd decided to respect her desire and no longer pressure her into anything. That didn't mean he hadn't stopped hoping that one day, she might come around and become the new ruler of the Nightosphere. Even if she never did though, he would be proud of her no matter what she chose to do.
"Pfft. No way. I've got bigger things going on."
"Oh? Like what?"
Is this why the princess was with her? Had she formed some sort of alliance with the Candy Kingdom? If so it would be a good thing for the vampires. They never were good at keeping alliances which is why none were made with them. He had noticed though, with Marceline in charge, things had gotten better although alliances were still not something she was particularly eager to do. He thought this was due to his daughter's laissez-faire method of ruling. That and because she preferred to keep their business within the vampire community and not get anyone else involved.
"Well, ya see…." Marceline took a deep breathe. "I'm getting married."
Marceline had never seen her father turn pale so fast. She wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad thing.
"Who?" was his vaguely hostile question. Bonnibel could feel herself become increasingly nervous. That was not the reaction she was expecting. She scooted closer to Marceline; one hand grabbing a hold of the Vampire Queen's shirt. "Is it that wizard boy?"
"What? Ash? No way!"
There was some relief in Hudson's face as well as Bonnibel's. She hoped he'd react better at the mention of her name.
"Then who?"
"Umm…. Bonnibel….."
There was a moment of silence. Hudson looked towards Bonnibel who couldn't help but practically press herself into Marceline's side.
"As in Princess Bubblegum?"
"Uh, yes."
"As in the person groping your side?"
"Yup." Marceline said without missing a beat.
"Hey! I am committing no such act!"
Father and daughter burst out laughing. Bonnibel wasn't sure if she should feel insulted or grateful that The Lord of Evil was laughing instead of reacting violently. She settled for crossing her arms over her chest and frowning in disapproval. Marceline wiped a tear from her face. It wasn't often that she laughed so much that it brought her to tears.
"Aww, don't be mad babe."
Hudson gave one last chuckle as well before standing up.
"My apologies Princess Bubblegum; it's not every day such a golden opportunity is presented to me. Let's start over shall we?" Hudson then bowed. "My name is Hudson Abadeer or The Lord of Evil if you'd prefer to call me that."
Marceline rolled her eyes. "Please don't call him that."
Hudson sat back down ignoring Marceline's remark. "So Princess Bubblegum, tell me, how did this come about?"
Bonnibel looked to Marceline to see what she should do. Marceline simply smiled and nodded.
"It's a long story." She finally answered.
"Time, is something I have plenty of." Hudson simply said.
"Where to start?" Bonnibel mumbled more to herself, not really expecting a response.
"How about when you first met?"
"I suppose that is a good enough place as any to begin."
Marceline sat back and watched as Bonnibel relayed to Hudson all the ups and downs of their relationship. Hudson did not say anything through the story. It really was a long tale, like Bonnibel had said, but the occupants of the room barely felt time pass. To be fair though, it was easy to lose track of time when in a place where time meant very little. Eventually, Bonnibel found herself yawning as she neared the end of her tale. Hudson nor Marceline made a move to stop her even as she was fighting to stay awake.
"Yawn… and I was just happy… she… came… back….to…."
Bonnibel's voice trailed off as she leaned against Marceline. Father and daughter sat in silence for a few minutes, not wanting to wake the slumbering princess.
"Well?" Marceline asked in a hushed voice.
"I approve. Although, I don't think it would change your mind if I didn't."
"Yeah, well, I'd like it better that you do, cause you know, I sorta care." Marceline responded with a blush.
"I suppose this went as planned then."
"Her coming along was not part of the plan."
"She convinced you to let her come? I'm surprised," Hudson smirked at his daughter. "that she has you so whipped."
"I'm not whipped!" Marceline said as harshly, but as quietly as possible. She didn't want to wake up her sleeping princess.
"If you insist." Hudson got up and walked towards the door that hid the portal that lead back to Marceline's house. "I suppose you'll be taking your princess home?"
"I probably should. I must be pretty late back on the other side." Marceline answered as she carefully picked up Bonnibel. Upon reaching the door, she stopped and turned back to her father. "You are invited by the way."
"I am?" Hudson was really surprised that he was welcomed to such an event.
"Yeah, just don't suck the souls of any of the guests. It would be so embarrassing to have my wedding ruined by that."
"I'll contain my natural desire to suck all the souls there."
"Good. Well, see ya later."
Hudson simply waved as Marceline jumped into the portal. The Vampire Queen came out of the other side with no issue. Instead of traveling all the way to the Candy Kingdom to drop off Bonnibel, she decided it would be best to let the girl rest in her home. The less she moved her, the better. After making sure Bonnibel was nice and tucked in, she walked outside and snapped her fingers. Moments later, a swirl of black appeared before her revealing a vampire.
"You summoned me, my Queen?"
It wasn't often that Marceline actually used one of her vampire messengers or any of her supposed members of the vampire court, but for this instance, she needed some way to send word to the Candy Kingdom about Bonnibel's whereabouts. She didn't really want them to wake up in the morning only to find their Princess was gone. As funny as she would find it for them to run around in a panic, she had a feeling Bonnibel wouldn't find it as humorous.
"Yeah, can you let Peppermint Butler in the Candy Kingdom know that Bonnibel is spending the night here?"
"Of course my Queen."
"Oh and don't hurt any of the candy people while you're there. I'll find out if you do." Marceline made her eyes glow red. "And you wouldn't want me hunt you down for it."
"U-understood my Queen."
"Good. Now go."
He was gone in a flash. Marceline chuckled to herself. It never got old to terrorize the vampires when needed. In this instance though, she felt it was appropriate to stomp any urge the messenger might have to do anything dumb. After all, the vampires were known for breaking most alliances because they couldn't resist doing something stupid to the inhabitants of whoever they'd happened to be allied with. Be it a less than harmless prank or an outright attack simply because they felt like it. Marceline attributed these kinds of tendencies because of their 500 year or so rule under the last Vampire King. He preferred to encourage any kind of rowdy or down right malicious behavior from his subjects simply because he wanted to watch the world fall from their chaos. It wasn't always easy, but Marceline had been doing all she could to make sure these tendencies no longer reared their ugly head or at least kept them to minimum. It was another reason why she'd made no effort to make alliances. Sure it was a hassle to do so, but she did see the benefits of having allies.
Marceline stretched her back, satisfied when she heard the bones pop. It'd been a long day and she had better things to do than stand there and contemplate politics. Like she'd told Bonnibel before, she was the freaking Queen. She could do what she wanted when she wanted and if anyone didn't like it tough luck. She'd change their mind easily enough she thought with a wicked grin. For now, she would simply enjoy a night of cuddling with her fiancé.
"Being the Queen is good."
AN: It took forever to do this, but I'm happy to update this story again. I hope you all enjoyed. Until next time!